Monthly go 2 weeks, 15 days, what to do, the reasons

Normal menstrual bleeding lasting 3-7 days, and the interval between them is from 21 to 35 days. Any deviations from these norms should be an occasion to visit a gynecologist for an examination. When are monthly 2 weeks, it is obvious that the cause of the disease are sexual or other body systems.

girl sitting at the sink


  • Monthly more than 7 days - menorrhagia
  • Causes
    • polyps
    • adenomyosis
    • leiomyoma
    • Hyperplasia and malignancy
    • coagulopathy
    • ovulatory dysfunction
    • iatrogenic
  • Help at home

Monthly more than 7 days - menorrhagia

If menstruation is longer than 7 days, the phenomenon is called menorrhagia. This can be a symptom of hormonal various failures or abnormalities of the reproductive system, most often - tumors or inflammatory diseases.

Sometimes menorrhagia in women It is the norm:

  • at menarche at puberty;
  • the first month while recovering from childbirth and abortion.

In both cases, women's health should be supervised by a physician.

When the monthly go two weeks, it is very dangerous not only because of the likelihood of disease. Abundant prolonged release fraught with significant blood loss and anemia (as their main consequence).

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girl sitting on a bed


The reasons why are monthly 2 weeks:

  • pathological conditions of the uterus and cervix;
  • hormonal disorders, triggered by dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • blood diseases;
  • inappropriate medical interventions.

For more information on causes prolonged menstrual periods you can read in a separate article on our site.


Polyps - benign growths on the cervix or the uterine body. There may be one or more, It arises as a consequence or complication of hormonal imbalance inflammation.

As uterine polyps formed from mucosal tissue - endometrium, they loose structure, and the cells are essentially the same, that are located during menstruation, but past process hyperplasia. These growths bleed, which leads to a change in the duration of menstruation - except go out and rejects endometrial polyp cells.


The body of the uterus is composed of 3 types of tissue: muscle, and mucosal protective.

Sometimes for various reasons, mucosal tissues (endometrium) begins to grow abnormally and penetrate the protective layers and muscle, the uterus at the same time acquires a spherical shape.

Until the late stages of the disease may be asymptomatic. When it is running, eloquent manifestations are:

  • pronounced pain during menstruation;
  • prolonged isolation. Menstruation does not stop after a week may be brown and sparse or abundant red hues.

This pathology - a serious gynecological disease that it is necessary to treat. Pre recommend to read more information about how What is adenomyosisAnd how to treat it.



Leiomyomas are called benign tumors. Their main features:

  • frequent periods appearing with a time interval less than 3 weeks;
  • heavy blood loss during the critical days;
  • menstrual bleeding that lasts longer than a week;
  • of bleeding bright red color.

To prevent bleeding, you need to know the basic Hemostatic agents with heavy menstruation. About them in detail tells our article on the site.

Hyperplasia and malignancy

Bleeding of menstrual type, lasted 14 days and more, are an occasion to address to the gynecologist as soon as possible, because they can be a symptom of processes such as:

  • hyperplasia - abnormal growth of endometrial cells;
  • malignancy - the formation of cancerous tissue from healthy or benign.


If monthly go more than two weeks, it can be caused by health problems, not only sexual but also the circulatory system. Thus, the main symptom of coagulopathy - poor blood clotting, expressed bleeding of internal organs and skin.

The disease can be congenital or damage due to therapy with violating platelet aggregation, and as a result of hormonal failures.

blood cells

ovulatory dysfunction

The reason why longer go monthly, may be hormonal disorders arising from dysfunction of the ovaries.

When they do not mature egg is not released in the fallopian tube during ovulation, the corpus luteum is not formed, the main function of which is - secrete hormones. Their normal development regulates the proliferation of the endometrium, which is rejected in the form of bleeding during the critical days.

Upon failure, when estrogen and progesterone by the corpus luteum is not allocated, the mucous tissue of the uterus continues to grow, and anovulatory menstruation is allocated much more blood.


In addition to these diseases, monthly two-week trigger factors associated with medical intervention:

  • therapy hormonal therapy;
  • change or beginning of oral contraceptives;
  • installation of an intrauterine device.

In all these cases the woman's condition should control specialist.

woman at the doctor

Help at home

When the month has been underway for 15 days, it is important to know what to do:

  1. Stop reaching menstruation available methods: tablets or decoctions of herbs, which action locks the bleeding. All medications should be taken only on prescription. In case of an urgent need for medications necessary to comply with all instructions given in the instructions for use.
  2. Immediately consult a gynecologist for a detailed examination. Modern diagnostic methods can be carried out, if go monthly. The main thing that it does not affect the results.

Menses lasting more than a week - a significant occasion to visit a gynecologist, because most of the pathologies that cause bleeding, asymptomatic for a long time.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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