Monthly and ended a week later began again, why go through the day after

In a normal menstrual period lasts from three to seven days. The interval between them is from 24 to 35 days. Of course, in situations where periods ended a week later she began again, a woman experiences a real fright. Not immediately know what caused such violations of the cycle, and correct the problem.

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  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • The causes of bleeding
    • functional reasons
    • organic causes
    • iatrogenic
  • Factors provoking AMK
  • Hemostasis to see a doctor

Abnormal uterine bleeding

Repeated periods a week - not uncommon. About thirty percent of women at least once, but faced with this problem. According to doctors, such violations may be the body's response to hormonal changes.

More often these symptoms are the result of the beginning of the pathological process, which requires urgent treatment. When the menstrual cycle at this stage to postpone visit to the doctor is strictly prohibited.

The causes of bleeding

Reasons for monthly began a week after the previous ones, there are iatrogenic, organic and functional. Determine their own is virtually impossible. Such changes in the menstrual cycle, when immediately after the new menstruation came the critical days are considered to be an alarming signal. There can not do without medical care.

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functional reasons

Cycle disorders and the appearance of menses week after previous closure could trigger a hormonal imbalance. In this case, the ovaries begin to function properly, and this leads to changes in the schedule of critical days.

Of bleeding one week after the end of menstruation can indicate insufficient hormone production by the thyroid gland. Among the accompanying symptoms are observed in this case, severe weakness, headache and fatigue.

organic causes

The reason for that month went a week after the completion of the previous ones, can be endometritis. Its development is due to acute inflammation or polyp of the vagina, Ovaries or uterus. The infection in this case apply to the vagina and provokes the appearance of blood discharge, through which can be detected pathology.

Also he is able to uterine polyp provoke bleeding after the critical days.

These are benign for a long time does not bother the woman, but it does not mean that they do not need to be treated. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that over time there is degeneration of polyps into cancer.

Violation provoke the formation cycle may uterine fibroids - benign tumors of nodules constituting connective tissues and muscle, which gradually grow. As a consequence of bleeding observed in the middle of the cycle.



The appearance of blood vaginal discharge after a week after your period is due to the installation of an ectopic spiral. This is a foreign object, to which the body needs to get used to. It is not uncommon, when, after this procedure, there are failures cycle. In addition, during intercourse, the woman often experiences discomfort. As a rule, after a short time span, everything comes back to normal, but it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Monthly after installation spirals They may take the unusual character, so for more information For more information on this topic.

Provoke a process in which menstruation seven days after the completion can begin again able medicated drugs. Special influence on the cycle have antibiotic agents, and oral contraceptives.

Factors provoking AMK

Repeated menstruation can be caused by external factors. Such violations often occur during exposure to stress, intense physical or mental fatigue, chronic sleep deprivation, subject to a strict diet, abrupt climate change, and in case of change timezones. Most often no therapeutic measures in these cases is not necessary. Once provoking factor is eliminated, normal cycle.

clenched hands

Hemostasis to see a doctor

In situations where a week after menstruation began menstruating should immediately consult a doctor. If heavy blood loss should call an ambulance. Only a gynecologist can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Many people wonder what to do with bleeding until medical advice. Capable of performing a number of simple steps:

  • lie on your back and build the elevation for the legs;
  • a heater attached to the stomach or bottle filled with cold water. Compress to survive fifteen minutes, then do a five-minute break and repeat this procedure;
  • drink as much liquid as possible.

Of drugs without the prescription of a specialist is not recommended to take. Hemostatic They have an impressive list of side effects and instead use can harm.

The appearance of menses after just a week after the previous - is an alarming signal. One can not ignore such violations graphics critical days. They often point to serious problems in the body. If they are not timely undetected and unresolved, there is a risk of serious complications. Naturally, the self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Only your doctor is able to diagnose and correct the cause of the cycle of failure.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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