Irregular periods at the teenager, menstrual disorders in girls 12-16 years

The girls first menstruation can occur as early as 10-11 years and in the first few months have irregular. The instability of the menstrual cycle is shown a reduction of its duration, or, on the contrary, increase, the advent of meager discharge, soreness.

Irregular periods at the teenager - a frequent phenomenon caused by unstable hormonal. The restructuring of the functioning of the endocrine system, hormonal fluctuations are completed only after 6-15 months after menarche.

girl lies


  • Features of the menstrual cycle at teenagers
  • The formation of the menstrual cycle
  • Causes of irregular periods
  • When to worry
  • Treatment approaches

Features of the menstrual cycle at teenagers

Female sexual development occurs in several stages. In adolescence, there is a surge of all metabolic processes, ending with puberty and the ability of the female body to conceive and bear a child. Starting dates vary monthly, on average, menstruation begins at age 12:

  • the first stage (adrenarche) preparing an original girl organism to menstruation, is an increase in the concentration of sex hormones. This can occur as early as 8 years under the influence of the work of the adrenal cortex, which produces male hormones - they are precursors of female sex hormones;
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  • second period - thelarche - characterized by engorgement and the appearance of the hair under the armpits and pubic hair. After about 2 years of menarche appears after this process. According to studies, 90% of the critical days begin closer to 13-14 years, but in some cases can be observed monthly since 10-11 years.

Irregular critical days in teenage girls is not uncommon. Early onset of menstruation usually causes occurrence of anovulatory cycles during the first year after menarche - against the backdrop of menstruation do not mature egg that is considered the norm.

Formation of the ovulatory cycle in adolescent girls can take up to 10 years. Only to 18-20 years in the reproductive system works according to the physiological norm, and in each menstrual cycle there is ovulation.

In the early years of menstruation in adolescents is extremely irregular. 12 months after menarche menstruation duration can be from 23 to 90 days, and only the seventh year of its duration is reduced to a maximum of 38 days. Individual cycle every girl set not earlier than 20 years. Such an irregularity is caused by the emergence of hormonal, fluctuations in metabolic processes, unripened reproductive system.

If the girl in 14-15 years there is no monthlyIt is necessary to address to the gynecologist. Also, do not be amiss to read additional information on this issue.

Menstrual disorders in adolescents: the main causes and treatment

The formation of the menstrual cycle

The approach of menstruation can be seen from the characteristic symptoms caused by puberty. After about 10 years, and even before the girls begin nagrubat breasts, there are abundant hair on the pubic, axillary. That secondary sexual characteristics are indicative of puberty girls.

Menarche (first menstruation in girls life) is rarely the same as an adult woman. Usually, the first allocation of smearing, poor, their duration does not exceed 2-4 days. Only a few years should be established cyclicity - at regular intervals between periods and the same in the average duration of critical days.

Very often irregular cycle of menstruation in adolescents occurs in the first year. In 12-14 years after the discharge cycle time is not more than 20-25 days, but in some cases, on the contrary, can last up to 45 days. It is caused by low levels of the hormone estrogen in the body.

The cycle becomes almost regular in 14-15 years. Hormones at this time to stabilize the concentration of female sex hormones is virtually the same as in adult women.

Starting date of menarche in girls most individual and depend on factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the rate of sexual development;
  • accommodation and food;
  • transferred to the childhood disease.

Adolescents menstruation should occur without significant pain syndrome, the emergence of clusters, too abundant blood secretions. Deviations from this norm require treatment, and when the cycle is set independently, supervised by a professional.

Doctor and girl

Causes of irregular periods

Menstrual disorders in girls may be due to various reasons:

  • Heredity plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system of adolescents. In most cases, hormone levels and ovaries work in particular is caused by a genetic predisposition;
  • external factors. Unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, physical and mental strain have a negative impact on the maturation, including sex, teenage girl;
  • cause irregular menstruation may be intensified physical activity, exercise, lack of proper rest, abuse of gadgets delays due to stress;
  • craze diets. Low body mass index and excessive thinness lead to the postponement of puberty, reduce the level of sex hormones, as much as possible back down the onset of menstruation. Overweight and obesity also have a negative impact on the state of sexual health of women;
  • some gynecological diseases, reduction or excess of hormones in the blood due to the malfunction of the thyroid gland, CNS disorders also cause failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • Uterine abnormalities of structure and other reproductive organs often lead to delays or failures of menarche cycle.

Because the girl reproductive system is in the process of formation of any external or internal factor has a negative effect on it. Prior virus and other diseases, poor diet, smoking and alcohol intake, lack of full sleep and rest - all this has a negative impact on overall health and leads to menstrual disorder cycle.

girl sitting

When to worry

Apart from physiological reasons, the menstrual cycle failure in girls may be caused by the following factors:

  • increasing the concentration of prolactin;
  • syndrome polycystic ovary;
  • decrease in blood clotting;
  • abnormal structure of the uterus, ovaries;
  • thyroid disease;
  • polyps, endometriosis, cysts;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

Menstrual disorders in adolescents requires a visit to a doctor in the following cases:

  • menstruation is not more than 3-4 months in a row;
  • the cycle is 45 days or more during the last months;
  • critical days twice a month with a gap between them of 14 to 20 days;
  • bleeding time is 7 days or more;
  • too heavy bleedingWhen tampons and pads should be changed more often than once in 2:00;
  • absence of menstruation in 16 years.

Also talk about the disease symptoms such as excessive hair growth on the body and face, sudden loss or a set of weight gain, changes in skin condition (acne, increased greasiness), the appearance of the scalp oily seborrhea. All these signs point to a hormonal disorder and require correction.

In addition, if a girl is sexually active, it is impossible to exclude the presence of pregnancy, including ectopic, development of various STDs.

pregnancy test in hand

Treatment approaches

Before the appointment of therapy carry out diagnostics to identify the cause of the irregular menstrual cycle in women. Diagnostic measures include:

  • body mass index;
  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen;
  • general urine and blood (biochemistry can be assigned if necessary), the determination of hormonal status.

The choice of medication depends on what caused the crash:

  • with disorders of the thyroid hormone can be assigned. Besides regular intake of drugs is carried out monthly monitoring the concentration of hormones in blood;
  • Multivitamins appointment, selection of proper nutrition. Of particular importance for the growing organism are vitamins B and E;
  • homeopathic remedies for correcting the menstrual cycle.

Immediately should contact your doctor, if in addition to disorders of the menstrual cycle, there is a sharp weight loss, a significant increase in blood discharge during menstruation, intense pain, the occurrence of bleeding between critical days.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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