Primary and secondary oligomenorrhea: what it is, causes and treatment

About 3% of women who faced oligomenorrhea, know that it is not hearsay. This syndrome is characterized by short monthly with a break of more than 40 days. It could face serious consequences as infertility or amenorrhea.

female reproductive system


  • Oligomenorrhea: description of the state
  • The causes of oligomenorrhea
  • The main symptoms of the disease
  • Risks and complications
  • diagnostic measures
  • treatment practices

Oligomenorrhea: description of the state

The main symptom oligomenorrhea - rare periods which last from a few hours to two days, while allocating scarce. Next menstruation can occur 40 days or more, sometimes up to six months the deadline. All these are signs hypomenstrual syndrome.

Oligomenorrhea divided into 3 categories:

  1. Primary - pathology, which comes from the first menstruation during adolescence. And up to 16-17 years do not worry if the menses are rare and short-lived. This may be a physiological process. After 17 is already sounding the alarm and talk about the development of oligomenorrhea.
  2. Second - there is a breach of menstrual function after the loop has been established.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Unspecified. Reliable causes of unknown (optionally depletion, immune disorders in the body) exerts effects on autoimmune ovaries.

Oligomenorrhea usually not accompanied by even any symptoms, except in rare periods, and by and large does not cause discomfort. However, this disease can have serious consequences - and it can not be ignored.

marked calendar

The causes of oligomenorrhea

The primary causes of oligomenorrhea may be:

  1. Heredity. If the disease is found in the family history, it is worth paying attention to a teenage girl from the first cycle of menstruation.
  2. Birth defects, genetic disorders. This includes the uterus infantilism, when this important organ of the reproductive system is delayed in development.

This form of the disease occurs not only during puberty, but during the opposite process - before menopause.

AT premenopausal hypomenstrual syndrome - is a symptom of amenorrhea, speaking on the restructuring process of the production of hormones and menopause soon.

Secondary oligomenorrhea is acquired, and can result from:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • uterine injury or appendages;
  • hormonal failure;
  • anorexia, dystrophy or overweight;
  • stress, depression;
  • poor nutrition and bad habits.

The pituitary and ovaries linked. The first is responsible for the production of hormones, which were essential to complete the work of the female reproductive system. Accordingly, as a result of disturbances of the brain tumors or where there arises a malfunction throughout the hormonal system. It is for this reason that during the examination of the body at oligomenoree doctor may prescribe a magnetic resonance brain imaging.

MRI of the brain

The main symptoms of the disease

Primary oligomenorrhea has the same basic features as the secondary. At first, the menstrual cycle disturbances occur infrequently, and then less and less menstruation. Common option is a short time (a few hours or a maximum of 2 days), sometimes just spotting.

When will come the following month, it is impossible to predict, it happens spontaneously. Rare, short-lived, scanty menses The main characteristics gipomenorei syndrome.

There are a number of symptoms of oligomenorrhea:

  • acne on the face and body;
  • other skin problems - increased oiliness, enlarged pores;
  • weight gain due to violation of lipid metabolism, as well as the appearance of stretch marks;
  • hirsutism - hair growth in women by male pattern: on the face, abdomen and chest. Growing hair on legs and arms;
  • irritability, insomnia;
  • decreased libido.

Oligomenorrhea in adolescents is often accompanied by the development of acne, as well as an increase in weight. All this, unfortunately, only exacerbates an already difficult period of this age. Therefore, parents in such a situation it is useful to invite a psychologist for his daughter.

mother with her daughter

Risks and complications

The greatest danger lies in the extinction of oligomenorrhea reproductive function in women - up to infertility.

With regular cycle ovulation occurs and grows endometrium, paving the way for the strengthening of a fertilized egg. If the fusion of sperm and female reproductive cells does not occur at the beginning of a new cycle is a rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, which is accompanied by menstrual bleeding.

Long intervals between periods when oligomenoree indicate that ovulation of a woman is rare, if ever, happens.

Scanty menses, in turn, indicate that the proliferation of the endometrium is weak, and even if there is fertilization, the cell will not be able to attach to the uterus. reproduction system is broken - and no pregnancy.

Therefore, one can not ignore the strong disruptions of the menstrual cycleEven if they do not cause discomfort and are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Oligomenorrhea cured in an advanced stage is much more difficult. After all, it can go into amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstrual periods, and hence infertility. It is crucial to consult a gynecologist.

diagnostic measures

The first time to see a doctor for diagnosis of oligomenorrhea conducted a survey (in order to obtain Information on the status of women), the collection of family history, physical examination, and then assigned to the further survey.

woman at the doctor

diagnostic circuitry:

  1. Vaginal smear (microflora, sexually transmitted diseases).
  2. Analysis of blood biochemistry and hormones.
  3. Urinalysis to examine the operation of the adrenal glands.
  4. Pelvic ultrasound.

In case of suspected serious malfunction of the hypothalamo-pituitary system is appointed by magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in order to exclude the presence of tumors. You may also need an MRI of the pelvic organs.

treatment practices

In oligomenorrhea therapy utilizes an integrated approach involving physiotherapy, stimulates the reproductive organs, and medication with hormonal agents.

If this regimen fails, it can be used with high frequency current cauterization of the ovaries. This method is very good for polycystic ovary syndrome, and can restore fertility and normalize cycle. However, the procedure is dangerous and is not assigned to nulliparous women because there is the risk of infertility.

Surgical intervention may be the case if the detection of tumors or conservative methods have failed.

Forecast treatment of secondary oligomenorrhea positive in 90% of cases. Especially if a woman lose weight (at least a few kilograms), and will also visit a psychologist. These 2 points sometimes give good results in and of themselves.

Reproductive health of women deemed to be restored when the periods start to go regularly, moderately abundant, and the cycle length is not longer than 40 days. After achieving such results it is necessary to continue to monitor the gynecologist, visiting it every 3 months.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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