Missing periods: the reasons why and how to stop to go back

Regular menstrual cycle indicates that the reproductive system is normal. Any deviations should alert a woman. In situations where the monthly lost and do not appear for a long time, need a medical consultation. Identify the causes of this disorder, will be able to restore the cycle and avoid unwanted complications.

Two women


  • Why disappear monthly
  • physiological factors
    • Pregnancy is the most common cause of
    • Heredity
    • climacteric
  • pathological factors
    • gynecological diseases
    • weight problems
  • Forcing factors
    • Physical exercise
    • psychological factor
    • climate Change
    • medication
  • HLS as prevention of all diseases

Why disappear monthly

Thinking about why the missing periods, primarily women suspect pregnancy. If the test shows a negative result, then you need to look for another cause. There are plenty of them.

Provoke menstrual irregularities capable physiological and pathological processes in the body.

Not always monthly stop walking because of the development of the disease. Such changes are often temporary, and even considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, menstruation do not go with the hormonal failure.

instagram viewer

All the reasons that can cause delay, divided into the following groups:

  • physiological;
  • pathological;
  • external influence.

physiological factors

Among the physiological factors that can cause a delay, are the following:

  • adolescence, when the menstrual cycle is set only;
  • the emergence of menopause;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heredity.
mother and daughter

Pregnancy is the most common cause of

If the missing periods, the first thing a woman thinks - a pregnancy. Conception is possible if, when a cycle has at least one of intimacy. contraception does not give an absolute guarantee, no matter what type was used.

Sometimes fertilization occurs even when the sexual act was committed on the eve of the previous month. This is due to the shift of ovulation.

To confirm or refute the fact of conception, a pregnancy test is performed.


Absence of menstrual periods may be due to genetic predisposition. Before the visit to the gynecologist is necessary to ask the relatives, was not whether they have such violations of the menstrual cycle.


The delay in menopause is considered to be a normal option. Reproductive function gradually fades, and menstruation completely disappear. Menopause between the ages of 45 to 55 years old, but sometimes those changes occur in the body much earlier. In medical practice there were cases when the menopause in women began in 35-36 years.

Cause amenorrhea (complete cessation of menses for more than six months) are operational activities, during which removed the ovaries or uterus. When this occurs an artificial menopause.

pathological factors

Abnormal termination of menses occurs during the development or exacerbation of various diseases. The reason for this phenomenon often serves hormonal imbalance. Amenorrhea may provoke gynecological diseases and disorders in the endocrine system.

A woman in the absence of menstruation need to consult a gynecologist. After the survey will be able to make a diagnosis. In most cases, the menstrual cycle can not recover.

woman at the doctor

gynecological diseases

All gynecological reasons that women no longer go monthly, divided into the following groups:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • abortive events.

If long delay and a negative test, a woman should see a gynecologist. It is possible that her health is in danger. Concern is not the fact of absence of menstruation, and the disease, due to which there is a violation of the cycle.

The development of cervical cancer or tumors can seriously affect the health and disable it for a long time. To avoid this, you need to identify the disease and to carry out proper therapy.

Inflammation of the reproductive system organs are also able to trigger amenorrhea. Such diseases need to be treated, after the completion of that cycle often can not recover.

Negative impact on the reproductive function and abortive events. Hold on their background are fairly common. In most cases, a few months later the cycle returns to normal.

weight problems

In cases where the weight reaches a critical level, menstruation may disappear. Threshold amenorrhea each woman her. Only in normalizing power cycle can not recover.

Such violations of today are not uncommon. A situation where the woman complied with debilitating diet and lost 20 kg, can lead to amenorrhea. The symptom is extremely dangerous. In the future, serious complications developed against this background. In this case, you should immediately abandon the hunger and return to the usual diet. It is also necessary medical consultation.


Forcing factors

Cycle disorders caused by external factors, it is possible to recover much easier than those that provoked diseases. To do this, just need to eliminate the negative impact from the outside.

The peculiarity of the reproductive system is that it normally operates only under favorable conditions. If health is threatened, it blocked the ability to bear children. For this reason, the menstrual cycle depends on the intensity of physical activity, changing climatic conditions and psycho-emotional state.

Physical exercise

Excessive power consumption can lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system. Strenuous physical activities trigger hormonal changes and amenorrhea. That is why the absence of menstruation in professional athletes are not uncommon. In fact, this compensatory response to very high loads.

Cycle disorders often occur before important competitions, when the training conducted at a higher pace. As soon as the load will be reduced - menstruation will go to the usual schedule.

psychological factor

If a woman is exposed to severe stress or is in the emotional stress, the small nervosa delay considered a variant of the norm. During such situations, there is a failure in hormonal levels and impaired reproductive function.

In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist and a psychologist, excluding exercise, drink sedative drugs and avoid nervous shock. Through such action will be able to normalize the cycle and restore reproductive function.

girl sitting in the corner

climate Change

Condition of the female body is drastically deteriorated with the sharp change in climatic conditions. Provoke failure capable prolonged exposure to the sun and overheating. The norm in this situation, is considered a failure cycle up to two weeks. If in that time periods do not appear, then the cause of violations should not be sought in climate change. It is possible that the body develops an infectious or inflammatory disease.


Amenorrhea is due to the use of drugs in the treatment of various diseases. Also can cause a delay hormonal contraceptives. Failure cycle possible while taking the following groups of drugs:

  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants;
  • hormonal;
  • TB;
  • anabolics.

To resolve this problem often enough to abandon the use of these funds.

HLS as prevention of all diseases

that restore the menstrual cycle, It is necessary to undergo a medical examination. No matter what kind of factor has caused reproductive disorders, a woman needs to reconsider their way of life. It is recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Attention is paid to diet. It is made in a balanced and eliminate harmful products. Positive impact on the state of the body walks in the fresh air and regular rest.

Reasons can provoke failure of the menstrual cycle, there are many. To restore reproductive function, it is necessary to identify the precipitating factor. Only with all therapeutic interventions will be successful.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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