Monthly go a month or two: why, what to do

Menstruation usually last 3-7 days. In this mechanism failures often occur: cycle oscillations occur, menses are either too short or too long. For example, some women go monthly month. Such a state, of course, should be alerted, it is necessary to understand the main reasons for such a prolonged menstruation, because of this may well be hiding a serious pathology.

long periods


  • The causes of menstrual bleeding
    • polyps
    • adenomyosis
    • Hyperplasia and malignancy
    • Myoma
    • coagulopathy
    • ovulatory dysfunction
    • iatrogenic causes
  • First aid to the reception at the gynecologist
  • What is the risk of this condition

The causes of menstrual bleeding

The causes of menstrual bleeding are quite varied. Some of them are associated with hormonal imbalance in the female body, the other - with the pathology of the reproductive system organs, others have iatrogenic character. Thus, among the causes of the abnormally long month apart is the use of oral contraceptives in the form of tablets and capsules.

Acceptance of these drugs - the answer to the question why the monthly go a month or more. The choice of oral contraceptives require mandatory consultation of the gynecologist and endocrinologist, calculating individual dose and continuous monitoring of their own state. But some women are currently prescribed these drugs on their own, on the advice of friends and online advertising. In such situations, it is impossible to predict how the body will react to the strong hormonal agent. In the worst case it will be triggered inflammation in the urogenital tract, leading to the appearance of long regulator.

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Other reasons for increasing the number of days include:

  • endometriosis, polyps in the uterus;
  • adenomyosis and uterine fibroids;
  • hyperplasia and malignancy;
  • coagulopathy;
  • ovulatory dysfunction;
  • iatrogenic factors.


endometrial layer - is the outer shell of the uterus. During the ovulatory phase, it thickens to facilitate the possible implantation of the egg. Sometimes when a pathological process of tissue overgrowth is getting out of control of the body, and its particles are outside of the uterus. This condition is called endometriosis. Often it is accompanied by the appearance of new growths - polyps.

also appear pain of endometriosis in the lower back and in the groin, low-grade fever, malaise, nausea and vomiting. The blood test indicates an increase in the number of white blood cells - leukocytes. However, the most striking symptom, which observes a woman - monthly go for a month and do not plan to stop. In addition, the allocation of become brown. In such cases, an urgent need to consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.


adenomyosis called advanced case of endometriosis. When this outer layer of the uterus grows over not only outwardly but also penetrates into other layers. The disease is dangerous because it is the most common cause of infertility. With such a structure pathological uterus become impossible normal conception and childbearing.


Every woman needs to know when the first signs of the disease in question. Thus, when the monthly adenomyosis can go for a week or more. Menstruation itself is characterized by heavy and dark brown discharge. Another symptom will be a lot of pain during menstruation.

So if you went to a painful plentiful monthly, an urgent need to address to the gynecologist so that he prescribe treatment that can prevent complications, the most serious of which is the total infertility.

Hyperplasia and malignancy

Another embodiment is a structure breach endometrial hyperplasia. This state is characterized by changes in the inner lining of the stroma, as well as numerous endometrial glands.

Underlying pathologies - accelerating and enhancing the process of proliferation of endometrial cells. Eventually this leads to the fact that the lining of the uterus thickens. Most often, the disease women are in menopause and menopause.

The most dangerous complication of endometrial hyperplasia is its malignancy, ie rebirth in cancerous tissue. This occurs in 1-50% of cases, depending on the underlying cause of pathology, the nature of its occurrence, and and the individual characteristics of a woman, her age and the number of an illness in history.

Main hyperplasia symptom - uterine bleeding that lasts for several weeks and is often taken by women due to abnormally prolonged menstruation. Sometimes bleeding can go on for a whole month.


Woman loses a large amount of blood during this period, resulting in anemia, characterized Skin pallor (moderate yellowness), general malaise, tinnitus, fatigue and increased HR.


Fibroids is a benign tumor in uterine muscle sheath having a different localization. these disease affects 45% of women over 40 years, And the disease gets younger and younger every year.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids:

  • very abundant and prolonged uterine bleeding, leading to a decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • pain in the groin pull nature of the abdomen. It can also be sharp, cramping, be amplified directly during menstruation;
  • sharp pain during urination, and other manifestations by the secretory system;
  • constipation.

Time to diagnose fibroids will save you from unpleasant and dangerous complications. Therefore, if the month were more than one week, you should consult with an experienced gynecologist.


Coagulopathic bleeding often indicates non-viable early in pregnancy. Products autolysis fetus, fetal membranes and placenta enter the mother's bloodstream, causing the primary DIC.

Also, such a pathology is often due to the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to exert a mechanical effect on adjacent organs - the kidneys and urethra. Therefore, women with a predisposition to the appearance of bleeding disorders recommended bed rest during pregnancy.

The danger of this condition is that damaged during rejection functional uterine mucosa layer capillaries can not recover, so that the bleeding does not stop, go more than a month, accompanied by a loss of iron and vitamins B, causing anemic state.

ovulatory dysfunction

This condition is characterized by an irregular or absent ovulation. That is, a woman's body is no release of the egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity, which limits the possibility of pregnancy. Ovulatory dysfunction should be suspected in the presence of frequent failures in the female cycle.

The disease is triggered by dysfunction of the female gonads - ovaries, which leads to the emergence of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In other words, it may happen that there are two periods of the month, there dvuhmenstrualnoe bleeding, ie 2 cycles as if superimposed on one another.

A similar anomaly is due to the fact that the ovaries fail to fulfill its primary function - the production of female hormones, especially estrogen, in their entirety. In connection with this change of hormones background, lack of certain substances is observed.

iatrogenic causes

Too long duration of critical days can be caused by any medical intervention. Despite all the advantages of the possibility of surgical abortion, the procedure may have a number of negative consequences. One of them - the protracted menstruation, which is caused by reparative process that begins in the uterus after curettage.


Another important aspect - the use of hormonal agents, such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy agents for the treatment of pathologies of endocrine system. All of them are changing the natural content of biologically active substances in the blood of women. This can cause a variety of effects, including menstrual length in a month or more.

First aid to the reception at the gynecologist

Faced with this problem, women are wondering what to do if the monthly go month. You need to go to the gynecologist. Only an experienced expert will be able to advance to diagnose serious pathology and prescribe adequate treatment - both medical and surgical. This will save from the unfortunate consequences of each of the above pathologies.

Self-treatment is strictly prohibited to engage in, because at stake is the reproductive health. Application of styptic only lubricate the clinical picture and complicate diagnosis.

What is the risk of this condition

A significant increase in the number of critical days in most cases, evidence of pathology in the major organs of the female reproductive system - the uterus and ovaries. Prolonged bleeding should not be ignored, because missing a serious illness, can be great pay. Each of the above listed diseases has a number of complications, including dissemination inflammation to adjacent organs, irreversible changes in the structure of the uterus, the manifestation of her dysfunction.

The last two aspects are responsible for the development of infertility, including the young. If you want to feel the joy of motherhood, in any case, do not ignore the symptoms, which were reviewed in this article.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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