Monthly are 10 days or more: what to do and what is the reason

In the normal menstrual cycle, there is a slight separation that appear at intervals of 21-35 days and lasts about three, a maximum of six days. The uterus is cleared of those substances that are needed during pregnancy. Naturally, when the month has been underway for 10 days, the question of what to do in this situation, worried about every woman. In some cases, this is the norm, but sometimes points to serious problems in the body.

girl holding her stomach


  • normal menstruation
  • The reasons for the duration of menses more than 10 days
  • What medications to take
  • The more dangerous prolonged menstruation

normal menstruation

All women are considered the beginning of the menstrual periods. Thanks to these secretions from the body are derived unfertilized egg and a number of additional substances. Governed by the cycle of the endocrine and nervous systems. Timing while all women are different, but must be within normal limits.

Not always prolonged menstruation indicate the development of pathologies. Considered normal, such states:

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  • if monthly at reception OK are more than 10 bottom;
  • bleeding continues after abortive manipulation or spontaneous abortion;
  • within six months after the first discharge, when there is a setting cycle;
  • bleeding after childbirth;
  • the onset of menopause.

Long menses are hereditary. In this case, medical intervention is not necessary.

mother and daughter talking

The reasons for the duration of menses more than 10 days

There are many reasons many regulatoryLeading to menstrual disorders, and prolonged periods. All of them are divided into the following groups:

  • weakness vessels that provide blood filling genitals;
  • bleeding disorders, von Willebrand disease, lack of coagulation factors;
  • the need for cleansing the uterus of excess fluid, toxins and tissues;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

All factors that cause disturbances of reproduction functions is considered to be the result of diseases and pathological processes, such as:

  • susceptibility to stress;
  • anemia;
  • tumors in the reproductive system;
  • hormonal changes during the first month and failures of the system;
  • gynecological disorders (endometriosis, myoma, inflammation).

Determining the causes of protracted selections take into account their character and overall health. It is necessary to watch, monthly smear or different profusion of whether there is an unpleasant, uncharacteristic odor month. Knowledge of the flow of menstruation features help the doctor identify the cause of deviations.

What medications to take

If menses are 10 days or more, then the doctor to stop the bleeding by such drugs:

  • Hemostatic drugs (Stimulating blood clotting);
  • reducing the uterus;
  • strengthen the internal walls of blood vessels;
  • hormonal;
  • minerals and vitamins on the basis of iron.
a glass of water and tablets

Adjust the length of menstruation can not be yourself. Only your doctor is able to choose the medication that will eliminate the problem and will have no negative effects on the body. First of all, the gynecologist finds out the cause of prolonged menstrual periods and determined ways to fix it. With adequate treatment cycle quickly bounces back.

When complaints of heavy and prolonged menstruation women are prescribed medications Dicynone, Tranexam and Vikasol. With their help it is possible to normalize the process of blood coagulation and to restore hormonal balance.

It permitted to use the methods of traditional medicine, but only with the concurrence of all the action with your doctor. The funds, which are considered the most effective, are made as follows:

  • in equal proportions take roots of valerian, yarrow, birch leaves and peppermint. The resulting mixture was poured water and a quarter hours tomyat a water bath. During the day, drink a glass of the decoction;
  • birch leaves and pour boiling water for at least six hours of pushing. Three times a day taken orally for 75 ml of broth;
  • 500 ml of vodka pour 100 g of birch buds and pushing a month. Twice a day the infusion is drunk in small portions. At a time is enough to drink just one sip;
  • 30 g nettle hour infused beaker of boiling water and filtered. The liquid is taken orally three times a day.

Subject to medical recommendations cycle can not recover in the short term. The main thing is not to resort to self-medication. In some cases, taking medication is not enough and without surgery can not do.

the doctors and the patient in the operating room

The more dangerous prolonged menstruation

First of all, heavy menstruation, the duration of which exceeds one week, resulting in massive blood loss. Due to this, the body loses iron that threatens the development of iron deficiency anemia. Health status in this case becomes much worse, especially in cases where a history of other pathologies.

In addition, excessive bleeding is often the result of a miscarriage in the early stages. It is possible that the woman did not even know that she was pregnant. Find out about this it will be possible only after a visit to a gynecologist.

In cases where a woman for a long time can not get pregnant, but her monthly different duration and abundant, it is possible that she just can not bear a child. Thus it is necessary to hold a special diagnosis and determine the cause. If the problem persists in a timely manner, there is a risk of infertility.

blood loss heavy menstruation secretions There are so serious that there is a strong weakness. It is imperative to treat and prevent problems to seek help from a gynecologist. Particular danger to the life of brown bear copious who do not stop for 10 days. In this case you need to call an ambulance. It is possible that required surgery.

Protracted periods do not always indicate the progression of the disease and are a serious threat to life. Often such problems arise in women suffering from obesity or the menopause and are considered normal. But there are more serious reasons such cycle changes. Independently identify the factors that caused the breach, it is impossible. Without medical assistance is not enough.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 65
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