Dicynone menstruation how to take, instructions for use to stop menstruation

Dicynone menstruation is appointed in the case of metrorrhagia, start uterine bleeding. The drug is released only by prescription. Its use must be strictly according to the instructions with correct dosage. There are several contraindications to the use of the drug. Often there are side effects. All these points are extremely important to consider before starting therapy.

Dicynone tablets


  • Pharmacological description Dicynone
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Effect on the body
  • How to use the drug
    • General rules
    • Strong prolonged periods
    • Conventional long menstruation
    • Severe blood loss during the first days
    • How to delay menstruation Dicynone
    • Uterine bleeding
  • Side effects

Pharmacological description Dicynone

Medication belongs to the group of hemostatic agents. Its active ingredient is etamzilat, providing a hemostatic effect. Distinguish two forms of medicine:

  • tablets for oral administration;
  • solution intended for intravenous injection.

In the case of tablet the active ingredient reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after one hour, and the achieved effect persists for six hours. Action injection indicated a maximum of a quarter of an hour.

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The drug does not cause blood clots, vasoconstriction. Also medicine is not conducive to more intensive blood clotting.

Indications and contraindications

There are the following indications for use of the drug:

  • prevention heavy regulation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • excessively prolonged menstruation;
  • hemorrhage in adolescence;
  • risk of miscarriage.

Dicynonum drink preparation and use by administering injections are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • thromboembolism;
  • hematological malignancies;
  • porphyria in an acute form;
  • deficiency of glucose and lactose.

Dicynone can drink, but with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • thrombophilia;
  • violations of the liver;
  • kidney pathology.

Effect on the body

Before stopping menstruation Dicynone, you need to understand how the drug acts on the body:

  • It stimulates bone marrow operation without leading to formation of blood clots;
  • stores more platelets in the field of vascular lesions;
  • quickly stops bleeding, regardless of the nature of their origin;
  • It promotes active microcirculation;
  • controls the circulation process between tissues and blood vessels;
  • It strengthens the walls of the capillaries and increase their permeability;
  • constricts blood vessels.

Efficacy under intensive regulator due to the ability to strengthen the capillary walls. The drug has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, reducing their fragility. This result is achieved by polysaccharides enhancing intercellular substance.

The drug is not harmful to the circulatory system and does not affect the composition of the blood. Platelet accumulation is celebrated only in the right places.

How to use the drug

Dicynonum with heavy menstrual period, to stop the bleeding and to defer regulator used on different scheme. Also, there are general rules that are held in the course of treatment.

General rules

The instructions for use of the drug is said that in the course of therapy should consider the following points:

  • the drug may be used during menstruation and before they begin;
  • admission rate should not exceed ten days;
  • medication prescribed by doctors, and treatment strategy is chosen on an individual basis;
  • Dosage ranges between 10-20 mg per kilogram of body weight;
  • Tablets need to drink during a meal or immediately after a meal, drinking plenty of water;
  • the appearance of adverse reactions immediately cease therapy.

Strong prolonged periods

Dicynone during prolonged menstruationCharacterized by profuse hemorrhage administered in a daily dosage of 750 milligrams (three tablets). Total for the day so you need to drink a pill three times.

holding pill in hand

From bleeding during menstruation Dicynone take up to a complete cessation of emissions. If after a half weeks is not possible to stabilize the situation, it is necessary without delay to address to the gynecologist. The doctor will examine, prescribe a course of maintenance treatment, or resort to the use of emergency methods.

Conventional long menstruation

Dicynone to stop menstruation, do not stop more than a week, but do not change the volume, you need to take one pill a day. Typically, after a few days critical days expire. Increase dosage unacceptable. In addition, please note that the therapy should last no longer than one and a half weeks.

Severe blood loss during the first days

Sometimes the woman is too copious for the first few days after the start of the regulation. In this case, the third day of menstruation start taking Dicynone.

Manual states that in this case, you need to drink only 250 milligrams of the drug per day. As a rule, therapy lasts about five days.

How to delay menstruation Dicynone

Use the tool and allowed to delay menstruation, but physicians strongly recommend not to resort to such actions. As a result of such manipulations is a risk of disruption in the activities of the reproductive system. This in turn will negatively affect the menstrual cycle.

Dicynone to delay menstruation need to take 500 milligrams a day. It is strongly not recommended to drink at the same pills for more than five days. The longer the time a woman has resorted to the use of the drug, the greater the risk of side reactions and serious violations.

Approximately one day after the last tablet will be drunk, to begin the critical days. The following month, their arrival is celebrated for 1-2 weeks before they are due.

For more information on how to month delay for a few days, Tells a separate article on our site.

Uterine bleeding

Hemostatic tablets Dicynonum in this case are not used. Resorting to the use solution which is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The daily dosage thus ranges 750-2000 mg. As a rule, the bleeding be stopped in just fifteen minutes.

Dicynonum solution

Side effects

It is noted that the adverse reactions during treatment with this medication is rarely observed, but only under the condition that the woman uses it for a gynecologist appointment and strictly adheres to medical recommendations. Risk of undesirable changes is increased due to the following factors:

  • treatment duration exceeds ten days;
  • the maximum daily dosages has been exceeded;
  • applied solution changed color;
  • administering injections performed at home.

Among the common side effects are the following:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • appearance heartburn;
  • general malaise;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Very rarely noted the appearance of the following negative symptoms:

  • lowering blood pressure indicators;
  • itching, redness of the skin;
  • numbness, muscle tissues feet;
  • intolerance to certain scents;
  • an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of rash;
  • Angioedema;
  • retching.

To eliminate the adverse reactions are usually resorted to abolish use of drugs.

Dicynonum is an effective drug with uterine bleeding, Heavy, prolonged menstruation. Use this medication is permitted only on prescription. Self-medication can aggravate the situation. It is imperative to comply with the strict dosage and not exceed the specified duration of therapy gynecologist. As a general rule, positive changes are observed in the shortest possible time, and the manifestation of adverse reactions not observed.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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