How to delay monthly for a few days, to postpone for a week

Regular menstruation is one of the main indicators of reproductive health. But this physiological process is not always necessary to "the place" for example, while traveling monthly undesirable. Going on a long journey, a woman trying to move the date of their occurrence. Today we tell about how to delay monthly for a few days and it does not cause harm to health.

on the beach


  • medication methods
    • oral contraceptives
    • progestins
    • The principle of action of hormonal agents
  • Possible consequences
  • Contraindications
  • Grandmother's recipes

medication methods

Women who are interested in how to defer monthly medication for a few days, then it should be remembered that use any drugs only after consulting your doctor. Otherwise, the cyclicity can be broken. This will result in hormonal failure.

Help defer monthly oral contraceptives, hormonal and progestins. Appoint yourself these drugs alone is contraindicated. Take them only to later periods began 1-3 days. Menstruating girl is contraindicated to use these drugs to stimulate the completion of desquamation.

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It must be remembered that the monthly transfer using drugs only once. Their frequent use for the purpose of regulating the onset of menstruation can lead to hormonal imbalance.

If as a result of taking the drugs there was a cycle of failure, you need to see a doctor, so that he appointed tablets for the normalization of the menstrual cycle. For more details about them, read our article on the site.

oral contraceptives

To delay menstruation, such as vacation time, you can use birth control pills. Their main advantage - this alignment cycle. That it lasted 28 days, you need to start eating OK.

Oral contraceptives can help to delay menstruation, if you start taking them for 5-6 days before the expected due date.

hormone pills

Independently appoint himself such means contraindicated.

To use the OK to delay monthly for a week, you should consult a gynecologist. It must be remembered that the first contraceptive pill from a new package can be drunk only after the previous one - the next day.

Oral contraceptives are entering the body, have a hemostatic effect. Because of this with their help it is possible to delay monthly for 2-4 days.

If you do not want to take birth control pills on a regular basis, it is very important to know when start month after canceling OK. Therefore, we recommend you to read additional information on this issue.


Gestagens called hormonal drugs on the basis of that discharged mainly for the treatment of infertility. Also, using these drugs can delay monthly for a few days to prevent pregnancy (or, conversely, to save it) and to stabilize the cycle.

To delay menstruation for 3-4 days using progestogen really, but you need to follow all the doctor's instructions. The positive effect is achieved after administration of drugs due to such property, the regulation of the level of progesterone in the body.

Admission progestogens begin in the middle of the cycle, ie ovulation period, and completed - in the last day of the alleged monthly. However, if due to the hormonal failure cyclical violated regularly use such pills should be strictly according to the scheme described by a doctor.

Pull monthly day via the use of progestogens is quite real. It must be remembered that they are potent drugs, so to appoint their own currently contraindicated for the prevention of health problems.

Before taking gestagen recommended to consult a gynecologist. If push monthly with this contraception should not be for personal reasons, the physician will tell an alternative way.

girl pill

The principle of action of hormonal agents

To understand how to use hormonal medication to delay menstruation, you need to know what steps is divided into the menstrual cycle. Exist 3 cycle phase: Luteal, follicular and ovulatory. Duration of the first - 12-14 days, the third - 7-14. The duration of each of them depends on the individual physiological characteristics.

The action of hormones is based on the cyclic intermediate phase delay - ovulation. In fact, these funds increase the duration of the cycle that postpones the arrival of menstruation.

Monthly to come back later, medicines on the basis of hormone should be taken according to the scheme proposed by the gynecologist. With regular cycle they are pushing onset of menstruation for 2-4 days.

It is not recommended to use hormone pills for more than 2 months.

Possible consequences

Any interference with the functioning of the body is fraught with the emergence of negative health effects. Therefore, in order not to change the cycle, delay periods should be cautious. If menstrual blood, which at this point in time is undesirable to stop without consulting a gynecologist, can cause irreparable harm to reproductive health.

The most dangerous consequence of such intervention - a hormonal failure. It can happen due to an artificial extension of one of the phases of the menstrual cycle.

woman at the doctor

So, if it is wrong to delay desquamation tablets, there may be those risks:

  1. Monthly allocation will go harder.
  2. The onset of menstruation is delayed for 1-2 months. When menstrual bleeding go, the woman will experience severe dragging pain in the ovaries (lower abdomen).
  3. Metabolism is disturbed, causing the woman put on weight.
  4. Any endometrial pathology.
  5. Disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system.

All these negative effects occur due to violations of cycling. Therefore, resorting to artificial methods of desquamation delay is necessary only in extreme cases. Any interference with the physiology of the female cycle can lead to failure of reproductive function. To reduce the risk of complications, to delay menstruation for medical need only Seme.


To delay menstruation can such natural factors as physical fatigue, emotional stress, abrupt weather changes. If they had an impact on the body, deliberately taking control measures over the cycles is not recommended. Nor should artificially prolong phase cycle with a view to delaying the onset of desquamation no apparent reason.

Girls with serious health problems that interfere with your body you need with extreme caution.

woman holding his head

Absolute contraindications:

  1. Age over 40 years.
  2. The tendency to form blood clots, poor blood clotting.
  3. Hormonal disorders of the reproductive system.
  4. Anemia.

Not an artificial delay menstruation without complications in diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as angina pectoris.

Women suffering from diabetes, is contraindicated for use delay monthly hormones.

Grandmother's recipes

Now let's talk about how to defer monthly safest way. The use of folk remedies - is a gentle version of interference in the natural physiological processes.

Defer monthly, you can use these folk delaying desquamation drugs like:

  1. A decoction of nettles. For its preparation you need to put on the fire water, bring to a boil, then add the dried leaves. After 5 minutes, the liquid is necessary to drain. Use such a drug to delay menstruation is recommended 3-4 times a day in small sips.
  2. A decoction of parsley. This is one of the most effective methods of menstruation delay for a couple of days. Fresh grass is cut into small pieces, pour boiling water. It should insist 2.5-3 hour. To not started menstruating means taking twice a day before meals.
  3. Lemon. This citrus has on blood vessels strengthening effect. Under the influence of vitamin C, they become more elastic. There is a whole lemon, not everyone can, so it is recommended to cut into slices, then sprinkle with sugar. You need to use 3-4 days prior to the date of commencement of desquamation. This will allow to delay its arrival for a couple of days.

If the monthly yet begun, it is possible to apply some techniques to monthly quickly end. For more on this we recommend to read in a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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