Vitamins for normalization menstruatsionnogo cycle vitamin in phases to restore in case of violation

The benefits of vitamins and minerals known to all. Their lack can lead to the development of various diseases and disorders with the reproductive system. There are vitamins for normalization menstruatsionnogo cycle, thanks to the use of that month begin to come in due time, and premenstrual syndrome becomes less pronounced clinical picture.



  • Effect of vitamins on a woman's body
    • vitamin E
    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin D
    • Folic acid
    • Vitamin C
    • B vitamins
  • pharmacy systems
  • Vitamins of cycle phases

Effect of vitamins on a woman's body

Menstruation is a woman's normal It should appear regularly and be accompanied by severe pain.

Enormous role played by vitamins for monthly. Their deficiency leads to reduced immunity and slowing metabolism. As a result - a violation in the whole organism and hormonal failure.

Consequently, emotional changes and general condition, development of various diseases and cycle skip occurs. To restore it, are assigned to receive vitamin complex, a beneficial effect on the body, and in particular on the reproductive system.

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vitamin E

It plays an important role in the synthesis of sex Gomonov. It triggers the production of progesterone, required for the second phase of the cycle and to maintain a pregnancy. For this reason, resorting to his appointment in the event of a threat of miscarriage.

Insufficient second phase leads to various hyperplastic processes in the uterine cavity, abundant and irregular menses. When violations of vitamin E Cycle helps not only to restore it, but also to improve the skin, reduce the symptoms of PMS (Breast tenderness, irritation, swelling, weakness, pain).

vitamin E

Vitamin A

Retinol helps to restore menstrual irregularities. He is involved in the differentiation and division of skin cells, and has strong antioxidant properties. Often, instead of medication possessing immunomodulating, administered vitamin A.

Thanks to retinol is possible to prevent the development of cancer, to restore the balance of hormones and to maintain in good condition the female reproductive system.

Vitamin D

It is involved in the development of healthy cells and prevents the formation of malignant tumors. Its purpose resorted to for therapy and prophylaxis of breast cancer, leukemia, and psoriasis.

This substance has an effect on bone tissue and flowing in her calcium metabolism. Accordingly, it contributes to the development of immune cells.

Folic acid

Fetal development of the nervous system depends largely on the folic acid. This substance has an effect on bowel condition and the immune system. It is necessary to tissues that are updated quickly enough (skin, gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes of genitals).

Folic acid taken to prevent endometrial hyperplasia. Therefore, with its help it is possible to normalize the menstrual cyclicity.

folic acid

Vitamin C

Use of vitamin C begins better absorbed iron, and folic acid goes into an active form. When sufficient quantities in the body ascorbic acid the quality of the blood gets better. Therefore, it is prescribed for anemia.

Frequent causes of cycle disorders are stress and immunosuppression. With ascorbic acid can be solved both of these problems. It contains a considerable number of food and is available in the form of the drug.

B vitamins

Group substances are necessary for the full development and activity of nerve tissue and fiber transmission of impulses. Lack B12 capable of provoking megaloblastic anemia. B6 is involved in the regulation of the endocrine system and ovaries. Therefore, this group of vitamins help to normalize the cycle.

pharmacy systems

Doctors often prescribe vitamins for the normalization of the menstrual cycle. They are taken for any other purpose gynecologist and only after a full diagnosis.

More often resorted to the use Tsiklovita complex. And not only for the normalization cycle, improve the general condition, but also for prevention. The tablets in the package are divided into groups differing in composition. This takes various vitamins for recovery cycle depending on the phase.


Another popular method is considered Inofert. With the help of hormone production returns to normal, the regulation of this process is carried out. As a result - the critical days are on time.

Effective is also a complex time-factor. It includes several varieties of capsules, which differ in their composition and are accepted in certain phases of the cycle.

Vitamins of cycle phases

Vitamin cycle of phases is effective for minor faults in the reproductive system. With such abuse treatment regimen would be as follows:

  1. From the 1 st to the 7 th and 21 th to 28 th day of taking vitamin C.
  2. From the 15th to the 28th is used E.
  3. Folic acid take 1 gram three times a day throughout the cycle.

Before starting the vitamin should consult a gynecologist, who will hold a full diagnosis. In the presence of serious pathologies such treatment scheme is inefficient. In this case it is necessary a different task - to eliminate the cause of the failure in the schedule of menstruation.

Reproductive disorders are often caused by a shortage in the body of nutrients. To resolve this problem, it is enough to receive a vitamin complex. Just do not choose the drug alone. Even these harmless medicines in the event of improper use of the potential to exacerbate the situation.

For more information on how to normalize the menstrual cycle, We recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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