Monthly while taking birth control pills: started, do not stop

Oral contraceptives often leads to a hormonal crash. In this regard, the physiological activity of female sex hormones are changes that trigger a cycle shift. Monthly while taking contraceptives do not always indicate a pathology, so do not worry ahead of time.

oral contraceptives


  • When will the monthly at reception OK
  • The nature of menstruation
  • Abnormal periods when receiving OK
  • It is necessary to know

When will the monthly at reception OK

Women taking contraceptive pills, not collide with premature menstruation, a so-called menstrualnopodobnoe reaction. The fact that some hormonal medication after dissolving in the stomach provoking violation of ovarian function. As a result, these bodies produce less estrogen.

In the first month the body gets used to these pills. During the daily administration of OK may appear slight spotting of bleeding with a creamy character.

Duration days critical depends upon reception of tablets. If a woman saw them for a month, menstruation she will go from 3 to 6 days. Usually monthly while taking birth control pills begin during the seven-day break.

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An important point: if oral contraceptives are not triggered hormonal failure, menstruation starts on time. If they lead to any disturbances in the body it takes time to rebuild cycle.

Because of the cyclical fluctuations of the critical days in the use of UC can begin 1-2 weeks before.

hormone pills

The nature of menstruation

We found that during the use of oral contraceptives menstruation may begin in mid-cycle. If a woman followed all the doctor's instructions, to award her the pill, the nature spotting should not change.

Scanty menses while taking the contraceptive pill - a frequent phenomenon. Reasons for panic, if the amount of blood discharge does not exceed 40 ml initially.

If a woman drinks contraception during the month, they will be a low-intensity. This is due to the influence of hormones on the body, which are part of UC.

If the use of oral pills for contraception scanty menses ends prematurely, no need to worry. This is a normal phenomenon, which is associated with the effect of contraceptives on hormones.

Thus, the normal period when oral contraception is not characterized by specific traits. But if the chemicals contained in them, provoke hormonal changes, menstruation is scanty and short.

Abnormal periods when receiving OK

Monthly and control - related concepts. It should be noted that some hormonal OK contain substances that have a negative impact on the body.

oral contraceptives

Signs of pathological processes during use of oral contraceptives:

  1. Go long periods (menses more than 7 days). Long and heavy period after the start of oral contraceptives should be an occasion for the passage of a gynecological examination.
  2. Profuse bleeding while taking contraceptive pills accompanied by pain in the ovaries.
  3. Dramatically changing the weight. Some women after drinking OK can strongly recover, while others, conversely, to lose weight.

There may also be lack of sexual desire associated with hormonal imbalance and poor health. Rather, it is no pathological deviation, and side effects of drugs.

If after starting the contraceptive does not stop menstruation, you need to consult a gynecologist. This is one of the most common side effects of drugs in this group.

OK to finish drinking it is not necessary, if you have problems:

  • with the work of the heart muscle (hypertension, heart failure);
  • the functioning of the endocrine system. Perhaps the appearance of black hair on the abdomen and inner thigh, at least - on the face. Sometimes, after long-term use of oral contraceptives increases the breast;
  • menstrual cycles (irregular cycling is manifested symptoms). It is worth noting that in the first month of birth control pills may start menstruating earlier time, or, conversely, come with a delay. Subsequently, the cycle must be stabilized;
  • operation of the urogenital system;
  • skin conditions (there were red or pink spots);
  • sweating. Many girls after such contraception increased sweating, especially on the face.
girl with towel

If a woman started to drink ok, but not the end of month on the 7th day - is an alarming symptom. In this case, should not delay the campaign to the gynecologist. Some girls, which, after use contraceptive faced with abnormal menstruation, hormonal OK doctors replaced by other means of contraception, such masterbatch helix.

It is necessary to know

Before using contraceptives must necessarily go through a pelvic examination. Prescribed the drug itself alone can not. OC must prescribe only the doctor, otherwise it can cause serious complications related to reproductive health.

Taking contraceptives before the specified deadline specialist prohibited.

Monthly at reception OK often change color and consistency, which is due to a hormonal imbalance, which was caused by their use. Of bleeding occurring on a monthly basis, after the use of such contraceptives may become scarce. This phenomenon occurs due to the action of sex hormones that trigger a cycle shift. If after such monthly pills started earlier, this should not be a cause for panic.

At puberty changes in a woman's body occur rapidly. Sexually mature young girls is recommended to ask the gynecologist as acting contraception.

The action of hormonal contraceptives is aimed at blocking the functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, after receiving ovulation typically occurs. The reason - the lack of a regular maturation of the follicle during a contraceptive.

At the termination of the use of these funds the chance of pregnancy is increased by several times. In medicine it is called the rebound effect.

Side effects of birth control pills should disappear completely by the 3rd cycle. If not, you should immediately replace them with other means of contraception.

Month after canceling OK also acquire an unusual character, so please find detailed information on this issue.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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