Menstrual cup: characteristics, application, recommendations 3

Most women during menstruation are more likely to use gaskets or tampons. But there is no less convenient and hygienic device. This is a silicone cap for the monthly or a bowl( cap).With her, it's much easier to control the amount of excreta. There are in use bowls and other advantages, uncharacteristic for other hygienic means.

Contents of

  • 1 Why you need menstrual cups
  • 2 Is it safe to use the
  • 3 device Application rules
  • 4 Rules for the introduction of
  • 5 Rules for extraction
  • 6 Care for the menstrual bowl
  • 7 How to understand that the bowl is about to change

Why menstrual cups are needed

For the first time,s of the last century. Since then they have become much more convenient and functional, as the materials from which the hygiene product is made have changed. Now it is an elastic and hypo-allergenic silicone, which makes it easy to insert and remove the device.

The bowl is for collecting menstrual flow. It has the form of a container with a narrowed and closed bottom. The bowl is placed in the vagina so that its wide part contacts the entrance to the cervical canal. This will avoid leakage and other inconveniences. When used, a vacuum effect is created that does not allow the cap to slip out of the vagina.

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It is safe to use the

device. The differences between the menstrual cup and traditional hygiene products will be seen immediately:

Advantages of the Characteristics of the
Convenience of the The bowl can absorb from 15 to 30 ml of excreta, so there is usually no need to get up at night to replace it.
Physical comfort and safety The device is not felt inside, it can be worn with any clothes. And do not be afraid of toxic shock, as with the long use of a tampon, which must be replaced every 3 to 4 hours.
Environmentally friendly The Kapa has been in use for several years, eliminating the need for monthly disposal of hygienic products that exist when using gaskets and tampons.
Hypoallergenic Negative reaction in the form of edema, redness and rash when using silicone cap is detected much less often than with gaskets and tampons. The latter have components that can cause allergies.
Sterility Using a bowl with proper care of it reduces the chance of getting an inflammation or bacterial, fungal infection. With tampons and gaskets the chance to get sick is higher.

Silicone bowl for menstruation has a smooth surface. But to use it you need a skill, as well as a properly sized size. The latter is also important for the comfort of sensations during the critical days.

It is important that the kapa does not interfere, does not injure the mucous membrane, but does not fall out of the vagina. Then use will be absolutely safe.

Rules for the use of

The instructions for the menstrual cap give clear instructions on how to use it without compromising health and comfort. There are rules not specified in it, but important:

  • The device must be selected in accordance with the size. All manufacturers of kapa have 2 diameters, but in length they can be in 3 kinds. If a woman did not give birth, she would rather fit the smallest size( 1st or S).It should also be taken into account that in this case the number of vials in the bowl will be lower.
  • Before introduction, the device is not simply washed but sterilized. It's better to do this using special pills that do not need to boil water.
  • You can not take a kapu with dirty hands. To wash them should be with soap, the sex organs before the introduction should also be clean.
  • You need to learn how to enter and remove the menstrual cup. This may require more than one attempt. But do not take the first of these when the monthly have not yet arrived. Because of the natural dryness of the vagina, it can be unsuccessful. A woman then, most likely, never learn to use a cap.
  • Do not keep the menstrual cup inside longer than 12 hours in a row. But it's often not necessary to extract it either. And yet you should not wait until the tank is full.

Rules for the introduction of

In order for life to remain comfortable during critical days, it is necessary to learn how to use the bowl for monthly. In addition to keeping it clean and properly sized, it's important to be able to put it in place. The cup itself is allowed to soak for a better glide or to apply a water-based lubricant on it. Then it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Kapu compress so that it becomes flat. Collapse it in half along and place it in the vagina. Inside, with the correct introduction, the device will take on a natural form itself. This is evidenced by the absence on the surface, which is easy to feel, folds.
  • The second method involves the compression of the wide edges of the bowl and their subsequent bending to the bottom. In such a collapsed form, she is introduced into the place where she herself is straightened.
  • In the third method, the upper edges of the kapa are turned inwards. Its diameter thus decreases, the device is easier to install.

Introduction is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the waist. To easily put the thicket in the vagina, you need not only the right technique. It is important not to be afraid of the process, not to compress the muscles of the perineum and thighs. It is more convenient to enter the bowl standing, lifting one leg to the level of the lid of the toilet bowl. You can do it lying on your back.

Rules for the extraction of

Use the bowl for the monthly correctly, then, be able to and extract it outward. It is held inside by a vacuum effect. And if you just pull the lower tip of the device, it's easy to hurt yourself. And the capa will remain inside.

To get it out without staining everything around the secretions, you need:

  • enter the index finger into the vagina;
  • find the side of the bowl, click on it;
  • having felt that there is no vacuum inside, grab the device with the index and thumbs, pull down.

The time extraction process will be even shorter than the introduction.

Care for the menstrual bowl

Care for the menstrual bowl

The bowl for monthly collection involves certain care for it, which is not, however, too complicated and burdensome. And there are certain rules:

  • It must be sterilized before use. For this, a clean enameled container is filled with water. The liquid must be left for a while, after which the hygienic device is placed in it so that it is completely immersed. Kapa is sterilized, that is, it is in a water heated to 100 degrees for 3 to 5 minutes. After that, it, naturally, cooled down, is ready for use.
  • Antibacterial tablets can be used instead of boiling. After dissolving them, the bowl is placed in liquid for 15 minutes. Treat it from microbial sterilization or tablets better in between after each use. But if you can not do this so often, you need to boil at least before and at the end of the month.
  • After removing the bowl, it can be rinsed under running water. To begin with, it is better that it is cold, so it's easier to get rid of blood. It is allowed to use antibacterial soap when washing.
  • Keep kapu in a cotton bag, usually coming with it in the kit. Do not put it in a plastic bag. Before packing, the bowl is dried in the air or wiped with a paper towel. You can not put it in the sun.

We recommend reading the article on the use of tampons. From it you will learn about the choice of hygiene products, the types of tampons and the rules for their use, possible difficulties and contraindications for use.

How to understand that it's time to change the bowl

The hygienic bowl for menstruation can last up to 10 years. And yet the time when it will need to be replaced may come sooner. How to understand that it came? There are several signs:

  • It is noticed that the device was deformed. Even if the changes are insignificant, the cap should be replaced in order to avoid inconvenience when wearing, damage to the mucosa.
  • Cracks or scratches appeared on the surface. Because of them, the risk of infections increases, because with prolonged finding of the bowl in the vagina, microorganisms have better conditions for reproduction.
  • After a long comfortable use, the woman began to feel uncomfortable with wearing a kapa. This may mean that changes have taken place in her own body. But also the probability of the deformation of the cup unnoticed by it. After birth, usually the old device is not good, you need to choose a larger size.

A quality monthly bowl is not cheap. And many women find it difficult to overcome the psychological barrier in order to start using it. But if you learn how to do this and do not spare the funds to adapt, it turns out that it largely surpasses the pads and tampons.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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