How to call the month ahead of time: before the holiday, whether you can trigger a couple of days in advance

Before the long-awaited vacation, many women are wondering how to call the monthly early. Critical days completely out of place in this period. To bring the timing of menstruation can be drugs, and with the help of traditional medicine recipes, but it is necessary to resort to only in exceptional cases.

arrow on the stomach


  • How to call the monthly
  • Formulations for call monthly
  • Folk remedies
    • chamomile broth
    • Broth of laurel leaves
    • cornflower blue
    • Tansy
    • Parsley
    • onion peel
    • Iodine
  • Effects

How to call the monthly

Thinking over whether to call the monthly ahead of time, we must understand that to break the cycle is simply mounted. Then bring it back to normal is very difficult. Therefore, before the shift timing the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to assess whether such actions are important in each individual case. Maybe it's just a passing desire - and without invasion of the menstrual cycle can be dispensed.

In order to avoid unwanted complications should consult a doctor and together they choose the appropriate version of the call critical days. To come early, you can use drugs and effective folk remedies.

instagram viewer

Abuse action to ensure that menstruation has begun in advance is strongly recommended. Doctors allow the use of funds to stimulate menstruation, no more than twice a year (for example, when on vacation).

on the beach

Formulations for call monthly

Among preparations causing monthly a week ahead of time (for example, before the holiday) is isolated hormonal and non-hormonal. Stimulate arrival regulator fails by receiving large doses of vitamins E, C and A. It should be borne in mind that such action would lead to over-saturation of these substances, which in turn has a negative effect on the body.

The safest way to approach the arrival of menstruation periods available to women who perform regular oral contraceptives. A few days after their cancellation noted the appearance of spotting.

To stimulate monthly use preparations emergency contraception. Their purpose - to prevent pregnancy, and the main side effect is considered to be just the arrival of critical days. In this case, apply the tablets, causing monthly:

  • postinor;
  • Mikrolyut;
  • Ovidon;
  • Non-Ovlon;
  • Zhenale;
  • Bisekurin.

Acceptance of these drugs must be used under strict medical supervision. This is due to the fact that they are able to significantly disrupt hormones.

Used for the purpose of approximation regulator medicaments based on progesterone. From this hormone is directly dependent ovulation process by reducing its concentration of bleeding there. Progesterone will be effective drugs Femoston, Utrozhestan, Pregnin and Duphaston.

Capsule in the doctor's hand

Folk remedies

To accelerate the flow of blood to help traditional medicine. To call a month, you can resort to a variety of methods, including commonly used herbal, causing monthly. With their help, will be able to relatively safely make adjustments to the menstrual cycle.

chamomile broth

Cause monthly using chamomile early as possible in one of the recipes. To do this, 100 grams of dried flowers poured a glass of boiling water on the stove and tantalized just a few minutes. Further liquid insist filter and take 100 ml immediately after waking up and before going to bed. After the appearance of menstruation drink decoction stop.


Broth of laurel leaves

This drink is considered to be one of the most effective means of causing menstruation. Through his use of critical days come a day later. It is believed that taking broths from leafs relatively safe for the organism.

For the preparation of 20 grams of agent needed leaves pour 500 ml of water and simmer for about an hour plate. Then you need the broth to cool, chill out and have a drink at one time the entire portion.

For more details on the application for monthly leafs can be read in a separate article on our site.

broth leafs in glass

cornflower blue

You can call the month with a blue cornflower. To do this, 10 grams of flowers pour 200 ml hot water and one hour stand in the warmth. Means should take one tablespoon at intervals of 1-2 hours. During the day, you must drink all prepared drug.

decoction of cornflower blue


To prepare the infusion, you need 2 tablespoons of tansy pour a glass of boiling water and not less than 50 minutes to insist. Ready means you need to drink three times in equal portions.



To prepare parsley crushed and spread in a jar. After that, fill the container with boiling water. Leave in a warm place for three hours, and then filtered. Parsley Broth for monthly Take half a cup twice a day before the onset of critical days.

parsley and its decoction

onion peel

To menses appeared a few days before they are due, using an infusion of onion peel. It simply put in a container and pour plain water, then bring to a boil on the stove and kept for at least ten minutes. Color liquid should be as saturated.

ready to drink a glass of the drug at a time. A day after it should appear monthly.

infusion onion peel


It is not necessary to drink herbal teas or taking medications to provoke the arrival controller. To this can be filled with hot water bath, add a small amount of salt and add 5 drops of iodine. The fluid need to immerse themselves in the quarter of an hour. Perform this procedure only once, as the frequent warming pelvic adversely affects the reproductive system.

woman in bath


Before artificially provoke the arrival of menstruation, it is necessary to evaluate the risks that are associated with these actions. Interference in the menstruation cycle leads to disruption of the normal rhythm of processes occurring in the body. Premature appearance of regulation will inevitably affect the reproductive and hormonal systems.

The consequences could be the following:

  • cycle crash;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • a substantial increase in the volume of lost blood;
  • infertility.

In addition, before the call to find out the cause of amenorrhea.

First of all, it excludes the possibility of pregnancy. All funds could affect the menstrual cycle, a negative impact on the female body and the developing fetus in it. Such manipulations can lead to irreversible consequences.

Approximated arrival timing controller by using the drug and folk remedies. All of them are effective, but unsafe. To resort to their use is permitted only in exceptional cases and only after consulting a doctor. In addition, to adjust the arrival of menstruation so that can be no more than once every six months. Regular changing of the normal cycle can lead to serious complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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