Nettle is a heavy menstrual period: how to drink a decoction to stop bleeding

Menses women often deliver a lot of problems, for which various methods are used, in particular herbal medicine. Nettle is effective during menstruation. Depending on the method of its application, it is possible to achieve very different effects.

nettle leaf


  • Useful properties of nettle
  • Use during menses
  • recipes

Useful properties of nettle

The nettle contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. The plant was used many years ago due to the fact that it is rich in ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins K, E and B. The leaves have acid and chlorophyll, has a restorative and healing effect. With this grass manage to normalize the protective functions of the organism and to remove inflammation.

Located in a part of the vitamin K accelerates blood clotting process, so the broth nettle is used in case of heavy menstruation.

Thanks to the useful substances, which is part of the plants, decoctions and infusions based on it have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Among the main beneficial properties of herbs are the following:

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  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • saturation of the body of ascorbic acid and iron.

There are other grass during heavy menstruationWhich will help to normalize the menstrual cycle. More details about them you can learn from a separate article on our site.


Use during menses

The plant has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. For this reason, we began to use nettles during menstruation. Tools based on it can significantly improve the state in this period:

  • decreases the intensity of menstruation. Fluid under the influence of active substances becomes thicker and therefore not rapidly cleared from the blood vessels. Nettle is effective for bleeding. Broth based on it even drink to stop menstruation;
  • improved mood. Due to the presence of iron in the composition formed of grass hemoglobin. Due to this blood is quickly replaced and updated. As a result - disappear drowsiness, weakness, and nausea;
  • recovering cycle. Broth nettle has a positive effect on the whole organism at monthly, Normalizes the gonads eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • the duration of menstruation is reduced. The plant helps to regulate the period of renewal of the mucous of the uterus. This decreases the brittleness of vessels;
  • reduced pain. Discomfort caused by inflammation in the uterus. The plant removes them, and accordingly, and the symptoms are expressed not so bright.
nettle broth


To learn how to drink nettle during heavy menstruation, known far not many. Eat a plant can be in the form of tea, extract, broth, juice and liqueur. Depending on the chosen embodiment, there are certain features of preparation of therapeutic agents:

  1. Decoction of nettles. A pair tablespoons dry grass to pour 200 ml of boiling water and a quarter hours stand in a water bath. After this time the liquid should be cool, strain and add a little water to back the original amount. The prepared drink agent for three days before receiving 100 ml of food. Using broth possible to stop profuse bleeding and lead to normal menstrual cycle.
  2. Juice. 20 pieces of freshly plucked leaves of nettles thoroughly washed and placed in a mortar, then kneaded until until you see droplets. Then shift to the cheesecloth and squeeze strongly. Cooked means is poured into a clean container and store in the refrigerator. Use it three times a day for one tablespoon.
  3. Extract. 30 drops purchased in a drugstore agent is added to 200 ml of water and stirred qualitatively. Such a solution is drunk before each meal.
  4. Tincture. The vodka is added fresh nettle leaves and put in a dark place for ten days. 5 g of tincture is added 200 ml of water and drink only once a day.
  5. Tea. Tea bags just brewed and consumed throughout the day.

Used plant and upon the occurrence of menopause. With its help it is possible to get rid of headaches, dizziness in menopause, Insomnia and characteristic symptoms of menopause.

Nettle decoction prepared with the addition of oregano, which are taken in equal proportions. Herbal mixture is poured 500 ml of water and heated to boiling. After cooling, take the medicine in small doses throughout the day.

Nettle has a mass of useful properties and is able to save a woman from many problems during menstruation, but it should be used only after consultation with your doctor, who will tell you how normalize the menstrual cycle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 90
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