Hemostatic grass with heavy menstrual period: how to stop the bleeding folk remedies

Hemostatic herbs help to reduce the amount of bleeding during menstruation. This method of therapy is widely used in folk medicine. The main thing, before taking such means to establish the cause of heavy blood loss.

grass to dry


  • How to stop bleeding without drugs
  • Tincture smartweed
  • urtica dioca
  • milfoil
  • lady's purse
  • Barberry
  • carnation colored
  • Viburnum
  • Antennaria dioica

How to stop bleeding without drugs

As used in traditional medicine tablets and hemostatic drugs during heavy menstruation have high efficiency. Despite this, many are thinking about what to do when menstrual bleeding, and resorted to the use of folk remedies, considering them safer and more efficient.

Hemostatic collection helps you perform the following tasks:

  • eliminate inflammation;
  • eradicate the infection;
  • to minimize the pain.

Herbal folk remedies from heavy monthly stimulate uterine activity and constrict blood vessels. Due to this effect, the bleeding stops.

There are many recipes on the basis of plants, which are widely used in various gynecological diseases. Hemostatic grass with heavy menstrual period is used for the treatment and prevention of disorders of the menstrual cycle. With their help removed spasm, normalized overall condition. In addition, the drugs have a calming effect.

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Herb tea

Tincture smartweed

Among the plants that are used in gynecology in order to stop uterine bleeding, special attention deserves the water pepper. For preparation on its basis tinctures tablespoon smartweed pour 200 ml boiling water, whereupon the capacity and wrapped several hours insist.

With abundant monthly clotted means drink a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment lasts only a couple of days.

Tincture smartweed

urtica dioca

This herb is widely used in folk medicine as an effective tool in the fight with heavy menstrual periods. To prepare the broth to pour a glass of boiling water one tablespoon of nettle liquid and simmer for at least 15-20 minutes on low heat. Ready means filter and taking 50 ml. Per day is necessary to drink 200 ml of the drug.

It is worth noting that the use nettles and after pregnancy is not recommended. In addition, this plant helps to speed up blood clotting process, so women should not take more than three days, the broth.

urtica dioca


Plant collection preparing traditional folk remedy that helps with heavy menstruation. Yarrow is used as a main component, but the composition contains other ingredients.

The equal ratio (one tablespoon) in capacitance spread yarrow, Potentilla erecta root and shepherd's purse. The resulting mixture was added a teaspoon of oak bark, after which it must be filled with boiled water, to bring the liquid to boiling. Medication necessarily filter and drink twice a day for 2 teaspoons.


lady's purse

Effective at heavy menstruation is shepherd's purse. For the preparation of medicines tablespoon chopped grass is filled with 200 ml of boiling water. Fluid infused at least one hour. At the final step the resulting agent is filtered. Eat grass need four times a day with 50 ml.

Reduce the amount of bleeding can be supported by the collection, which in addition to the shepherd's bag add the white mistletoe, knotweed, and valerian root. All components are taken in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture zaparivayut in 500 ml of boiling water. After a quarter of an hour into the liquid poured another liter of water and boil. After cooling the filter and drink a decoction twice a day for half a cup.

It is used as an extract of shepherd's purse, which can be purchased at Pharmacy. To stop the bleeding, you should drink one teaspoon means five times during the day.

lady's purse


It has been used in gynecology and a plant as barberry. To stop bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary couple tablespoons minced sheets pour 200 ml of boiled water, in a thermos about an hour. When the drink is prepared, it is filtered, then it is already possible to take one tablespoon up to five times a day.

It is also used infusion based on berries and leaves of barberry. Fifty grams of this mixture is poured 100 ml of vodka, whereupon container tightly cover and placed for two weeks in a dark place. Use tool before meals 20 drops. The drug has analgesic and hemostatic action. With its help it is possible to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.


carnation colored

Efficient plant of bleeding is considered to be multi-colored carnation. To prepare on the basis of its need of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and wait at least an hour. Thereafter, the liquid should strain and drink 50 ml three times per day.

carnation colored


Reduce heavy monthly help a decoction of berries Viburnum. To make it necessary to take 10 grams of fruit and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The liquid container is put on the stove and boil for at least half an hour. After that, cooled and filtered. Drink the medicine of ¼ cup 4 times a day.

It is used to stop uterine bleeding bark of Viburnum. It is previously ground in an amount of two tablespoons spread in a suitable container, and then poured water glass. The mixture was refluxed for half an hour. After this time, add a little of the water to return to the original volume. Accepted three times a day before meals just one tablespoon.


Antennaria dioica

In the treatment of uterine bleeding and many other gynecological pathologies is often used cat's paw. Reduce the amount of menstrual help the infusion of this plant. With a view to the preparation of 50 grams of raw material is poured 500 ml of a boiling water just. Thereafter, the liquid is necessary to insist 25-30 minutes and strain. Receiving means on one teaspoon at intervals of one hour. Therapy is continued until such time as the bleeding does not stop completely.

Use to stop the bleeding and allowed the powder from the cat's paws. Every hour, you need to take 3 grams of funds until no. The maximum effective this folk medicine is for bleeding after childbirth.

Antennaria dioica

Plentiful monthly - the problem is far from rare. According to statistics, it is faced in every three women of reproductive age. There are a number of drugs that can reduce the amount of discharge, but no less effective are and herbs. If done correctly, all indications treated with them takes a minimum of time. It is not recommended to resort to such methods of treatment without preliminary agreement with the gynecologist. Heavy bleeding can be caused by serious pathologies, to deal with that with the help of traditional medicine is not possible.

If the bleeding was caused by the failure of the menstrual cycle, you should think about restoring menstruation with herbs. For more on this, see the separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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