Grass, causing monthly at a delay, hormonal failure

Critical days delay may be caused by physiological and pathological reasons. In cases where the cycle failure not due to pregnancy and diseases of the reproductive system is allowed to use herbs, causing monthly.

herbs in a mortar


  • Precautions and consequences
  • Decoction of chamomile
  • Infusion of tansy
  • Broth leafs
  • Infusion of gathering herbs
  • blue cornflower
  • Recipe broth of parsley
  • The infusion of onion peel

Precautions and consequences

Rush of blood to the pelvic organs can cause the grass, causing monthly, but it has to be taken very carefully. Any interference with the reproductive system can lead to serious violations, and the hormonal failure.

First of all it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy. Folk remedies can cause severe bleeding and miscarriage.

In addition, the need to ensure that the failure of the cycle has not been triggered by endocrine or gynecological diseases. Eliminate violations broths fail. Such actions only aggravate the situation.

Absolute contraindication to the use of vegetable charges is allergy. Also

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Doctors strongly recommend not to cause menstruation twice a year. Systematic intervention in the reproductive system can lead to inflammation of the pelvic organs and the development of various diseases. It is not excluded even the formation of malignant tumors.

Sometimes women want monthly call ahead of time before the release, and in this situation, there are also certain risks. Therefore, before the break to the procedures, we recommend you to read additional information on this topic.

An effective way to accelerate the arrival of menstruation - use recipes of traditional medicine. Options for the preparation of such means, there are many. The main thing - to know in advance what herbs produce monthly and how to use them.

Decoction of chamomile

Often resort to the use of chamomile call for monthly. Broth-based fragrant flowers easily cope with this task. For its preparation must teaspoon plants pour 200 ml hot water and let the liquid to stand for half an hour. Ready means of strain and drink three times a day. Therapy to continue to achieve the desired result.

chamomile broth

Infusion of tansy

If you are going to call monthly herbs you can use tansy. To prepare you need three tablespoons of inflorescences add water and simmer on low heat for about an hour. After the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and taken to 30 ml once a day.


Broth leafs

also suitable bay leaf to call menses10 bay leaves pour 200 ml of water and put on the plate, the liquid is boiled for one hour, then carefully filtered. Drink at a time.

broth leafs

Infusion of gathering herbs

Collecting plants is monthly with a delay.

For its preparation is taken in equal proportions (two tablespoons) elecampane, nettle, rosehips, yarrow, knotweed, rhodiola root pink and oregano.

The resulting herbal mixture is poured in 1 liter of boiling water and cover lid, after which about 12 hours insist. Means taken orally with 100 ml. All cooked infusion of drink per day.

herbs in bags

blue cornflower

Provoke the arrival of menstruation may be an infusion of cornflower blue. To prepare it, you need 10 grams of flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse about an hour. Accepted one tablespoon for a day.

decoction of cornflower blue

Recipe broth of parsley

You can use the dill and parsley for menstruation call. On their basis, prepare a broth. Greens ground and pour the boiling water, then insist for at least three hours. The liquid drink twice a day with 100 ml.

parsley and its decoction

The infusion of onion peel

To prepare the means necessary to peel onions pour boiling water and boil for ten minutes. after straining onion skin decoction to call controller Take once. To achieve the desired result is enough to drink 200 ml of infusion.

infusion onion peel

Herbs can provoke the appearance of menstruation, but the abuse of these funds is strictly prohibited. Calling the coming critical days it is allowed no more than two times a year, and only in that case, if the delay is not related to pregnancy or gynecological diseases.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 14
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