After transfer embryos pulls the stomach both before menstruation: 8-9-10-12 day stomach ache


  1. The main cause of pain
  2. Non-hazardous reasons
  3. large uterus
  4. Side effects of medications
  5. Problems with the digestive tract
  6. physical stress
  7. Implantation
  8. additional reasons
  9. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  10. Increased uterine tone
  11. Ectopic pregnancy

In vitro fertilization carries the load on the female body. And unpleasant sensations begin to cause concern, and tuned to the unfortunate result of the procedure. After embryo transfer is pulling the stomach like before menstruation in many women, and it is not a disease. But it is important to properly assess their feelings and additional factors.

Pain after embryo transfer

The main cause of pain

Before test hCG, ultrasound of the onset of menses and can not accurately confirm pregnancy after IVF. the majority of patients up to this time, nervous, especially if in the past unsuccessfully tucked embryo.

That stress and anxiety often appear the reason that pulls the lower abdomen after the replanting of the embryo. Therefore, you must calm yourself, normalizing psycho-emotional background and to fully comply with the recommendation of the attending physician.

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Also, like the pain can not be linked with the approach of menstruation. According to reviews it is clear that nagging sensation just above the pubic area occur most often in the 8-12 day after the usual replanting or krioperenosa. Doctors are advised to do a blood test two weeks later, and then again several times every 2-3 days. This is done for the following:

  • final confirmation of the success;
  • elimination of false positive or negative results;
  • exception of biochemical pregnancy.

Non-hazardous reasons

A woman may feel pain resembling approaching critical days. But not all embryologists warn their patients, so there are various experiences.

Among the main factors leading to such feelings is to provide the following:

large uterus

This body increases in size, so the effect of fertilization may make minor pain or tingling. It clearly feel those women who have had multiple fetuses, and more than one stick. And pulls the stomach because of the ligaments that support the uterus.

Side effects of medications

Before the transplant, and later, many patients are on hormonal support. A large number of drugs can cause swelling, pain and even problems with the chair. No need to worry if your condition is noted during the first weeks.

Problems with the digestive tract

Soreness can be associated with constipation and flatulence. the condition is often caused by improper diet and physical activity is too low. But still need to consult a doctor.

physical stress

Another reason that pulls in the lower abdomen during menstruation like, acts breach the doctor's recommendations. Here you need to follow a middle ground, without making it too exhausting walks. It is forbidden to lift weights, long stay in the sun or in stuffy places.


Another common reason that girls stomach ache after replanting embryos both before menstruation, stand attachment of the ovum to the uterus.

To pinpoint a particular day, when this happens, it is impossible due to the individual characteristics of each organism. Often the pain falls on 6 or 7 days after ovulation or 2-3 DPP. But it is possible later implantation.

During this process, the woman feels the following symptoms:

  • aching or nagging pain in the tummy area;
  • slight tingling in your chest;
  • metallic taste;
  • mild nausea and dizziness;
  • increase in temperature;
  • Meager isolation from blood (optional).
  • emotional instability.

When in doubt, should consult a specialist. But 9 or 13 DPP (trehdnevok) a minimum level of 29-68 mIU hCG / ml, and this is not enough to confirm a successful fixation of the fetus. After all, we can not exclude a biochemical pregnancy, which may disappear after a few weeks. If pyatidnevok hoisted, the 12 DPP hormone levels even at minimum indicators (120 IU / ml) was regarded as a successful result.

additional reasons

Some patients aching or pulling the stomach up like a month because of the consequences of the earlier fertilization procedures. These sensations are often stored for several days, but sometimes a small pain in ovarian region may last from 9 days to a few weeks.

This includes:

  • ovulation stimulation
  • puncture of the ovaries;
  • transfer.

So do not worry if a stomach ache on the 10th day after embryo transfer, both before menstruation. But consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

It is because of this phenomenon, women try to abandon the CR, but forget that the probability of conception decreases with such a choice.

A mild form of ovarian hyperstimulation practically does not cause discomfort and is harmless to health. But in case of severe pain, can not exclude the flow of violations at a serious stage.

Refer to the specialist is required under the following symptoms:

  • after IVF marked hypotension;
  • the solid stone or feeling the abdomen;
  • vomiting on the background of diarrhea;
  • severe pain in ovarian region, gives to the sacrum;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe shortness of breath.

Because of the unpredictable reactions of the body the doctor is highly recommended hospitalization and further observation of the patient.

Increased uterine tone

Hypertonicity - a contraction of the uterus before the expected date of delivery. Often it occurs in the early stages or after the embryo is transferred. Need diagnosis, because then such a state can become a threat to the normal gestation.

There are two types of hyper:

  • only diagnosed on ultrasound;
  • I felt by a woman.

It is not necessary before the time to panic, because these symptoms could occur on the background of temporary factors. It is very important to ensure peace and sit less.

Ectopic pregnancy

It occurs rarely in artificial insemination (2% of cases). But there are situations when a fertilized egg from the uterus migrates to other places, where there is attachment.

In the early stages are almost no sensation. But the pain, which resembles the approach of menses, 5.8 and even 12 DPP can not be associated with ectopic pregnancy. While some women claim that the unpleasant symptoms began to appear in this period.

According to doctors, the analysis on human chorionic gonadotropin is held two weeks later. If a positive test result ultrasound examination is appointed within 10 days. It was only at this point the doctor will confirm or refute the implantation, as well as diagnose the location of the embryo.

The main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy:

  • the test is positive;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • bloody issues;
  • pain in the abdomen, waist, hips.

Read on to learn why there is month delay after an unsuccessful IVF.

Fetal gestational age is very easy to follow with IVF. By the number of days that have passed a woman is able to evaluate your health, but do not engage in self-diagnosis. Even the pain that can be transferred without medication, it is best to discuss with your doctor. The specialist will dispel all the experiences and help solve problems vozniknuvshey.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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  • 152