Menses after IVF when starting after menses unsuccessful IVF, delay, painful abdomen after transfer pulls


  1. Bleeding patterns after IVF
  2. Pain in the allocation
  3. When waiting for menstruation after IVF
  4. Accounting type ECO
  5. probability of success
  6. additional symptoms
  7. Delay of menstruation

IVF procedure may fail. Therefore, women are interested in any month after IVF worth the wait, and the possible reasons for delays, morbid fluids and other violations. This article will present all possible options for the recovery cycle and the factors that cause deviation.

Month after IVF

Bleeding patterns after IVF

Only 10% of cases after unsuccessful IVF treatments appear menstruation, similar to the usual allocation for women at the beginning of the cycle. All the rest after embryo transfer periods differ due to the effect of HRT and ovarian stimulation.

Most often observed following clinical picture of monthly bleeding:

  1. Spotting during the first day gradually flows into profuse discharge.
  2. The consistency is thick, there are clots.
  3. The duration of menses may exceed week.
  4. Sometimes there is a nagging pain in the abdomen.
  5. The patient suffers worse their suffering from general discomfort.
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Such changes are not a pathology, as under the influence of HRT exfoliate thicker endometrium. Subsequent menstruation usually come on time and are similar to the usual bleeding.

Read what day of the cycle start stimulation with IVF Article link.

Pain in the allocation

The occurrence of painful menstruation after IVF is not a sign of violation. The forums almost a third of women who tucked the embryo, describes similar symptoms. In each case, the pain has different characteristics.

The main reason - it's stress. A patient wishing to have a child, began to experience after a failed attempt. And if the menses come, there is no hope for the implantation of this month already there. This fact affects the sensitivity, so the pain can be even harder.

Also do not forget that it is not enough simply to cancel HRT. Specially prepared endometrium layer for attachment of the ovum not only causes copious, but also provokes a strong discomfort during the critical days.

More discomfort may be associated with pathologies. This means that a woman needs to go to the hospital, instead of doing self-treatment at home using muscle relaxants and other pain medications.

When waiting for menstruation after IVF

To determine exactly how many days after the cancellation support ECO start menstruating is not even the best reproductive system. For each patient, these purely individual terms. In most situations, from the moment a negative result hCG analysis should pass 3-5 days before menstruation.

Time period should not count since the in vitro fertilization procedure, and since the abolition of maintenance therapy. A woman stops to drink hormones as soon as a test for human chorionic gonadotropin rule out pregnancy.

Deviations from this figure, which is not a pathology. The rate of recovery of the menstrual cycle, the following factors will affect:

  • age of the patient;
  • hormonal state to IVF;
  • type of fertilization protocol;
  • presence / absence of ovarian stimulation;
  • the total number of hormones;
  • nature normal cycle;
  • the presence / absence of violations of the cycle in the past;
  • the general health of the woman;
  • psycho-emotional state.

If you count the period immediately after the embryo transfer, the reviews of the women menstruation is within 3-15 days. It is not necessary that the bleeding will start within these days. It is also necessary to take into account the negative emotional background, which is composed of women who want to quickly experience the fruit inside.

Accounting type ECO

Monthly, nachyavshiesya after a failed IVF, and determine the type of a specific protocol:

  • long;
  • giperdlinny;
  • ultra-short;
  • short;
  • Japanese;
  • against the background of the natural cycle.

With a long and giperdlinnom protocol due to the large number of hormonal agents often likely to delay and slow restoration of the genitals without regulation.

When short or ultrashort program fertilization the least likelihood of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

The fastest way to the body returns to normal after the Japanese protocol and manipulation in the natural cycle.

In the first case, the minimum dose of HRT, which virtually eliminates the negative effects. In the latter case, additional drugs are used, sometimes embryologist appoints ovarian stimulation.

Each type of protocol is suitable in certain situations. Therefore it is impossible to push on the short or the Japanese protocol for fear atypical monthly after spiking embryos. After all, in the presence of endometriosis, fibroids, or overweight will only fit a long program of fertilization.

probability of success

diagnose problems associated with the outcome of IVF spotting that after spiking embryos can mean both monthly and implantation bleeding. So do not panic and immediately think of a failed procedure.

On attachment of the ovum to the uterine endometrium is the appearance of secretions with the following characteristics:

  1. The same amount of blood every day.
  2. Sustained release just a few days.
  3. The presence of spreadable scanty.
  4. The presence of pain, but only a few pulls the lower abdomen.
  5. Designation discharge with bloody streaks in the mucus.

If the stomach ache after replanting embryo as in the month, and we can not exclude pregnancy. But go to the doctor can not hurt. If there are nagging feeling that there's a chance for a successful consolidation of eggs. But if the pain cutting or stitching, this may be a harbinger of menstruation. But exactly the situation can only reproductive system. For more details about why after embryo transfer pulls the stomach before menstruation as a read the article here.

additional symptoms

Menstruation after IVF always mean failure. But before they could experience symptoms that resemble early pregnancy:

  1. enlargement and breast tenderness;
  2. slight nausea;
  3. changing taste preferences;
  4. drinking plenty of fluids;
  5. mood swings;
  6. constant fatigue and drowsiness;
  7. irritability.

Therefore, experts advise women to stay calm, and do not assume ahead of time successful result. Otherwise, emotional well-being and hope for a future pregnancy can severely hurt after a negative test.

Delay of menstruation

Delayed menstruation after IVF does not mean that the patient became pregnant. After podsazhivaniya embryo must wait, because only a blood test and ultrasound can confirm that the woman is pregnant.

The cycle of IVF procedures is restored a few months, but that does not mean that such a delay is normal. Doctors say that patients who have undergone hormone replacement therapy, menses should begin a few days after cessation of treatment. Permissible delay of up to two weeks, and only provided that the ultrasound and other tests do not confirm the presence of other pathologies and disorders.

Among the reasons why there is no monthly after IVF in the third cycle or second, you can select:

  1. Suffered a stress due to the fact that the embryo is hoisted, and he was unable to gain a foothold.
  2. Improper or inadequate research before the procedure.
  3. Improper hormonal support or violation of therapy.
  4. Too thin endometrium, due to which not only the implantation does not occur, but do not go monthly.
  5. Blockage of the opening of the cervical canal particles torn away the endometrium.
  6. The occurrence of inflammation in the pelvic organs.
  7. Early menopause on the background of long-term IVF protocol.

Month after a failed IVF modified only for a certain period. They need to survive, keeping calm. A woman at this time can feel the pain and general discomfort. If menstruation does not go, then you must consult your doctor. Appoint a specialist to be examined, as well as talk about the follow-up actions regarding the IVF.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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