Krioperenos on any day of the cycle do: replanting of frozen embryos


  1. Description of the method
  2. When resorting to the procedure
  3. How to choose a day for krioperenosa
  4. According to doctors
  5. Transferring without HRT
  6. Start
  7. before ovulation
  8. after ovulation
  9. Procedure using hormones
  10. Stimulation
  11. helpful hints

There are several ways to combat female infertility, including krioperenos. On what day of the menstrual cycle is carried out the procedure, what it is and what it depends on characteristics of in vitro fertilization process, must be considered in the complex. Article will give a detailed answer to all these questions on the basis of the experience of women and medical data.

Krioperenos: make the transfer of frozen embryos on what day of the cycle

Description of the method

Freezing - the process of freezing the biological material with the consequent possibility of restoring its function after thawing.

Embryologists distinguish two methods of carrying out this procedure:

  • Slow freezing of the program;
  • Vitrification (almost instantly).

In the first case the decrease of temperature gradually. But most clinics offer their clients is the quickest method of the higher chance of keeping the quality at the initial level of cells.

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When resorting to the procedure

Cryo or krioperenos - this is an additional procedure in the framework of ECO, held:

  • in the case of a large number of different embryos after the first replanting;
  • when parents are planning to have a baby even after a few years;
  • if there is a contraindication to podsazhivanie embryos in the current month;
  • if the patient has already had an unsuccessful fertilization;
  • if the experts have decided to collect an egg in a few months;
  • when there is a risk of missed abortion.

If a woman during IVF have suffered one or two blastocysts, it makes sense to freeze the rest, so you do not resort to puncture, and after an unsuccessful procedure.

How to choose a day for krioperenosa

On what day do replanting cycle of frozen embryos, depending on the selected krioprotokola:

  • when in a natural cycle IVF without stimulation;
  • use of hormone replacement therapy;
  • when stimulated.

The best option is to transfer the first case, but sometimes it is necessary to resort to additional drugs and methods to maximize the female body was ready for podsazhivaniyu embryos.

For every woman the date of the transfer is determined individually and depends on the age, ovulation and the state of the mucous layer of the uterus.

According to doctors

There is the concept of implantation window in the medical field. It is for it professionals determine what day of the cycle is transferred to the embryo krioprotokole.

This is a unique period of time when there is a chance for a successful implementation of krioembrionov in the endometrium of the uterus. In the normal menstrual chart this period falls on the 6-8 days after onset of the female ovulation. Further organism launches certain processes fertilized egg cell interactions with receptors endometrium.

Longest duration of implantation window to transfer the notes at the EC.

With stimulation of the situation is the opposite. Most unexpected is happening against the background of hormone replacement therapy:

  • bias;
  • inferiority of AI;
  • unavailability endometrium (low receptor sensitivity).

It is therefore to identify the most suitable period of blastocyst transfer only by a doctor. If the clinic chose the wrong time, it significantly reduces the chances of a successful attachment of the ovum.

Transferring without HRT

On which day of the female cycle krioperenos do in the natural cycle, depends on the age of fertilized eggs:

  • three-day - 3 days after a positive test for ovulation;
  • five days (blastocysts) - 5 days after ovulation.

Transfer krioembrionov carried out in the most natural conditions. Eliminating the need for hormonal therapy. Of the drug support can distinguish a slight impact on the luteal phase.
The protocol has the following features:


Reproductive system assigns the patient ultrasound (1 day), to examine the state of endometrial and ovarian activity.

before ovulation

Woman donates blood and urine tests. If the test does not confirm the maturation of the follicle, then held a slight stimulation.

after ovulation

A few days after confirmation of ovulation is carried out the transfer procedure. Sometimes assigned by easy support of the luteal phase.

The main problem of this method - the difficulty of determining the exact period of availability of the follicle. Therefore podsazhivayut egg using this protocol only healthy patients, who have virtually no problems with the phases of the endometrium. Otherwise there is a possibility of erroneous determination of the date of transfer.

Procedure using hormones

Krioprotokol on HRT is used for embryo transfer, when there is a need not only to monitor, but also to create the necessary conditions in the body of the patient.

Before determining on what day of the menstrual cycle podsazhivayut krioembrionov in this case, it is necessary to find out the type of procedure. Done such transfer in the following situations:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • no natural ovulation;
  • lack follicular (low ovular reserve);
  • spayed.

It may be carried out in two variants:

  • the blockade of the pituitary gland;
  • only the support of hormones.

In the first case ovulation top it falls on the first 24 hours of receiving progesterone.

In conventional HRT all happens without the blockade as follows:

  1. Tracking the growth of the endometrium and estrogen from the first day.
  2. When endometrium acquires the desired structure and thickness, the physician prescribes progesterones.
  3. Next, the embryos are transferred into the uterus, depending on the stage of development at which cryopreservation occurred (third or fifth day).
  4. After replanting embryos, the doctor prescribes a personalized maintenance therapy for fetal development.


During this transfer protocol procedure is possible only after stimulation of ovulation by using a small amount of gonadotropins.

Appointed immediately in the following situations:

  • immature endometrium at the EC;
  • poor structure and thickness of endometrium on the background of hormones.

It takes place as follows:

  • the doctor observes the patient;
  • an ultrasound study of follicles and endometrium;
  • at follicle size of 18 mm assigned hCG injection.

In this case, do krioperenos embryos, determined by the physician on any day of the cycle. Most often 4-5 days after the injection has thawed blastocysts transferred.

helpful hints

That the procedure was successful, the girls must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • complete renunciation of sex to permit the treating physician;
  • sufficient fluid intake, especially in the morning;
  • complete physical and psycho-emotional tranquility;
  • diet enrichment plant and animal protein;
  • full compliance with the requirements of Reproduction.

A woman who has faced the problem of conception, it is necessary to listen to the doctor. Only a specialist can accurately determine the date for the transplant. It can not be equal to the other patients who leave comments on the website or forum. It is more important to find an embryologist with sufficient experience and knowledge.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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