How to stop and delay the monthly 45

Perhaps every woman was in a situation where she wanted to postpone the menstruation for at least a few days. Competitions, church weddings, planned operations or more trivial reasons - long journeys or long-awaited paid trips - are the reasons why women think about how to delay the months. How safe is this intervention, and what methods help to delay the onset of monthly bleeding?

Content of

  • 1 Is it worth it to do
  • 2 What can not be done to stop monthly
  • 3 Delay critical days - is it real?
  • 4 menstruation Stop using pharmaceuticals
    • 4.1 Contraceptives
    • 4.2 Contraceptives
    • 4.3 Medications
      • 4.3.1 Norkolut
      • 4.3.2 Djufaston
      • 4.3.3 Dicynonum
      • 4.3.4 Vikasol
      • 4.3.5 Tranexam
      • 4.3.6 Etamsilate
  • 5 Natural remedies
    • 5.1 Lemon
    • 5.2 Parsley
    • 5.3 Nettle
    • 5.4 Herbal teas

Is it worth it to do

That the monthly is requiredthis is the criterion of a full-fledged female life, even teenage girls know. But there are circumstances when it is simply necessary that they pass quickly. Doing such experiments on yourself regularly is not worth it. It is so easy to break the cycle, to earn a chronic illness, adding to other existing ills in the gynecological area other ailments. A single successful attempt to interrupt monthly harm will not cause.

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A weighty reason why a woman might want to shorten critical days is too much allocation. This can lead to anemia and nervous breakdown at the same time. Abundant menstrual discharge are considered if their amount exceeds the permissible 50-150 ml. Sometimes this happens from heavy physical exertion. To make things right, it's enough just to postpone such activity until the end of menstruation. But when in rest the body continues to lose a lot of blood these days, you need to look for a way to stop bleeding with menstruation.

The third reason to do this may be hiding in the duration of menstruation. Normal does not last longer than 7 days. If the smear continues and after the expiration of this period, other signs characteristic of critical days do not disappear, the woman should be puzzled by how to stop menstruation.

It is likely that too long and intense periods are a signal of any female ill-being:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Myoma of the uterus;
  • Polypach;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Poor blood clotting.

Certainly, any cases of abnormal menstruation should be investigated by a specialist. But as measures of the first pre-hospital care it is permissible to use the variants tested by other women how to suspend the monthly ones.

What can not be done to stop the monthly

It should be remembered that menstruation is only part of the process that provides the possibility of procreation. It occurs under the influence of hormones and represents a regular replacement of the old coat layer of the uterine cavity with fresh. The first one must be torn off and removed from the body. Cervical canal all this time is somewhat expanded, which, among other things, gives easier, than usual, the possibility of penetration of foreign microorganisms into the uterine cavity.

Knowing how to get rid of menstruation, you can not do so that part of the dead endometrium remains inside. Otherwise, an inflammatory process is guaranteed in any of the departments of the reproductive system.

Delay critical days - is it real?

Postponement of menstruation may occur for the following reasons:

  • hormonal failure,
  • increased blood coagulability;
  • physical exhaustion of the body;
  • nerve stress;
  • psychological attitude.

Simple natural remedies help to delay menstruation for a couple of days. But to push back the onset of menstrual bleeding for a longer period of time - hormones are needed. In addition, with general exhaustion( lack of nutrition or nervous stress), you can not even think about the question "how to delay the monthly", they themselves disappear for several months. Also, to influence the processes occurring in the body can be psychological methods: self-hypnosis and visualization of the desired result.

A number of drugs allow to accelerate the course of critical days and shorten their duration. This is a safer intervention, it has no pathological consequences( as with hormonal imbalance).

The question "how to postpone the monthly" should be decided only in case of emergency, a very good reason. If the reason for the discussion and finding a solution was a vacation, weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps, it is better to use tampons and anesthetizing pills than to apply hormonal strong drugs?

If you still think that they should be moved anyway, then we offer you several possible solutions to this issue.

Stopping menstruation with pharmaceuticals

An effective way to shorten menstruation is by taking medications that help. Do not need to look for complex recipes and ingredients, waste time preparing, just buy a finished product in the pharmacy. But before taking hemostatic drugs with menstruation, it's good to make sure that they do not cause allergies, and also to find out a list of contraindications.


So, how to delay the monthly? The guaranteed result is given by hormonal preparations containing progestins. They begin to take, beginning with the middle of the cycle. The newest start date is 5 days before the start of menstruation. On the day when the menstruation was to begin, the reception is stopped. So you can delay the monthly for a day or for three days.

If combined oral contraceptives( COCs) are single-phase, then swallow a tablet a day for three weeks. The effect of delaying menstruation occurs if the drug has been used no later than three days before the onset of critical days.

If the contraceptive is three-phase, you need to eat the third phase pill. At the same time, there is no protection from pregnancy, but the monthly ones will begin only 2-3 days after the end of the reception of the three-phase COC.


Another remedy for menstruation - birth control pills. In order not to stop, but to delay the onset of critical days, a woman needs continuous use of these drugs. That is, after using one pack of OK, in order for menstruation to not come, immediately begin the next. But you can not use birth control pills for more than 2 months. Monthly in this case will begin only when the woman stops taking these drugs. During this period, the possibility of conception is also minimal, as with the usual application of OK.

If a woman uses three-phase contraceptives, then after the end of the first package, she needs to take the last-stage pills from the next pack.

Organometr is used to suppress ovulation and menstruation. It is used for 1 tablet, the number of days of administration is prescribed by a doctor. Also, in order to remove the monthly ones, Eksluton, Primolut-Nor, Pregnin are used.

Each of these drugs has its contraindications. Therefore, they must be used after medical consultation. Common contraindications for oral contraception are the patient liver, thrombosis, diabetes, circulatory disorders, as well as pregnancy.


There are a number of drugs that are used in gynecology for treatment. A side effect of their use is the delay or absence of a monthly bleeding.


Hormonal pills that help to keep menstruation for a couple of days or longer, for a week. The medicinal substance treats the disorders of the monthly cycle, the absence of monthly and excessive soreness. As for the impact on the beginning of the monthly cycle, the Norcolut is used for both approaching and delaying the monthly bleeding.

One week before the month it is taken internally 2 tablets daily. So continue for 12 days. The medicinal substance suppresses the maturation of the follicle and prevents ovulation. Thus, with the help of Norkolut you can delay the monthly for a week.

If time is lost, you can drink the Norklut on the day of the beginning of the monthly bleeding. The amount of blood will decrease significantly, turn into a light brown daub. Contraindication to the use of norkolut is the period of puberty, liver disease, increased blood coagulability, asthma, diabetes and obesity.


Dupuston is distinguished from other hormonal preparations by the way it acts. It does not affect the ovulation of the follicle, is not contraindicated in pregnancy, is not a contraceptive. The medicinal substance is used to treat endometriosis. Dyufaston affects the mucous membrane of the uterus, preventing its proliferation. In addition, this drug increases the amount of progesterone, which leads to a later rejection of the mucous layer( that is, to the delay of critical days).How do I make a monthly delay with Dufaston? It is necessary to use it inside 2 tablets a day, starting from the middle of the cycle.

Actually, this drug is prescribed for menstruation. It is a synthetic substitute for dydrogesterone - a hormone that is produced by the body itself. Its difference from other mentioned drugs is that Dufaston does not affect the viscosity of the blood. The action of the drug is based on the suppression of excessive endometrial activity, the fight against hyperplasia with a high concentration of estrogens. If a woman is interested in how to reduce menstruation, Dufaston is exactly what will help, especially with endometriosis.

To reduce the volume of menstrual flow take 5 mg of the drug 4 times a day for 5-7 days. Among the possible adverse reactions noted:

  • Headache;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the liver region;
  • Enhanced breast sensitivity;
  • Allergic manifestations on the skin in the form of redness or rash.


A drug that stimulates the formation of platelets, thickening the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It is used for various external bleeding, internal hemorrhages, and surgical interventions. Dicinone is recommended for those women who suffer from excessive monthly to regulate the amount of secretions.

Tablets stop monthly, called Dicynon, accelerate the process of blood clotting. Specialists especially recommend it for intensive menstruation caused by fibroids or vascular diseases.

The reception scheme is slightly different than that of the other drugs mentioned. Dicinone in tablets begin to drink 3-4 pills a day for 5 days before menstruation. It also acts faster than other similar medicines, after 1-2 hours.

Having found out how to stop menstruation with Dicinone, a woman needs to know also that its use can be provoked by side effects:

  • Numbness in the legs due to the reaction of the nervous system;
  • Dizziness;
  • Reduction of blood pressure;
  • Stomach pain, heartburn, nausea;
  • Allergy, usually manifested by redness and eruptions on the face.


This hemorrhagic drug is essentially a concentrated vitamin K, which is necessary for the body to normalize blood coagulation. That is why contraindications to its use are:

  • Thromboses;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Hypercoagulation;
  • Postponed myocardial infarction and stroke.

Vikasol is also capable of provoking side effects in the form of:

  • Allergic rashes, redness of the skin;
  • Bronchospasm in asthmatics;
  • Rapid heart rate;
  • Elevated sweating;
  • Changes in taste.

Despite the above, with the reception of Vikasol, the question of how to make the monthly ones run out quickly can be considered resolved. He is not able to stop them from the first day, so do not start drinking tablets beforehand. But its hemostatic properties can significantly reduce the abundance of discharge, the duration of critical days and improve the woman's well-being.
If you take Vikasol from the beginning of menstruation at 30 mg per day, it will be faster. It should be noted that the medicine will start to act 12 hours after it has entered the stomach. To normalize the number of discharges, it is necessary to start taking Vikasol one week after the end of the menstrual period. Then the next critical days will not torment the woman with intensive secretions.


Hemostatic drug due to its hemostatic action due to tranesamic acid. It is able to more actively coagulate blood, so using the drug can shorten menstruation. In addition, Tranesca reduces pain, resists inflammatory processes in the female organs and has an anti-allergic effect.

To obtain the desired result, the drug should be taken orally 3-4 times a day from the very beginning of the critical days. Activate the drug begins 3 hours after this. A small increase in dosage can solve the problem, how to stop the monthly for a day. But you should not abuse this possibility, it can be dangerous.

Tranesca should be very carefully used by women with diseased kidneys, as it is excreted through the urinary system. Thrombosis also makes independent use of the drug dangerous.

These tablets from monthly will not be effective for more than 3 consecutive cycles, because in the future because of addiction they will not be able to have an initial effect on the body.


The drug effectively helps with damage to the walls of the capillaries, increases the viscosity of the blood. Thanks to the listed possibilities, these hemostatic tablets with monthly will also be useful. It is enough to use 1-2 pieces 3-4 times a day, so that menstruation becomes less abundant and soon over.
The recommended dosage of the drug should not cause a negative effect. But sometimes at its excess are possible:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • Heartburn;
  • Headache.

With excessive blood viscosity, a tendency to thrombus formation, identified studies, it is better not to use Etamsilate.

Natural remedies

If it is impossible for a woman to use pharmaceutical drugs to stop menstruating, or if there are doubts about their account, there are many other ways to make critical days go faster. Perhaps the preparation of such funds will take more time, but they do not cause so many side reactions and do not have contra-indications inherent in pharmaceutical preparations. But they are not too active too.

Recommendations of traditional healers: as a means for delaying the use of products or herbs with vitamin C. A similar effect has the use of a pharmacy form of vitamin( max dose - 500 mg in one tablet).How on a day to delay the monthly with ascorbic acid?


About how bound the lemon and the monthly were known long ago. In our time, it is possible to scientifically explain its effectiveness in their rapid cessation. It is known that among other useful substances the lemon contains a huge concentration of vitamin C, which makes the walls of the vessels elastic and more durable.

Menstrual discharge is, in particular, blood from bursting capillaries. To make their damage less likely, a lemon is capable, if you eat it in large quantities at once. This is quite difficult because of its sour taste, but you can mix lobules with honey or currant jam.

Lemon during menstruation can significantly damage or remain useless if a woman has digestive system diseases. With inflammation of the mucosa and ulcer of the stomach, it is generally contraindicated, and colitis and enteritis result when it is used for diarrhea, and then vitamin C simply does not stay in the body in the proper amount.


Another safe preparation for one or two days is a decoction of parsley root or a decoction of water pepper. Tincture of pepper is a ready-made drug, which accelerates the coagulability of blood. He is drunk on one teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for three days before critical days. Decoction of the root of parsley is a diuretic. It thickens the blood and weakens the bleeding.

Prepare a decoction of parsley easily from:

  • 40 g of fresh plant, which finely chopped;
  • 250 ml of boiling water.

The composition is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes, 3 hours insist. The drug begins to drink a few days before a glass of 1/2 cup before meals. Thanks to the ascorbic acid contained in the plant, essential oils, the mass of other useful elements, menstruation becomes less painful. The problem, how to stop the monthly , will also be solved.
Plant for the regulation of menstruation is undesirable to apply when:

  • Diseases of the biliary tract;
  • Problems with the urinary system;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Allergies.

Water pepper

How to stop the monthly if they have already begun, those who have tried for this broth of water pepper know. Prepare the necessary funds can be from:

  • 40 g of crushed dried plant;
  • 1/2 liter of hot water.

The boil should not be more than 5 minutes in a water bath, then hold for 2-3 hours under a tight lid, wrapped in a towel. Drinking half a cup before meals 3-4 times a day will give the desired effect. The plant is able to stop bleeding, actively counteracts the inflammatory process and spasms, which, during menstruation, also reduces its soreness. Beware of allergic manifestations, if there is intolerance to water pepper.


Hemostatic drugs that increase blood clotting: shepherd's bag and nettle. They do not provide a delay in menstruation, but they reduce blood flow and shorten the duration of bleeding. From pharmacy drugs, a similar effect is possessed by Vikasol, Etamsilat.

This plant is also famous for its medicinal properties, applied in different areas. What to do to make the monthly passes faster with its help is also known to specialists who prescribe nettle to reduce bleeding. The recipe for the broth is as follows:

  • 4 tbsp dry, finely chopped leaves;
  • 500 ml of well-heated water.

Components are connected, they are kept for 5 minutes in a water bath, and then insist half an hour, wrapped well. Drink this broth is necessary 3 times a day.
There is also a lot of vitamin C in the nettle, but it still has a hemostatic effect. This will reduce the amount of secretions and cause menstruation to end more quickly. To start taking a nettle broth is necessary for a day or two earlier than expected monthly. In addition to a possible allergic reaction, other troubles from the plant should not wait.

If a woman is constantly tormented by prolonged and painful menstruation, you can drink broths periodically for several days. Then the problem of how to stop the menstruation will be removed. Critical days will go back to normal and stop suffering.

Herbal teas

The problem, how to reduce the monthly, is solved with the help of tea, brewed from medicinal plants. This is perhaps the safest way to influence the character of menstruation and the volume of secretions, as well as to remove the pain and negative psychological manifestations of critical days. There are several recipes for this tea. Herbal preparations are simply brewed with boiling water in a glass, insist a certain amount of time and drink 3-4 times during the day. Begin to do this for a few days before menstruation, until it ends.
The most effective recipes:

  • Shepherd's bag, raspberry, peppermint. Equal parts of grass( 1 teaspoon) for a glass of boiling water, 10 minutes;
  • Valerian root, yarrow, Goose's goatee, blood-groove, nettle.1 tspmixture on 200 ml of liquid, brew for 30 minutes;
  • Leaves of wild strawberry in the volume of 1 tbsp.a liter of boiling water, insist half an hour;Highlander pepper 1 teaspoonbrew in 1 liter of liquid for 20 minutes. To take 1 tbsp tea 3 times a day;
  • Viburnum berries( 2 tsp) for 1 cup of boiling water, brew for half an hour. Drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day;
  • 1 tbsp.roots of a blood-groove medicinal in a dry kind to brew 200 ml of a liquid, to boil 30 minutes, to add to former level. Drink 1 tbsp each.4 times before meals;
  • Spores, shepherd's bag, the branches of mistletoe are mixed equally.2 tbsp brew 400 ml of boiling water, hold the hour. Drink a glass in the morning and in the evening;

Those wishing to experience how to make the monthly quickly run out, it is also worth knowing that all of the above methods can not be used on a regular basis. They are intended rather as emergency measures. If the menstruation is long, plentiful, exhausting constantly, the cause should be sought together with the gynecologist and direct efforts to eradicate it, and not be limited to symptomatic treatment, which, in fact, is all the means mentioned.

Before taking any medications, it is necessary to consult a specialist physician, there are contraindications!

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