Monthly smear (brown) but do not start: Causes


  1. Why is menstruation
  2. When you do not have to worry
  3. When to consult a doctor
  4. Diagnostics
  5. The order of treatment
  6. Folk remedies
  7. prevention methods

Sometimes women's health fails. If smears instead of monthly brown, it is necessary to determine the cause and consult a doctor if necessary. This symptom may indicate the occurrence of severe disease. Therefore, ignore the onset of menstruation spotting is not necessary.

Smears instead of monthly

Why is menstruation

One of the functions of the female body is childbearing. By the middle of the cycle matures the egg is ready for fertilization. In the absence of pregnancy, the endometrium starts to be rejected, which is accompanied by bleeding.

Hormonal changes can cause discomfort. Women have a stomach ache, lower back and a weakness. Sometimes there is an infringement of the cycle. This may indicate a variety of abnormalities, but the reasons for such a state does not always pose a danger.

When you do not have to worry

When instead of monthly allocation are physiological reasons, you should not worry. These include the initiation of sexual activity. This phenomenon can be observed in the first days of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the slow rejection of the functional layer of the uterus. Blood comes out in a small amount, so that the allocation of become a dark color. Such a result is obtained by interaction with the medium of oxygen and microorganisms in the vagina.

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Spotting considered normal after childbirth and during lactation. Female reproductive system is required for the restoration of the time. After birth first selection are abundant, but their intensity is gradually reduced and the result is a brown spotting instead of monthly. When there is a change of lactation the female hormonal levels. In the body of prolactin produced intensively, slowing the maturation of the egg. This leads to a lack of menstruation. Ovulation formulation with the active prolactin also occurs very slowly. a few months it will take for the recovery cycle.

If monthly smear brown, but not start a woman 40 years old, it can be assumed that the reason lies in the extinction of reproductive function. During menopause stops maturation of oocytes. The female body ceases to perform reproduction.

The first sign of this change is a violation of the menstruation. The void volume is reduced and they become brown. Concomitant symptoms of menopause can become hot flashes, sweating, heart palpitations and sleep disturbances. In some cases, these symptoms have been reported in women after 38 years.

Meager selection marked and girls at menarche.

Monthly smear, but a long time do not start due to a surgical procedure. The reason for the meager selections could be surgery to remove the polyps, fibroids or part of the uterus, abortion, curettage and laparoscopy. If menses do not have an unpleasant smell, no reason to panic.

The intensity and color selections may be changed or influenced by external factors. It:

  • stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • excessive exercise;
  • excess weight.

Overweight causes of hormonal balance. The result is disappointing. Spotting at monthly becoming scarce. These effects lead and rigid diet. If menses did not go normally, it may be the result of intake of contraceptives.

Violation of the cycle can be observed in women taking birth control pills. The action of these funds is intended to prevent ovulation. Organism slows hormone estrogen, which hinders the development of the endometrium (the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity). Therefore, the allocation may acquire a dark brown color. But this state must not last longer than 3 months. Another reason for spotting may consist of irregular sexual life.

When to consult a doctor

The reason that the monthly smear, but do not start getting trauma or hormonal imbalances. This phenomenon is also observed in the ectopic pregnancy.

If the anointed dark, but do not start monthly, reason may be incorrect implantation of the ovum. The test result will be positive. But the color of the second strips may be pale. Therefore, these problems need to consult a specialist.

Spotting at the beginning of menstruation occurs as a result of hormonal disorders in pregnancy that lead to miscarriage. If a woman is concerned about pain in the abdomen and back, you must go to the doctor. Find out, how to distinguish between periods of miscarriage in early pregnancy.

To scanty cause pathology of the reproductive system:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • genital tuberculosis;
  • cervical cancer;
  • endometritis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • atrophic vaginitis.

If month were 1 day and endedIt can be assumed the beginning of the inflammatory process. It is often the cause of exposure to cold.

The appearance of brown discharge is taking antibiotics. These drugs have a negative effect on the intestine, pancreas, liver and nervous system. As well as possible month delay after antibiotics from one week to a month.

Brown monthly allocation instead arise due to sexually transmitted infections that occur as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. Their symptoms are itching in the vagina, abdominal pain, and discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Urination accompanied by painful sensations. A woman with such abnormalities should seek medical help.

When Day 3 monthly smear and do not start, it may be due to excessive production of estrogen and progesterone in the body lack. Hormonal imbalances requires treatment. If monthly will not be normalized for the third month on the background of a contraceptive, should consult a physician for use of an alternative drug.


If a woman complains to the selection of brown color, the doctor prescribes the following procedure:

  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs;
  • bacteriological sowing and analyzes to help detect the presence of pathogenic micro-organisms;
  • smears for the detection of infections;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • scheduling basal body temperature;
  • thyroid research.

On pelvic examination is performed to identify possible traumatic injuries.

The order of treatment

Treating physicians should appoint on the basis of the results of the survey. Treatment is directed at eliminating the causes of violations. If you long to begin monthly due to an ectopic pregnancy, surgery is performed. When cancer pathology is assigned to combined therapy.

And while brown secretions are used antimicrobials. Venereal diseases eliminated by antibiotics. If there is no monthly, and anointed the brown menopause, therefore need hormone therapy.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment is recommended to combine with folk remedies. This disease is endometriosis can be treated with lemon and orange. Scroll through the fruit through a meat grinder. Pipette 2 hours. l. sugar and onion peel tincture, which is made in advance. For its preparation you need 2 tbsp. l. this ingredient pour 1 liter of hot water and keep a quarter of an hour at low heat. The mixture was take 1 hour. l. 3 times a day for a week.

In the treatment of herpes, chlamydia and trichomoniasis recommended the following composition. To prepare it, you will need a few ingredients. Take 2 tbsp. l. rosehips, 1 tbsp. l. nettle, lavender flowers, cranberry leaves and elder flowers, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for two hours. Drink composition after ingestion of 100 ml meals three times a day. receiving a course should last no more than two months.

And if at the beginning of the monthly smears brown, you can use the following recipes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dried oregano pour 500 ml of boiled water for 40 minutes, then filter and drink 4 times a day before meals to 200 ml;
  • 1 h. l. chopped parsley seed fill two cups of cold water, leave 8 hours. Accepted 0.5 cups four times a day. Instead you can use the infusion of the seeds, which should consume 1.5 g .;
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. tansy and wormwood, 3 tbsp. l. lovage and Oregano, 4 tbsp. l. quinoa dining. Then, 3 tbsp. l. collecting the resulting sugar and 1 liter of hot water and boiled insist take 0.5 cups 6 times per day.

Some folk remedies need to take a long time, but they help make tangible therapeutic effect.

prevention methods

Avoid violations of the cycle will help compliance with multiple regulations. For good health it is necessary that a healthy diet has become an integral part of life. Bad habits, overweight and high cholesterol rates can discourage the inflow of hormones coming from the blood. This will help prevent food with omega-3. It anchovy, tuna, sardines and trout. If periods may not start, the body can experience a deficiency of protein. The sources of this material are nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs.

Linen must be chosen size. Give preference to products made of natural materials. Give up drinking and smoking. Normalize the menses will promote the strengthening of the immune system. Walk in the fresh air, provide yourself a good rest. Engage feasible exercise, but avoid fatigue. Eliminate the stress factors.

Brown monthly allocation instead arise due to many factors. To understand why the month is not going to fully and smear, the doctor will help. The sooner you contact the person, the easier it will be to cope with the problem.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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