The reasons for the delay menstruation after 40 years: in addition to pregnancy, menstruation delay test is negative after 40-43 years


  1. Changes in the menstrual cycle of women to 40 years
  2. What is considered a delay
  3. Non-pathological reasons for the delay menstruation in women after 40 years
  4. Stress
  5. climate Change
  6. Change of sexual partner
  7. Intoxication
  8. Change of diet
  9. Fast weight loss or weight gain
  10. Physical exercise
  11. Pathological delay causes
  12. Menopause prematurely
  13. What to do if lost month in 40 years

Critical days - natural process that occurs in a woman's body and talks about her readiness to fulfill the reproductive function. But it happens that this function fails. What could be the reasons for the delay menstruation after age 40, and how serious is this problem? This will tell in this article.

Delayed menstruation after 40 years

Changes in the menstrual cycle of women to 40 years

Over a lifetime, a woman goes through three stages, is directly related to the critical days. Puberty, which lasts from 13 to 17 years. Childbearing age - about 40-50. And the extinction of the reproductive system. Age Unknown here and averaged about - this is a very personal time and each it can be different.

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At the beginning of puberty, the ovaries in women is about 400 (sometimes up to 500) thousand follicles. This is the future of the egg. Once a month, the follicle, under the influence of a complex of hormones, the egg is formed, which is then ready for fertilization, moves into the uterus. It begins ovulation. After another certain amount of time, the fertilized egg does not rejected the uterus, and in its place becomes new. This occurs in the first part of the cycle. The process causes pain and bleeding - monthly.

On the dimension of the flow of this cycle can be seen on a woman's health. By the normal duration refers period - from 28 to 35 days. Once the nature of the allotted volume of follicles coming to an end, a woman comes out of reproductive age, the development of follicles and stops menopause.

If this streamlined rhythm disruptions occur - it's time to see a doctor. If you become pregnant, then it is about the natural course of events, which, though results in a delay, but nothing negative with no responsibility.

What are the reasons for the delay menstruation, pregnancy except in general may be after 40 years?

What is considered a delay

If there is a delay in menstruation after age 40, and a negative test does not need to panic. You should first clarify whether or not there is that delay.

Latency - a violation of the menstrual cycle, which manifests the absence of emissions. But it is important to understand that a slight delay - up to 10 days - in fact not delay and fluctuations in the cycle. They may be caused by the most trivial reasons, and will not result in serious consequences. And even if you delay the planned monthly in 40 years, the causes of which are not obvious, but it lasts no more than 10 days, do not worry.

But if in 41, 42 years you do not have monthly for 2 months, then it is much more severe symptoms. It can be caused by a number of diseases.

Non-pathological reasons for the delay menstruation in women after 40 years

The options are many. If the delay period is not more than 10 days, then it is likely that it is related to the following:


The body is protected from unnecessary emotions and tries to save internal resources. Therefore, to the best of times, the process stops the production of hormones. And behind him, and all the subsequent steps in the reproductive system. Do not get too often bring themselves into such a state. Life is in constant stress facing problems with all the internal organs.

climate Change

Prolonged exposure to the sun or in the cold, the abrupt change of belts and climates, the body begins to adjust and adapt. Because of this, it is often difficult to fall asleep easily in a new place, cases of stomach disorders and delays menstruatsionnogo cycle.

Change of sexual partner

As a result of sexual intercourse in the body produces a variety of chemical compounds. If your life has a rhythm in this aspect, the change from his having a variety of effects. And this is not to mention that such processes are seldom without stress.


Smoking, alcohol, drugs adversely affect you. And if at a younger age the body can deal with these problems, then at the age of 35, it may need much more time and resources. And they can be spent on the maintenance of stable work of the reproductive system.

Change of diet

This is also a version of the stress. And it is not only diets drastically limit your usual foods and calories. Even a regular change of dishes - from European to Asian, as an example - can cause a cautious response.

Fast weight loss or weight gain

With significant changes in weight (over 10 kg for 1-6 months) the entire body begins to rebuild, "adapting" to new conditions of existence. Therefore, there can be problems with the regularity and duration of the cycle.

Physical exercise

Another version of the stress to the body. Especially if we are talking about the increased load level.

Pathological delay causes

Medical, gynecological, and not only the problems that can be a major cause of delay:

  • tumoral processes in the body (such as uterine fibroids, directly associated with the reproductive system, and other types of tumors);
  • injuries genital organs (including, and the consequences of abortion or other operable interventions);
  • inflammation of the reproductive system - the uterus, appendages, ovaries;
  • genetic disease;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The reasons for the lack of menstruation, pregnancy except after 40 years, is also often directly related to hormonal imbalance of the body and his.

Elevated levels of testosterone or adrenal dysfunction operation can result in improper operation of the whole hormone system. Thus, the follicles in a woman's body is enough, but the process of rejection and the substitution of a new ovum does not occur - the body does not receive the appropriate signal from that work as female hormones. This is a serious problem and the cause of fruitlessness. find out when and on what day of the cycle to be tested for testosterone.

Menopause prematurely

Another option - early menopause. According to statistics, it comes at the age of 45 to 55 years. But there are exceptions, when a woman ceases to be ready to procreate since 35. If the discharge and before that there were irregular, and you are sure you are not pregnant - it may well be that your case. Upon the occurrence of premature menopause in women conducted laboratory research on the AMG. find out when and on what day of the cycle to take Anti-Müllerian hormone.

What to do if lost month in 40 years

Listen to your body. What is not so, except for the lack of menstruation? If the process is delayed until just a couple of days, you experience all the symptoms that come before the onset of menstruation (pulling sensation, rash, mood swings ...), it is still worry early. A few days are critical and require no special tools for treatment and examination. Just analyze recently.

If the delay in the beginning of the month 43 years old, the reasons are not obvious, lasts weeks, not days, there is pain, dizziness, malaise, fever - immediately contact a doctor.

Ask for help to the tried gynecologist, who is well acquainted with you and you can trust. He needs to know your background and be able to quickly determine the cause of the missing discharge, assign examination and diagnosis. menstruation Problem - bad occasion to make an appointment to a new specialist. If there are no other options, even comment on such a doctor is required. In this case, be sure to carefully examine himself medic, his qualifications and reviews. Go to the full trust once it will not lead, but the risk is reduced seriously.

Start monthly on the second (and sometimes fifth) day of calibrated period - normally, but it is often a sign of fatigue.

Try to make the stressful situations in your life stopped. Two of the four examples of delays in medical practice in one way or another connected with stress. And doctors say that the third is also connected, just not as obvious.

Delayed menstruation at age 44, the reasons for which are not clear - a good reason to see a doctor at an extraordinary examination, even if it is not passed ten days. The same goes for the delay at any other age. Especially when a negative pregnancy test.

Do not trust the "folk medicine", at least as long as you do not put a definitive diagnosis.

It is not necessary to try to independently appoint a treatment. It may even have a negative impact on your health and make it worse.

Do not take medications without a prescription. Not least because it is dangerous for the rest of the body.

Acute pain, bleeding and severe malaise instead of menstruation - a good reason to call the doctor immediately to the house.

Discontinuation of the body is trying to hint to you that he has run out of resources and you should heed. Even if it is not directly related to the disease, and you do not bear a child. Do you need a portion of energy. Often let yourself relax. This has a positive effect on all the systems.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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