The delay after the first time (sex): How much time (cycle skip)


  1. As deflowering effect on the female body
  2. As can be changed monthly
  3. reasons for the delay
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Stress
  6. Sexual intercourse before the start of menstruation
  7. other causes
  8. diagnostic procedures
  9. preventive measures

The first sexual experience does not go for the girl without a trace. Like the conception or birth, he acts on the physiological and psychological characteristics of the organism, altering the hormonal and emotional performance. Delay after the first time or duration of an uncharacteristic menses may result from adaptation of women to the unusual state. Isolated cases of a lack of critical days signal the reproductive system pathology or pregnancy. This article will tell you how to proceed in the absence of menstruation and whether the situation is normal.

The delay after the first time

As deflowering effect on the female body

Deflowering may cause discomfort of a physiological nature and lead to stress. The first sexual contact damage occurs hymen. In the process of possible bleeding, do not stop within 1-3 days, and severe discomfort.

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Often virgin faced with a situation where the monthly long to go after the first sex. If a slight delay, the women perceive it quietly, otherwise the stress increases.

menstrual slight shift is not dangerous. In this case, the cause of delay after the first time - a nervous breakdown, or hormonal changes.

If there were other symptoms - nausea or pulling sensation in the abdomen, the possibility of conception. Particularly high probability of pregnancy during sexual intercourse without protection means (condoms, contraceptive pill, spermicides).

As can be changed monthly

Menses in female patients in adolescence often characterized by low intensity. Most teenagers also suffer from the unpleasant and painful sensations at the beginning of menstruation. Sometimes symptoms do not go away without taking medication relieves spasms.

Discomfort may arise due to the nature of the hymen. First sexual intercourse helps to stretch the muscles of the vagina. Because deflowering leads to a temporary increase in the volume of bleeding during regulation.

Girls often ask whether after the first time be a delay monthly. The answer is yes. Slight deviations in the cycle in either direction are the norm. Up to 1 week - that's how many delayed menstriatsiya without abnormalities.

reasons for the delay

Although monthly after the first sex can linger in the normal range, there are a number of reasons, provoking an unscheduled change of cycle.


The most obvious factor is the lack of menstrual period - Conception. Likely to become pregnant after the first sex, especially if it has been protected, is being questioned by many, but it is still there.

In no case can not be assumed that the lack of experience and a large number of sex acts may be protected from conception.

She is able to get pregnant after the first critical days. Unprotected sex and the absence of any anomalies and abnormalities in the reproductive system with almost 100% probability guarantee conception.

The best way to confirm or deny the pregnancy - test. When atypical sensations need to consult a gynecologist.


The second reason why there is a delay - stress. Defloration becomes strong emotional shock, affecting the levels of hormones in the body. Do not assume that the alarm goes at once - its symptoms may appear and 40 days after the stressful situation.

This case does not require special treatment. The absence of pregnancy and abnormalities do not require any immediate action therapy - a woman can only wait. The main thing - to calm down, do not worry and try to get as much positive emotions, because it is associated with the level of certain hormones. If the excitement does not let go, the doctor will prescribe sedatives or herbal infusions.

Sexual intercourse before the start of menstruation

Another reason why the month no - transient menstrual cycle. Late onset menstruation and sexual debut in the teen years leads to a belated selection. Hormones suffer doubly - it is influenced by both the monthly and the stress of the first sex. Later, the cycle must be restored. Otherwise you need to consult a doctor.

other causes

Irregularity critical days can be caused by:

  • sharp jumps weight, excessive or underweight;
  • acclimatization;
  • strong physical load.

By pathological causes include certain diseases and diseases of genitals. In addition to the lack of menstruation, they cause other unpleasant symptoms: burning, itching, soreness of the genitals.

diagnostic procedures

When, after the first sexual intercourse menstruation delay lasts more than a week, going to the gynecologist and diagnosis are required.

Self-smoking - properly selected set of therapies, not only does not help, but it can aggravate the situation.

Diagnostic procedures include:

  • examination in the gynecological chair;
  • smear;
  • cytological analysis;
  • Ultrasound of reproductive organs;
  • Laboratory blood tests on human chorionic gonadotropin.

A pregnancy test should be the first home diagnostic measure, if not come monthly. Week delay virtually guarantees reliable results. If pregnancy is not confirmed, doctors recommend to do the test again a few days later. The reason - slow increase in the concentration of hCG in early pregnancy in a woman's body in the event of any anomalies or ectopic conception.

When pregnancy is disproved, but critical days do not occur, the patient shows ultrasound. diagnostic method allows us to study the condition of the reproductive system. Doctor focuses on the characteristics of the ovaries and the inner mucosal layer of the uterus. With the help of ultrasound diagnosed with inflammation of the organs.

Week delay should not be ignored. Regardless of the age of the patient should visit a gynecologist, otherwise a violation of women's health can be irreparable.

The physician should verify the presence or absence of sexually transmitted infections by examination of the uterine cervix, and laboratory analysis of material from the vagina. Only a specialist can prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is advisable to consult a gynecologist to first act - so the probability of contracting diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancy would be minimized.

preventive measures

To avoid failure in the loop due to STDs, hormone levels violations and prevent unwanted pregnancies, the first act should be taken very seriously. Here are a few rules of preparation:

  1. Not to engage in sex with untested partner or new friend. This will reduce the stress and anxiety.
  2. Use of barrier contraceptives. Condoms are designed not only to prevent pregnancy, but are also used to prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Before and after the defloration should visit a gynecologist. The doctor will advise the appropriate contraceptive check genitals for any abnormalities in the case of women's health disorders after intercourse prescribe timely treatment.
  4. Do not be embarrassed at the doctor. Although the subject of delicate and not all pleasant, a good doctor will treat it as a job, and will not judge.
  5. Do not panic. If the reason for the delay menstruation - hormonal failure, stress will only aggravate the situation.
  6. Do not self-medicate. Traditional medicine and the advice of friends do not always benefit. The body of every woman is different, and the reasons for the lack of selections are different, so the treatment can be dangerous without a doctor's recommendations.

Detained month after the first time, in most cases, are not a cause for concern. If the delay lasts more than a week, accompanied by unusual sensations and pain in the genital area, the woman is obliged to visit a gynecologist and identify the cause of absence of menstruation.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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