Nausea (vomiting) during menstruation, stomach ache: Causes


  1. The causes of nausea during menstruation
  2. Increased production of prostaglandins
  3. Production of serotonin hormone
  4. Changing the position of the uterus
  5. Pills for contraception
  6. The use of tampons
  7. When nausea indicates pregnancy
  8. Algomenoreya as a cause of nausea
  9. Treatment of nausea during menstruation
  10. Therapy pharmacy means
  11. What should I avoid during menstruation
  12. preventive measures

During menstruation, women tend to feel a little worse than usual. Gynecologists and articles on the forums say that the critical days of symptoms in all different ways. At the time, as one patient did not feel uncomfortable at all, there are other spasms in the abdomen, dizziness and nausea during menstruation.

Sick during menstruation

The causes of nausea during menstruation

The causes of nausea during menstruation may be of hormonal, physiological and toxic character. Identify several factors causing the symptom most often:

Increased production of prostaglandins

Menstruation triggers hormonal changes in the body. During the critical days of prostaglandins level increases. It refers to a substance unstable. It affects the heart, blood vessels and muscles. Woman feels the tension in the muscles, suffering from bleeding disorders.

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Prostaglandins have a negative effect on the uterus, causing spasms and pain. Discomfort may be mild or acute. Biological material also affects the nervous system and gastrointestinal organs. Nausea during menstruation due to decreased production of juice in the stomach with a parallel use of salty or spicy foods.

Read in one of our articles, Why sick before menstruation.

Production of serotonin hormone

Critical days provoke production of substances in large quantities. Component prevents the body get rid of excess fluids. Skull suffering from swelling and PMS symptoms include nausea and headaches.

Changing the position of the uterus

If the body is moved back, there is a pinched nerve. Women have nausea and vomiting during menstruation. Regula also accompanied by abdominal cramps and pain in the lumbar spine. At this time, it is desirable to refrain from physical activity. uterine displacement of a negative effect on the course of menstruation in women and girls, who have not yet given birth. May cause nausea and body deformation.

Pills for contraception

Poor health during the critical days, due to changes in hormonal levels due to use of drugs that prevent pregnancy.

The use of tampons

Components within the hygiene products, as well as delayed replacement tools can provoke toxic nature of the shock. As a result, a woman during menstruation will feel nausea, retching and sometimes dizziness.

find out Why can vomit after a month Article link.

When nausea indicates pregnancy

If you feel sick during menstruation, can not exclude the possibility of pregnancy. In this situation, critical days are false. Beyond the usual bleeding, the woman will suffer from general lethargy and vomiting.

Suspected pregnancy occurs when a sharp and severe nausea. Especially patients should be alerted, for which the symptom has not been previously characterized. This feature can be replaced rapidly increased appetite - zhorom after a month. This is a clear indication of pregnancy.

The best way to rule out or confirm the likelihood of conceiving a child - do test or check the level of progesterone.

Algomenoreya as a cause of nausea

Often the discomfort during menstruation doctor diagnoses algomenoreya. So is the woman's condition, in which during the menstruation nausea and stomach ache.

pathology treatment is carried out using on hormone-based drugs. Cause of the disease - the wrong blood circulation in the uterus and surrounding organs. Violation can provoke congenital or acquired body deformation, its lack of or abnormalities development. Such features characterized algomenoreya primary type. Re-development of the disease caused by gynecological pathologies. For example, the cause nausea and pain sometimes become uterine myoma, ovarian adhesions, endometriosis.

Treatment of nausea during menstruation

Vomiting during menstruation, abdominal cramps and general malaise should alert a woman. Before you go to the doctor, you should try to normalize the state of health:

  1. It is advisable to lie down in a comfortable position and relax the body.
  2. Breaths should be deep and rhythmic.
  3. You can not stay in a stuffy room, it is better to ventilate the room.
  4. With strong spasms take means with analgesic effects.

In the case of nausea before critical days should see a doctor, go to diagnose and determine the cause of the discomfort. The survey was conducted gynecologist, neurologist and endocrinologist. The drug is prescribed after diagnosis.

Therapy pharmacy means

To drug therapy should be treated with extreme care. It is forbidden to self-medicate. Accepted only prescription drugs doctor. Otherwise, the risk of deterioration of women's health is improved.

Of nausea and vomiting during the first day of menstruation, and abdominal pain are eliminated with these medications:

  • Metoclopramide. The drugs are based on inhibition of the serotonin receptor types. The drug has antiemetic effect, relieves pain in the head and abdomen.
  • Ibuprofen. It is a means to an anti-inflammatory effect. It knocks temperature and struggles with spasms. Stops production prostanlandinov.
  • Drotaverinum. It relaxes clenched muscles, improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

If the reason of a pathological condition linked to hormonal disruptions, the doctor can prescribe appropriate medication. Doctors often prescribe homeopathic medicines from herbs including:

  • Remens. Product form - capsules, drops. Relieves menstrual cramps, controls the release of blood, eliminates discomfort during PMS.
  • Vitokain. Dosage form - drop. Suitable concentrations for normalizing hormones in the body, increase the protective functions, removal of tumors. Effective in inflammatory pathologies and mastitis.
  • Mastodinon. Positive effect on the patient during PMS, relieves pain and nausea, reduces the synthesis of prolactin helps balance hormones.

To help a woman maintain a stable emotional background, when there were periods, and avoid stress, prescribe the following drugs sedation:

  • Motherwort. Has a calming effect, relieves insomnia. It does not have the property of causing addiction.
  • Valerian. means the effect - a sedative and antispasmodic. Soothes, reduces heart rate, helps to normalize blood circulation, good effect on the digestive tract.
  • Persen. Has a sedative effect helps relieve spasms of bloating during menstruation. A positive effect on the nervous system.

What should I avoid during menstruation

If you go monthly and sick, it is important not only to make the right treatment, but also know what not to do. For a few days, it is desirable to give up the following:

  1. Active exercise and sports. it is recommended not to go to training during menstruation. Allowed only quiet charging, promotes relaxation, pain relief, stabilization of the emotional background.
  2. Water treatments and trips to the bath. Menstruation increases the risk of infection of the body by pathogenic materials. Increased temperatures accelerate blood circulation, increases blood pressure during menstruation and causes heavy bleeding.
  3. Consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol negatively affects the pressure, causing nausea, malaise, cramps.
  4. Junk food. Prohibited food spicy, sweet and fatty foods. Conversely, the use of food with a high content of magnesium, calcium and dietary fiber recommended. In menstruating body will benefit low-fat chicken, porridge, steamed fish and soothing teas.
  5. Intercourse without contraception. We can not allow the slightest risk of infection through the uterus in the critical days.
  6. Self-treatment. Some drugs absolutely contraindicated during menstruation. Therefore it is better to ask for advice on the treatment of pharmacy means a doctor.
  7. Surgery. When a woman is menstruating, blood has a low clotting. To avoid severe bleeding, with operations better to wait.
  8. Cosmetic procedures. hair coloring, perms, skin tightening often do not work out because of the unstable hormonal status in both the first and the last day of menstruation.

preventive measures

Unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea and pain associated with menstruation can be prevented before. In most cases, will be effective simple rules of prevention:

  1. A balanced diet and adherence. Eat healthy food, it is desirable for the entire menstrual cycle, not just before menstruation. You should not overeat, eat fatty foods. It is recommended to add to the diet of fruit and vegetables in season. Since dates, tomatoes, plums and soy products help to increase the concentration of serotonin in the body, they are best avoided.
  2. Active lifestyle. Cycling and hiking, in the pool of regular exercise will have a beneficial effect. It prohibited loading body through moderation and steam sauna.
  3. Following the regime of the day. In order not to exacerbate the stress of the month, it is advisable to relax the body healthy sleep and walks in the fresh air. Before menstruation is best to avoid quarrels.

Can vomiting during menstruation depends on the current state of women's health. Some patients feel comfortable, others tears and there are painful sensations in the stomach. When the symptoms are constant and long run, it is better to see a doctor and determine the cause of poor health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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