How long are the first periods in girls (12-13-14 years): the latter do not start


  1. When will the first month
  2. hereditary predisposition
  3. Food
  4. The image of the girl's life
  5. terrain
  6. The presence of pathological processes in the body
  7. If there is no monthly
  8. Forerunners of the first month
  9. How many days are the first periods in girls at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old
  10. Scarce and long menarche
  11. When to seek medical advice
  12. overly abundant
  13. It has a pungent odor
  14. There is severe pain
  15. The presence of foreign inclusions
  16. When and how the latter come monthly
  17. delayed menstruation

Menstruation - a physiological process, familiar to every mature girl. This is not just an integral part of the life of the fair sex, indicating its readiness to reproduce kind but also indicator of the health of the genitals. Every girl interested in the question of how much last first period and when, presumably, they can occur. Such information will help to avoid the shock, to prepare mentally and not get into an awkward situation, to stock up on personal hygiene.

How long are the first monthly

When will the first month

Gynecologists, based on statistics, in solidarity of the opinion that the girls of the XXI century for the first time faced with the "critical days" between the ages of 11 to 16 years. menarche time, otherwise referred to as "menarche" much "rejuvenated". Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers learned about such a physiological phenomenon for 15 - 19 years. Although residents of the southern regions are always early enough entered the stage of puberty. This is due to climatic conditions, diet and genetic predisposition.

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You can go online test on the date of the first monthlyBy clicking on the link.

onset monthly period may depend on the factors listed below.

hereditary predisposition

The intensity and amount of bleeding during menstruation, as well as their beginning and during the onset of menopause, is hereditary, "hue" and passed down the female line. Gynecologists, answering the question: "How long are monthly girls 'spend' ancestral history. Most often interrogated the mother of a young patient. Based on these results the doctor can accurately determine the maximum age at which a girl becomes a woman.


As you know, the person that he is. Power Girls in the making of her the body directly affects the first menarche. Those girls whose diet contained large amounts of meat, mostly beef, and fresh fruits and vegetables, can observe periods as early as 9-12 years.

The image of the girl's life

Gynecologists have long noticed a direct correlation between monthly and way of life, which adheres to a teenager. The presence in the life of a sufficient amount of physical activity and a passion for a balanced diet, menarche reduce pain and speed its coming. The presence of obesity and the prevalence of fat, carcinogens and fast carbohydrates in the diet of the girls have a negative impact on the beginning of the menstrual cycle. It will differ tenderness, later than the date the onset and prolonged instability.


Climatic features of the girls living area also affects the beginning and end of menstruation. The duration of daylight hours, the amount of produced natural vitamin B, the predominance of a certain time of the year directly affect menarche.

The presence of pathological processes in the body

Dysfunction of the thyroid system, heart disease, diabetes, congenital malformations associated with atypical the functioning of the kidneys, adrenal glands, organs of the reproductive system can significantly delay the onset of the first menses. In the presence of such deviations, profile experts: nephrologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists prescribe girls maintenance therapy, which includes hormones.

If there is no monthly

Absence of menstruation up to 18-20 years - a serious reason for referral to a specialist. In the event that such a long delay is not related to a genetic predisposition, a gynecologist can prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures aimed at determining the cause. Among the major manipulations necessary for the preparation of history, distinguished:

  • gynecological examination;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • analysis from a vein hormones.

The results of these diagnostic tests will shed light on the overall condition of the girl and pathological processes affecting menarche.

Please note that during the physician history-taking is necessary to mention the serious illness suffered by a girl as a child: bronchitis, head injuries, pielonefrit, entsifalit and meningitis can have a significant influence on the formation of the menstrual cycle.

In the middle zone of menarche in girls come in 14 years.

Forerunners of the first month

Menarche does not occur suddenly. The body for a long time preparing for it. Keenly watching him, every girl can know approximately when to expect the first menstruation. Identify several major precursors that signal the imminent beginning of the regulation. Signs of the first month:

  1. Change figure. In just a few months prior to the expected menstrual period, the figure of the young woman begins to change. It "rounded". Provided waistline and hips. "Rounded" chest. Breast gland actively respond to the approach of menarche. Changes occur gradually, but not long before the appearance of vaginal bleeding, breast can swell as during pregnancy.
  2. Skin change. Many girls say that before or with the arrival of the first menstruation is changing the structure of the skin. The sebaceous glands start to work actively. Increased oiliness of the skin may appear acne.
  3. Painful sensations. First, as the next menstruation may be accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen. Frequent migraines are also part of the monthly satellites.
  4. Mood swings. Restructuring hormonal levels directly affects the emotional background of women before and during the critical days.

By listening to your body, every girl can understand when they start menstruating.

How many days are the first periods in girls at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old

As previously mentioned, gynecologists admit appearance menarche from 9 to 17 years, depending on the factors under which passed formation girls body. Responding to a question about how as last month in girls at 1214 years, we can say with certainty that the duration and plentiful in this age of first menstruation is no different from menarche to 12-16 years. The first month, most likely, will not last more than 2-3 days. Experts note that the normal duration of the first month to 5 days.

At the beginning of the cycle of formation, as well as during menopause, vaginal bleeding are lean, rich, dark shade all the days of menstruation. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of the girl. The appearance of menses does not indicate that the process of puberty. Since the onset of menarche, it will be several years before the reproductive system will be ready to reproduce offspring. In this period is particularly closely monitor the state of the pelvic organs. Even the common cold in puberty can put an end to the possibility of motherhood and bring a lot of problems and pain in the life of a teenager.

The first physiological separation are more like a scribble, rather than the full monthly. Duration and heavy menstruation will increase as the phase shifts of puberty.

By duration critical days can not only detect the presence of uterine tumors, ovarian dysfunction or diseases occurrence, sexually transmitted diseases, but also to evaluate the condition of the central nervous system, the "quality" of the endocrine system, and the presence of diseases blood.

Scarce and long menarche

Wondering how many girls last month to 16 years and why they depend profusion, should be clearly understood that no matter how scanty menses were not, they can not last a day.

Periodic blood "spotting" instead, though scarce, but spotting - an alarming sign.

In most cases, this behavior occurs organs genital system in case of problems in the production of sex hormones. Too long and the scanty discharge may be a sign of uterine hypoplasia, namely motility disorders. Some young wearer thematic forums have noted that the first month they have lasted up to 35 days. Such deviations - a clear sign of a bleeding.

When to seek medical advice

Talk about the properties of the first menarche, should raise the question of what they should not be:

overly abundant

Again: the normal duration of the first discharge should not exceed 7 days. Typically this period ranges from 2 to 5 days;

It has a pungent odor

Menarche. as well as the critical days during a woman's life, have a characteristic mild flavor. The sharp, putrid smell - a signal to immediately visit a doctor;

There is severe pain

Menstruation may be accompanied by mild pain in the coccyx and abdomen in the early days. Worry if pains are sharp, intolerable. This phenomenon may indicate not only disease in the reproductive organs. But also about undertreated cystitis or other diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The presence of foreign inclusions

Debut release different homogeneity. It allowed a minimum quantity customary for women, mucous corpuscles. Blotches of yellow, green or dark brown color should guard her and serve as a pretext for going to a specialist;

Daub should not appear multiple times in the past month.

When and how the latter come monthly

Many girls have already faced with menstrual bleeding, interested in the question of why, after the first month did not begin the second and whether there can be delays. This phenomenon does not refer to evidence the presence of disease or pathology. The beginning of the second month is very individually and due to heredity and the general state of the organism. Delays can be and are almost all girls.

Second month in girls can come in a few months after the first. Such a delay menstruation in adolescents due to the formation of the reproductive system. Fully its formation will be completed in a year or two after the onset of menarche.

Please note that as a means of personal hygiene during puberty, gynecologists recommend the use exclusively gaskets. Tampons and menstrual cup is not suitable for young body despite the assurances of marketers.

The lack of "those days" more than 6 months - an alarming sign. A similar phenomenon may be a sign of pathology and indicate the following:

  1. There is undue stress.
  2. At the stage of puberty, hormonal failure occurred.
  3. Very frequent stress.
  4. Carrying hormone.
  5. Lifestyle changes women or move to a different climate zone.
  6. The development of pathological processes in the genital organs.
  7. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal gland.
  8. ovarian disease.

In order to establish the true cause of what is happening, seek medical advice.

delayed menstruation

As previously mentioned, the absence of menstrual periods to 18 years - an alarming sign. But now often a phenomenon in which the first period went very late. Some girls meet menarche at the age of twenty. What determines such an anomaly?

it is often associated with disturbances in various systems of the body, referred to earlier. Serious diseases transferred in early childhood are also able to make their own adjustments. Gynecologists say that among those who had been ill with mumps, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, or increasingly diagnosed later than the first critical days. And also secrete a number of factors that can "postpone" menarche. These include:

  1. Strong emotional excitability.
  2. Diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. Fascination with strict diets and rapid weight change.
  4. Abundant training load.
  5. Poor nutrition.
  6. Unfavorable climate in the family.

How much last month at girls in 20 years? What are their characteristics? Despite his late arrival, menarche is no different from the classical ones. Duration debut critical days also varies from two to three days. But the girl should carefully monitor their body during menstruation. Late onset of menarche indicates that the reproductive system organs - a weak spot in this the fair sex.

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