Irregular periods in a teenager: menstruatsionny cycle in girls


  1. Age of onset of menstruation
  2. What should be a menstrual cycle at teenagers
  3. Why the delayed first month a teenager
  4. Why is there no monthly in adolescents: Causes other than pregnancy
  5. possible complications
  6. recommendations

The onset of first menstruation indicates the physiological maturation of girls, but on an emotional level, the young lady is still not the generated child. After all menarche It occurs at a young age - from 11 years. There are exceptions, conditional on such problems as irregular periods or delay a teenager. What should I do in this situation?

Irregular periods a teenager

Age of onset of menstruation

Girls outperform boys in development for about 2-3 years. Puberty begins earlier: harbingers monthly It appears from 8 to 10 years, but the process takes between 2 to 5 years. This period is characterized by an increase in breast adipose tissue and hair growth in the pubic area and armpits. It carried out production of hormones which are responsible for reproductive function - estradiol, progesterone. At the designated time should go and menarche.

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Approximate age girls to start menstruatsionnogo cycle - from 12 to 14 years. The body gradually prepares the girls to reproduce fertility, timely start to the formation of all the phases of the cycle.

Among the standardized criteria for determining the age norm allocate the external features of the girls:

  1. Short stature, slow growth provoke delay menstruation.
  2. High growth, excessive body weight accelerates the beginning of the first cycle.

What should be a menstrual cycle at teenagers

Features monthly considered in terms of duration, regularity, the volume of emissions.

Formed menstrual cycle lasts 21-36 days. In adolescents the number range from 20 to 45 days. The cycle is set long - formation for two years.

About How long are the first monthly girls read the article here.

Estrogen in young women is produced on a regular basis, which is not true of LH (luteinizing hormone), which is responsible for the conception phase. Slight secretion of substances blocking ovulation offensive - the number of days of the cycle is reduced by half, explaining the reason why there is no month in 13, 14, 15 years.

Although the exit time the egg is difficult to determine, getting pregnant at a young age can be.

Ovulation or does not occur at all, or is premature - before or during menstruation. This happens until you establish a regular cycle.

Sami release are from 3 to 7 days. To the doctor to address, when the length of the difference regulation significant: in one month short (3 days), in the other - long (10 days), and so on..

Regarding the volume of blood is not exactly worry. For women formed such a sign - a sign of disorders of the genitourinary, reproductive system. Scarce and irregular periods in a teenager 13 years and older - the norm. First period (menarche) minor as genital function is not working fully. A more serious cause for concern - will not come in a timely manner, within one month.

Why the delayed first month a teenager

Answering this question is important to consider the genetics. Heredity determines the approximate age when the first selection to appear. If menses began at 14 years old in the mother, it is possible that the daughter of menstruation will occur in this age. The genetic factor regulates cyclical discharge.

When fifteen girls show signs of puberty (breast tenderness, feminine outlines of the figure) does not start of bleeding, talk about amenorrhea.

Separate the primary and secondary amenorrhea:

  1. Primary - no discharge at the common features of puberty.
  2. Secondary - allocation stop, disappear in a previously menstruating girls (after 6 months).

The cause of primary amenorrhea often performs uterine pathology and inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Why is there no monthly in adolescents: Causes other than pregnancy

When the month was, but for some reason they are not renewed talk about the secondary amenorrhea. The term "regular loop" does not tend to representatives of puberty.

The first two years - a stage of formation, therefore, critical days are very unpredictable:

  1. The younger the girl, the delay is more inclined to normal.
  2. The older - the greater the risk for the development of pathologies.

That's why the girls 13 and 14 years of delay menstruation is not a sign of pathology. However, regular violations menstruatsionnogo cycle at 16 year old girls - a sign of complications in the setting cycle.

To fix this problem you must identify the cause of the cycle of failure at the teenager.

Cause Pressure Negative consequences
Failure metabolism Improper nutrition (junk food, fats, sugar, and so on. D.) Hormonal disorders
Deficiency of hemoglobin Blood loss or lack of vitamins in the body Pale skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, pressure surges
Too active lifestyle Vitamin deficiency resulting from burning of a large amount of calories Suspension of the reproductive system
Increased mental load The absence of the regime of "work and leisure" The delay on the background of mental overstrain
emotional instability Stress, unstable relationships with peers or parents Blocking oxytocin and endorphin ( "hormone joy") because of cortisol ( "stress hormone")
antibiotics The effect on the pituitary A surge of male hormones. It may be a delay after receiving monthly antibiotics
endocrine diseases Diabetes, thyroid disease hormonal imbalance
Hypothermia genitals Sitting on cold surfaces Development of infectious diseases
Acclimatization Changing climatic living area No, because the cycle is quickly restored

The above reasons are rarely provoke painful symptoms. But if a girl with no monthly feels pain in the abdomen or lower back, there are lethargy and listlessness, consult a gynecologist for early detection of complications.

Read about why sometimes begin monthly 2 weeks after the end of the month Article link.

possible complications

What is pathological disorders menstruatsionnogo cycle in girls? After all, as it turned out, adolescence has no standards for determining the regularity and periodicity. But it is too early or a month later - is an occasion to visit a gynecologist for the first year of the regulation.

Any form of amenorrhea violates the reproductive function. delays symptom often signals of infection, the development of the inflammatory process.

There is a common adolescent pathology, destroying the flora is not a location, but several. It is polycystic ovary syndrome. The problem affects the female body stages:

  1. The failure of the ovaries, pituitary, adrenal glands.
  2. Irregular secretion of progesterone, estradiol.
  3. Termination cycle (can not go).
  4. The absence of ovulatory phase.
  5. Inability to fertilize an egg.

Menstruation in adolescents is regulated not only pathologies of the urogenital organs. Among the common causes of isolated head injuries. Received damage disrupts the reproductive system - the impossibility of conceiving or carrying a fetus.


Medical advice sites based on lifestyle changes. Understanding what to do, it will come as soon as will be able to identify the factors of negative impact.

recommendations constituents of Benefits
Good nutrition fiber-rich foods Stable growth
Elimination of hemoglobin deficiency Preparations containing iron and folic acid Improve blood circulation
Moderate exercise Morning exercises, walking, sparing exercises Maintaining muscle tone
Restoring emotional balance Sedatives, alternation of work and rest, breathing exercises Slight secretion of cortisol - the absence of stress
elimination of hypothermia Wearing dry clothes after the beach, sitting on the warm surfaces Prevention of Infectious Diseases
sex education Lectures, specialized literature, individual conversations on this topic Prevention of early pregnancy

To get rid of some of the problems require only medical diagnostics. If you are experiencing symptoms such as pain, psychological distress, fever, frequent urination, nausea, unnatural vaginal discharge, or delay a teenager 16 years 17 month, a doctor is able to make a diagnosis after a complete survey.

When the discharge stop going on for three months, it is important to sign up for a comprehensive examination on the third cycle.

After receiving ultrasound and analysis results, the gynecologist prescribes therapy.

Method Features Benefits
hormonal therapy Control of hormone levels in the blood individual approach
vitamin Restores missing vitamins regulation of supply
local effects Application of oral preparations Eliminating the delay of agent
Drug effects Pills, antibiotics

Control of general health, the image of the girls life, prevention of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, eliminate the problem of a primary or secondary amenorrhea. But it is important to remember that the delay menstruation in adolescents - not necessarily a sign of disease, because the body girl too sensitive to any external manifestations. Irregular cycle in the first years after the onset of menstruation - natural process. When the painful symptoms or late menarche required regular trips to the gynecologist to prevent the problem of infertility.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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