How to make that monthly quickly finished (passed quickly) how to cut up to 1-3 days


  1. Is it possible to accelerate the flow of blood
  2. How to stop monthly before
  3. As can be reduced with the help of monthly medsredstv
  4. Traditional recipes for the completion of menstruation
  5. Application bay leaf
  6. The use of nettle
  7. Medicines based on burnet
  8. Admission smartweed
  9. Using a shepherd's purse
  10. Don'ts

Not only women, whose plans never interfered menses. Yes, there are situations in life, when the onset of menstruation is very inappropriate. But this is no reason to despair. How to reduce the monthly and maintain a stable cycle of this article will tell.

reduce monthly

Is it possible to accelerate the flow of blood

Before figuring out what to do to month passed quickly, a woman needs to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. As each phase of the menstrual cycle has a huge impact on the body, especially the reproductive system, menstruation reduction, even for 1 day is not always safe.

When the decision is nevertheless taken, the completion of monthly need to carry out correctly:

  1. Prohibited regular acceleration of menstruation. Stop the discharge of blood can be a maximum of three times a year with a break of several months. Give your body time to recover.
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  2. At irregular menstruation can not be used pharmaceutical agents, and it is important to consult your gynecologist about the discharge end of the shift, even for a few days.
  3. discontinue monthly before dangerous in the development of the body's inflammatory and infectious processes. So, against the backdrop of hyperthermia can cause serious complications.
  4. If the bleeding does not end, do not try to stop the monthly again. This will result in a decrease or increase in the production of hormones and much harm to women's health.

Learn from an article on the link, how to defer monthly the most secure way.

How to stop monthly before

On the question of how to speed up monthly, so that they quickly passed, the doctor will advise expected not to interfere with the natural processes of the body. But if there is no alternative, and health permits, there are many ways to move "those" days:

  1. Sports. Well help the asanas of yoga and stretching exercises. They will not only speed up monthly for a few days, but also eliminate the discomfort and pain in the abdomen. Asanas are often used for the relief of particularly acute spasms and normalization of the change cycle phases. The main thing - do not forget about moderation training. Overloading the body during menstruation can bring a lot of harm. Learn more about whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation Article link.
  2. Taking vitamins. It is best to drink during the regular C and E vitamins. Last promotes early blood hit in the hip area and reduces the time of its release. Vitamin C increases vascular tone.
  3. Special meals. Replaces receiving full vitamin complex. For the early menstruation to eat citrus fruits, cabbage and currant (include vitamin C), fish, flax and nuts (contain A and E substances).
  4. Medications. Oral contraceptives such as - a way to quickly cut monthly even up to 3 days or postpone their start. Formulations used before the onset of menstruation and drink regularly, using a special receiving circuitry. They help to reduce the amount of secretions and prevent soreness.
  5. Other methods. It all depends on the individual. Some patients will approach traditional medicines, other - pomegranate juice, or just use hematogen active pastime.

As can be reduced with the help of monthly medsredstv

In most cases the pills help to find an answer to the question of how to reduce the monthly, but do not solve the problem of how to do so, so that they soon began. Therefore, if your period lasts less than 7 days, painless and starts regularly, it is better to eliminate the dose of medication. However, when there is discomfort during bleeding, diagnosed with ovarian and uterine diseases, there is a deviation level hormones from the norm, which lead to the copious use of drugs designed to make monthly shorter It justified.

Most often, women use the following tools:

  1. Vikasol. It is used for premature termination of the critical days. May cause headache, problems with orientation in space, hypotension.
  2. Tional. It applies to homeopathic medicines. It solves the problem of how to reduce monthly if they have already begun. Enough to drink 4 tablets of the drug throughout the day. Action funds is based on increasing the production of platelets, thus reducing the intensity of emissions. The drug has a stimulating blood circulation effect. Used in case of menstruation, it does not end for a long time (longer than 10 days). It has many contraindications to use, so only used on doctor's orders.
  3. Tranexam. Best of power among styptic. Stops are monthly uninterrupted for a long time and eliminates bleeding inside the uterus.
  4. OK on the hormonal basis. Popular are Janine and Jess.A way to reduce or delay the monthly for those who makes money regularly. The woman does not pause in the use of the drug and withdrawal bleeding does not occur.
  5. Duphaston. The medicament comprises progesterone. The hormone is beneficial to the blood lipid status and does not affect its ability to clot. Reduces discharge effectively iyunyah consequences.

Not to harm the health of the reproductive organs, not to disrupt the regularity of menses or balance hormonal, before taking any medications woman should consult doctor.

Traditional recipes for the completion of menstruation

What can be done at home, so quickly passed monthly? You can resort to the recipes of traditional medicine. The main thing - to make sure that there are no allergic reactions and do not abuse means.

Application bay leaf

It is used as a call for critical days during the delay, and to accelerate their course. The plant affects the uterine muscle structure and makes the body more intensively decline. You can not use the medication every month. To prepare the broth using '20 laurel, pouring 1 L of pure water. Allowed to crumble the sheets. Medium is brought to reflux and held over a fire for one hour. The water was then decanted and allowed to cool broth. You can not use more than a glass product. Every half an hour to drink two spoons of funds.

The use of nettle

You can buy a ready base for the broth in a pharmacy. Spoon means filled cup of hot water. medicine then boiled for 5 minutes and wait until it cools down. The day allowed to drink 1-4 cups. Single dose - half a cup. Next time take a decoction can be an hour. The action is based on the nettle to vitamins and improves the coagulation components in its structure. Thanks to the plant derived blood smaller portions, and an inner layer of the uterus is restored soon. Do not use nettle with varicose veins, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the formation of blood clots.

Medicines based on burnet

It means you can buy in a drugstore. Dosage form - dry dressing to the broth. The recipe, which describes how to shorten monthly, is quite simple. 2 spoons plants poured 0.25 liters of hot water and are covered. The broth is prepared in a water bath for half an hour. Then the components are separated and allowed to cool liquid. Since the drug is different strength, must be diluted with clean water in equal proportions. The day allowed to drink 6 tablespoons of broth - one at a time with a half-hour break. burnet reduces the duration of menstruation due to the large amount of useful components, including vitamins. Although the tool has a high risk of developing allergies.

Admission smartweed

The infusion can be done at home, but it is better to buy in the drugstore. For a quick stop critical days should drink the medicine three times a day. A single dose - 40 drops. Remedy is diluted with water and drink half an hour before meals. Pluses water pepper - mild effect and the absence of contraindications. Minus - for some patients the plant can be effective, for others his methods seem futile.

Using a shepherd's purse

On the shelves of pharmacies grass is in a dried form. Contraindications: blood clots, varicose veins, ESP, low blood pressure, heart failure. For the preparation of plant infusions 2 spoons pour hot water and put in a dark place for 1-2 hours. Used means of 1 spoon no more than 4 per day.


Advice on how to do so quickly finished monthly, are described in the previous sections. But most of them will not have any effect in the reduction of menstrual periods, unless you know what not to do. For example, there are some products, the use of which leads to an abundant amount of bleeding.

The days of menstruation can not eat spicy food. Spices that are added to "peppercorn" lead to dilation of blood vessels and bleeding is not reduced. And you should not eat fatty and roasted dishes. They can increase the burden on the digestive tract organs and provoke pain in the abdomen.

How to make that at least for 2 days quickly ended month, 2 days before the natural stop? Nothing, if you do not provide the body with the right amount of rest. Better during the first and second day of menstruation to stay at home and follow the bed rest. It is undesirable during menstruation nervous and do strength training.

In the conduct of an active lifestyle and regular workouts at the gym is better to skip a couple of lessons. Vocabulary with strong physical activity, unlike yoga, lead to bleeding and prevent shortening menses.

The rules are pretty simple and aimed not only at reducing the duration and profusion spotting, but also to improve the general state of health and the prevention of discomfort during menses.

Every woman should understand that all the techniques described above, prompting how to speed up the end of menstruation does not give absolute certainty that the critical days actually decrease. If menstruation managed to finish, but the condition worsened, it is necessary to go on reception to the doctor, to stop therapy and do not try to disrupt the natural flow cycle.

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