Can I play sports during menstruation (twist hoop, hulahup, fitness)


  1. Sport at monthly in terms of medicine
  2. Tips coach
  3. What sports can be practiced in the critical days of the period
  4. Hula Hup
  5. Yoga
  6. Swimming
  7. Strength training
  8. stretching
  9. cardio
  10. Physical Education

Reasonable exercise - a guarantee of good health, a beautiful figure and a stable emotional state. It is an undeniable truth. Regular exercise a positive impact on the overall condition of the body, eliminate the problems with the spine and joints, improve stamina and reduce stress levels. But how to combine training and Regulus, is it possible to engage in sports during menstruation, affect whether the exercise on the course and character menstruation, what exercises you can do and what can not, and why - a question asked by many women and that there are answers this article.

Monthly and Sports

Sport at monthly in terms of medicine

If only a few decades ago, unequivocal recommendation gynecologists was a complete rejection of the physical activities at the time of menstruation, then today's medicine is more loyal, arguing that the critical days are not a contraindication for training, but still need to take into account the state of health in the selection of the load and to approach the issue with mind.

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It is proved that during menstruation, when estrogen levels are declining and progesterone in the female body, increases stamina and body easier to respond to the load. Moreover, regular moderate-intensity sports smoothes PMS symptoms by activating the release of endorphins and improves metabolism.

Can I download the press during menstruation? It is worth noting that the experts advise to avoid excessive activity in the gym: weight training to postpone weights on your period, especially on the lower part of the body to eliminate abdominal exercises, avoid inverted postures in yoga.

These kinds of stress trigger additional blood flow to the pelvic organs, and can cause enhanced spotting and painful spasms in the abdomen. Particularly worth careful studies to treat girls with gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, cysts, uterine fibroids, disturbance of ovarian function and so forth. The load in these situations can cause unwanted effects, and therefore should be determined on the basis of the survey results at the attending physician. Who and why it is impossible to engage in sports during menstruation:

  1. Women with gynecological diseases.
  2. Girls at a delay: active exercise can cause bleeding.
  3. Ladies who are prone to bleeding.
  4. The fair sex with dizziness and nausea.
  5. Women with migraine.

Tips coach

The question is, is it possible to do fitness at monthly, coaches are advised to be considered individually for each specific case, explaining the fact that the female body differently behaves periods ICP and directly monthly.

Some girls have almost no discomfort when others spend this time with painful cramps and general malaise. Those who are not lucky enough to be in the second category, should limit the class for a few days and come back to them when adjusted health. If, however, there is no discomfort or it does not interfere with lead normal life, sport is not only contraindicated, but recommended.

How should exercise during menstruation and the main recommendations of professional coaches:

  1. It should be used as much as possible comfortable clothing that allows the skin to breathe.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the reduction of the usual load by an average of 25-30%.
  3. Not recommended to use weights: barbells, dumbbells at the time will have to be postponed.
  4. gym room should be well ventilated.
  5. It is necessary to limit the exercise with a focus on the lower back and the press, sharp turns and jerks of the body.
  6. You can engage in habitual physical activity during menstruation, new types of training is better to postpone.
  7. It is important to observe a drinking mode, you need to replenish stocks of fresh water.
  8. At the time, will have to give up coffee and caffeinated beverages they dehydrate the body and stimulate the nervous system.
  9. After training is obligatory shower: it relaxes tired muscles and relieve tension.

Often in sporting activities arrow weights in regular days stand still or, on the contrary, indicate an increase in body weight. Find out why there weight gain before menstruation Article link.

What sports can be practiced in the critical days of the period

Coaches note that some areas of fitness for a period of regulatory costs limit, while as others will help perfectly cope with PMS have a beneficial effect on the emotional state and physical state:

Hula Hup

Many women intuitively understand that menstruation is necessary to reduce the load in the gym, with all this, I think to turn the hoop during the month as possible. This is not quite true. Hula hoop, has evolved from a conventional metal in a full hoop simulator extremely popular as a means for the waist and ideal steel press.

The variety of its variations is impressive: there are models with plastic, rubber and magnetic elements for massage massaging and local action on the problem areas, which will not leave indifferent any lover of active lifestyle. Wrap great massages the abdominal region, the anterior abdominal wall, improving blood flow to the reproductive organs. It is this ability during his regulation becomes potentially dangerous, especially for those women who highlight the already abundant.

The full exercise with a hula-hoop lasts an average of 15 minutes, but before the CD its intensity and duration should be gradually reduced. During the first phase of the menstrual hoop should be completely excluded, and from 2 to 4 days (depending on intensity discharge) can be returned after the start of the training cycle. It is important to remember to twist hula-hoop during menstruation can be, but not in the early days of discharge.


Regular practice of yoga can smooth the premenstrual syndrome and reduce painful spasms during menstruation. But here must follow certain rules. At the time of heavy discharge is strictly contraindicated various twisting and inverted postures, among which stands on hands, arms, head - they have a negative impact on the flow regulator may provoke as strengthening them, and termination.

It is worth noting that the same rack immediately after the end of the last selected have strong curative effect on the reproductive system. Showing static asanas, you can sit on the twine during menstruation, suit different extensions in the usual way, with only a small correction of complex asanas. And do not forget to listen to your body.


For all its beneficial effects on the body by swimming in the early days of the regulation prohibited because of the vulnerability of the pelvic organs: increased risk of getting an infection of the urogenital system. Swimming pool and water aerobics classes is better to postpone for 1-2 days, but to train in open water should cease after discharge.

Do not forget about safety precautions: do not stay in the water, it is important to time to change tampons or menstrual cup and monitor any deviation from the usual state.

Strength training

As already mentioned, engaged in the gym during menstruation can be in if there are no contraindications. The response of the muscles and overall endurance in women during this period increases, the load easier to bear and the body recovers faster.

But should avoid lifting heavy weights, especially with a focus on the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, waist, press.

Are ideal exercises for the upper back, arms, chest with weight maintenance, but a decrease in intensity. It should not be long to abandon the basic exercises (traction, squats), with an emphasis on isolation. Do not forget to warm up before exercise and stretch afterwards. To avoid sickness can do Pilates or light aerobics, strength training substituting them for this period.


One of today's most popular fitness trends, and therefore the question of whether to engage in stretching during menstruation is particularly relevant. What is it like to stretching? This kind of complex load on stretching having as a powerful therapeutic and aesthetic effects. It has no contraindications and age restrictions. Due to the fact that the exercises are no sudden movements and turns, stretching may even engage in women with a history of severe PMS and the presence of pain in different periods of the cycle.

The opinion of the gynecologist: "Do stretching exercises his daily exercises and you will see that they have become easier to bear menstruation and prior to her syndrome." When you deal with a banner month can be at home, and in the absence of uncomfortable sensations attending classes at the fitness school.


It is known that has a strong cardio slimming effect, but the period regulator is postpone exhausting sessions of cardio, replacing them with a more relaxed pace and with less stress intensity. Is it possible to run at monthly? Interval running is better to postpone, to run during menstruation better in quiet mode, and reduce training time.

When the pain and spasms better to go at your own pace: improved blood circulation and oxygen saturation it can reduce pain and positively influence the course of regulation. Therefore, this sport can be practiced during menstruation, even on the first day. The treadmill can be replaced by training on a stationary bike, the load was reduced and the occupation: helps stabilize the psycho-emotional background and remove tension.

Physical Education

Classes are of general physical culture have an extremely positive effect on the health of the body, if you do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics and smoothly distribute the load range. Unfortunately, schoolchildren and students can not count on an individual approach, and because decision, whether they go to physical education at monthly, takes the family doctor on the basis of consultation and inspection.

Clearly against the occupation doctors make when an unstable cycle, when the body has just started hormonal changes and a regulatory unstable or do not come every month, with cramps, dizziness and nausea. In such cases, the doctor prescribes and prohibits load release.

It is important to note that any training before starting the cycle and during it should have a goal to not only lose weight, how to help the body better transfer this period: it is necessary to pay attention on what exercises can be done at monthly focus, find information about the contraindications or other activities, adhere to the instructions of coach and the doctor's recommendations if it prohibit or restrict part of the load, do not try to build through strength training or pain. It is necessary to find his rhythm and balance, without going to extremes: training should be based on a positive attitude and a comfortable condition, because fitness - it's great, but not overcome himself. Focus on health, listen to your body and then the sport really benefit and pleasure.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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