Swelling before, during menstruation: Why fluid is retained in the body of a woman


  1. What causes edema
  2. Swelling before menstruation
  3. Swelling during menstruation
  4. How to deal with swelling before menstruation
  5. Facial swelling before critical days
  6. Swelling of limbs before Regula
  7. When should you see a doctor

Critical days of a natural process that, one way or another, brings a lot of inconvenience in daily life. Headache, nausea, abdominal pain and back pain, mood swings - all these symptoms of PMS have Many have become accustomed, there is one more manifestation, more rare, but no less unpleasant - swelling before menstruation and during their time. We consider in this paper the reason for such a reaction body and how to avoid the accumulation of fluid.

Swelling before and after menstruation

What causes edema

The reasons why the liquid is delayed in women quite a lot. And not all of them are associated with menstruation.

  1. Impaired kidney function. When the kidneys can not cope with its direct task remain excess fluid. it is often visualized as a facial puffiness and bags under the eyes. This is manifested in the morning and the evening descends.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Varices. In this disease are indicated by such symptoms: feet "buzz" in the evening, there are traces of socks or shoes appear wreaths on his feet.
  4. Problems with the heart and circulatory system. Swelling of the ankles is also seen in the area. It is usually noticed in the evening and in the morning she disappeared. To distinguish this violation of varicose veins, listen to the other senses. Heart disease produces shortness of breath, chest tightness, weakness and fatigue.
  5. Allergic reactions. In addition to the rash and redness, allergies often cause swelling. Not only the outer surfaces but also inside (for example, the respiratory organs).
  6. Hormonal imbalance. Numerous hormones play a huge role in the work of the whole body and the lack or excess of at least one, can lead to unexpected consequences. And that hormones during menstruation is often the main cause of edema.

Edema during menstruation may not appear at all. Some women have a headache or does not pull in the lower back during menstruation that is inherent in the other. Depending on the state of the organism level of physical activity, presence of chronic or acute diseases, menstruation period in different passes give differently. The woman at risk if:

  • It is overweight;
  • receives hormonal contraceptives;
  • It is struggling with gastrointestinal problems or circulatory system;
  • It has an irregular cycle and reproductive system problems.

Swelling PMS can be on the face, legs, and stomach. Their expression at the same time possible to the body.

Swelling before menstruation

fluid retention before the scheduled monthly doctors most often associated with changes in the hormonal background.

Estrogen can actually promote fluid retention. On the first day of the menstrual cycle, the level is extremely low. Further, it sharply increases and the fluid outflow is improved.

Reducing the level of progesterone. It is responsible for sodium conclusion. It decreases the amount thereof, sodium holds water and prevents its natural excretion.

Increasing the level of prolactin. It itself contributes to water retention in the body and is responsible for milk production. find out what day of the cycle to be tested for prolactin.

Experts recognize that the swelling before menstruation - irregular reaction of the body and it can be called from time to time due to poor lifestyle choices.

Many harmful food. Before critical days, women often feel irritability and the desire to eat something sweet, flour, fat, acute. When they allow themselves more junk food than the body is able to process, appear edema.

Decreased activity. Before the start of menstruation rarely want to organize marathons. Nature took care that the expectant mother was resting as much as possible in such an important period. Less traffic - more accumulated liquid.

The protective function. According to the theories of some researchers, therefore, the body tries to prevent dehydration with loss of blood a significant dose during menstruation.

Swelling of the answer to the question of why during the month increased weight.

Swelling during menstruation

If the question is why swollen feet and face before menstruation - still has no clear answer, with swelling in the critical days everything is clear.

All the same estrogen. Its levels start to rise sharply. And even too sharply. Fluid is retained in the body. Especially this effect affects women after 35 years.

How to deal with swelling before menstruation

There are a number of preventive measures that will help to combat swelling before menstruation.

  1. Less salt in the diet, less coffee and products from the category "tasty, but harmful" - fried, greasy, spicy... Add in the diet of more vegetables, keep the balance of fats - proteins - carbohydrates.
  2. It is necessary to drink more water, but only in the morning. So it is possible to prepare the body and at the same time to minimize the possibility of occurrence of edema.
  3. Do not forget to move - gymnastics, yoga, walking. But from excessive physical exertion in the room should be abandoned for a few days. As the rigid restrictions in meal. They can cause pain and discomfort. Engage Yoga during mensesBut avoid inverted postures.

Facial swelling before critical days

Remove bags under the eyes will help regular sleep. Possible emergency use chilled spoons (just apply them to the place of edema). With swollen eyelids help compress of cold milk and cucumber mask. If swollen looks not only the area under the eyes, but also the entire face, you can use the ice and the cold mask. Not bad helps massages. Procedures prodelyvat better than once a month, and on a regular basis in order to secure the effect and less frequent with these problems.

Swelling of limbs before Regula

Remove the leg swelling can quickly douche. You can make a gentle massage of the cool wet towel. Of exercise is good help birch tree and bike. And with power squats and calf pumping is better to wait.

When should you see a doctor

It is important to note the time on the regularity of the process and its manifestations. If you have swollen feet before menstruation, you must look at additional symptoms. Passes if the problem is with the onset of critical days? Do you feel any symptoms yet (the same chest pain, breathing weighted). After all, it may be that swollen legs before menstruation, and in principle. And it is an alarming sign of the beginning of varicose veins or heart problems.

If problems with swelling before menstruation and during it bother you constantly, you should seek help from a doctor.

Notify change your gynecologist. He will ask additional questions and may also appoint a number of analyzes. Only by their results we can talk about something concrete.

The reasons why water is retained in the body and without the critical days quite a lot. Therefore, we must look at the problem, and carefully traced, when it appears, how long and what has followed. Diagnosis of this symptom can not be just. But it can help in the diagnosis, if suddenly there will be other symptoms.

Do not forget also that in the article - only general advice. Any symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which are regularly repeated and go beyond the norm - a reason to get out of his father's house and go to the doctor. Uncontrolled administration of drugs and agents which compete with the swelling leads to very unpleasant effects. There are many cases where, after such experiments, the woman's condition deteriorated sharply. Removing edema diuretics, can bring the organism to exhaustion.

If you have swollen limbs, swollen face in the morning, marked swelling of the stomach - pay attention to your diet, schedule, weight, and look to the doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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