Diarrhea before, during, after menstruation diarrhea, causes intestinal disorders, diarrhea during early pregnancy to delay


  1. Why menstrual disorder appears
  2. natural causes
  3. pathological state
  4. diagnostic measures
  5. What to do if diarrhea occurs when menstruation
  6. proper nutrition
  7. medicines
  8. Alternative medicine
  9. prevention

Each month the female body undergoes major hormonal changes. A few days before the critical days of changing emotional background, marked mood swings. Often the problem becomes disruptions in the digestive tract. The causes of diarrhea before menstruation are different, and the violation itself can be a real problem. You should always know how to deal with it and what can be done to alleviate the condition.

Diarrhea before menstruation

Why menstrual disorder appears

Why during menstruation diarrhea is accompanied by many women?

natural causes

There are many safe provoking factors, due to which women before menstruation suffer from diarrhea. Among the most common are:

  1. The production of prostaglandins and progesterone. These hormones are critical in the early days are produced in large numbers. They have a relaxing effect on the intestines, razzhzhizhayut stool that stimulates bowel disorder before menstruation.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Uterine musculature. They lead not only to the appearance of symptoms. Sometimes, if the intestine is filled, it prevents these reductions and thus removes the barrier body.
  4. Hormonal disbalance. When hormone production, that production increases at the critical days, the body tends to be cleaned, quickly starts to remove toxins and waste products. In this case, diarrhea - a sign of hormone excess or disorder.
  5. Reducing the body's defenses. A woman's body, including the gastrointestinal tract, before menses and during the regulation are not fully protected against the penetration of infections and pathogens. At this time the possible exacerbation of certain chronic diseases, r. H. and diarrhea.
  6. Rush of blood to the pelvic organs. This overloads the abdominal cavity and intestines "facilitate" burden.
  7. Increased appetite. Shortly before the month and the first day of bleeding in women increases the appetite and taste preferences are changing. In this scenario, the intestine can rebel. For this reason may be vomiting before menstruation also.
  8. Stress. Before critical days sharper perceived problems, increased sensitivity. It is a natural reaction to the emotions - loose stools during menstruation.
  9. Pregnancy. Judged only by the occurrence of diarrhea pregnancy unwisely, for this there is another, more accurate and vivid symptoms. But if menses are delayed, and the girl overcomes diarrhea, it is possible to suggest an interesting position. Commonplace - diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy to delay.
  10. PMS. One of the most common problems of diarrhea. The syndrome is associated with hormones, begins a few days before menstruation, respectively, at the same time can start and intestinal disorders.

pathological state

Most often diarrhea before menstruation is a physiological manifestation.But sometimes the diarrhea causes a pathological character and shows the development of serious diseases. The thing is that these days a woman's body the most vulnerable, weak, it can affect viruses and bacteria. In the case where there is dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, except for diarrhea, and other intense symptoms will occur at the same time:

  • severe painful spasms in the abdomen;
  • temperature rise;
  • nausea;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • swelling of the face, hands and feet;
  • dehydration.

We evacuations appears uncharacteristic stench, they become foamy. The feces are often found undigested food residue.

By pathological causes of diarrhea include menstruation:

  1. Poisoning. Appear at the use of poor quality or spoiled food. A intoxication can also occur when an uncontrollable receiving medication. Accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  2. Sharpened pancreatitis. If the disease is in the chronic form, a woman worried periodically intoxication and pain of herpes zoster character. It is intolerable attacks.
  3. Gastritis. During an attack, not only opens diarrhea, but there is a strong pain in the digestive system.
  4. Neurological disorders. Sometimes diarrhea psychogenic soil.
  5. Impaired metabolism and irritable bowel syndrome.

Among other precipitating factors:

  • enzyme deficiency;
  • obstruction;
  • genitourinary pathology.

Some girls diarrhea during menstruation is due to gynecological problems - cervical bend. In this case, during the monthly individual adjustment occur in the body, which provoke the appearance of diarrhea.

This disease will certainly be treated. It can be detected on pelvic examination.

Adolescents between menarche disorder may be a physiological phenomenon. But sometimes it still does not hurt to check for gastroenteritis. It is important that in this period mother attentive to the condition of his daughter, watched her state of health, explained what was going on with her. If necessary, consult a gynecologist.

diagnostic measures

If diarrhea before menstruation - a one-time phenomenon, do not worry. However, when the process takes a chronic course or during defecation woman feels unpleasant pain symptoms, it is necessary without delay to address to the doctor.

It is necessary to pass the necessary diagnostic procedures, which will help establish an accurate diagnosis. alarm should be beaten if the feces became dark and it contains blood clots - a condition indicative of an infection and can not be associated with menstruation.

Remember, diarrhea may occur a few days before the critical days, and passes quickly. If an upset stomach during menstruation does not end a week or longer, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. Because of the serious disorders of blood may even linger.

What to do if diarrhea occurs when menstruation

If the diagnosis turns out that diarrhea does have a pathological origin, take a long and serious treatment in a hospital. If you ignore the recommendations of the doctor can develop serious complications and undesirable effects, one of which - dehydration. Only constant monitoring by medical personnel and unquestioning implementation of all recommendations will protect against this.

If nothing serious is not detected, and diarrhea during menstruation is only a physiological feature, you can do without treatment. But still have to perform a series of simple recommendations. And the first step to facilitate the state - dieting in "those" days.

proper nutrition

A few days before menstruation a woman is to introduce healthy foods into your diet. This cheese, mucous clover, jelly, fruit (bananas, pears, persimmons, and so on. D.). Preference is better to give baking wholemeal. And do not forget about drinking regime - make it a rule to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. This is useful not only to the critical days.

In the list of banned milk, carbonated drinks, fatty, smoked, spicy and fried foods. Always worth excluded from the diet foods that contribute to flatulence. This is all kinds of beans, mushrooms, radishes, cabbage, onions. You need to eat small portions, but more often - this will relieve the digestive tract and get it work.
If the stomach reduces severe pain, take "no-silos".

With the help of diet can establish the bowels for 1 day, remove constipation or diarrhea before menstruation. Thanks to easy food feel better. And turn to lose a couple of extra pounds. To support the work of 12-duodenum and intestines in the proper form, it is useful to use baked pears, drink fruit drinks and teas of these fruits, other liquids. Useful berry fruit drinks, alkaline mineral water.


Any drugs from diarrhea during menstruation can be taken only after consultation with your doctor. Self-medication is able to cause substantial harm to health. Usually in these situations, activated charcoal, "Mezim", "Pancreatin", "Creon". But any drug can be taken only after ascertaining the causes of bowel malfunction.

Alternative medicine

Supporters of the popular methods of treatment, you can use several grandmother's recipes. Good results show chamomile teas, extracts from St. John's wort, oak bark and yarrow.


Diarrhea during menstruation can have a variety of causes and is for women of all ages. Prevention of diarrhea before menstruation - business simple. To avoid this condition, it is recommended to follow the diet, not overeating. Pay more attention to drinking regime. And also to be sensitive to the emotional state, try to once again not to be nervous. Physical and mental stress and better kept under strict control. And then surely all will be well.

Diarrhea before and during menstruation is not a serious pathology, but sometimes this condition requires close attention. If diagnosed with the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medication. Sometimes the diarrhea symptom of pregnancy to delays and how to begin to feel sick, and on it a woman can be judged about the conception and early stages of an interesting situation. If you are interested in additional question, be sure to set it to the gynecologist. Either way, carefully listen to your body, and it will thank you in good health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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