Can I donate blood during menstruation (assays for blood donation)


  1. Features monthly flow
  2. A list of acceptable tests during menstruation
  3. What tests during menstruation taboo
  4. Features studies at menopause
  5. How to prepare for the procedure
  6. Deciphering the general analysis of blood
  7. Whether the donation is allowed during menstruation

Sometimes critical days coincide with the need for a medical examination by passing tests. Many women in this case there are doubts about the procedure. This article will tell you whether you can donate blood during menstruation and on which day is best to plan the survey.

Donating blood during menstruation

Features monthly flow

menstruation time represents the period when the uterus inner rejected. This is an important stage in the functioning of the body. The interval between the first day of menstruation and the beginning of the next menstrual period are called a cycle. At the end of this period, the first step is the formation of endometrium, which is required for fastening the egg after fertilization.

But in the absence of conception layer was detached from the uterine wall and exits from the body. This is followed by opening blood vessels, causing bleeding arises. The most copious observed at the initial stage. Then the amount of blood begins to decrease.

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A list of acceptable tests during menstruation

Experts call the following list of tests, which require, taken at monthly material. These include studies on such biological agents:

  • cortisol;
  • testosterone;
  • FSH and LH (find what day of the cycle to take thyroid hormones);
  • prolactin;
  • progesterone;
  • estradiol (find what day of the cycle take estradiol).

These analyzes are conducted to establish the diagnosis of infertility, benign growths in the uterus, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Progesterone levels determined in the range from 20 to 1 day. On the other hormones analysis is best done at 5-7 days. So, the question: Is it possible to donate blood for hormones during menstruation should be answered in the affirmative.

During the menstrual cycle is determined by the presence of HIV and other infections. In order to identify the disease in the analysis of urine and take. These days are allowed to donate blood in the presence of syphilis.

What tests during menstruation taboo

To find out whether it is possible to be tested during the month, it is necessary to examine what the blood characteristics change over the month. Markedly reduced hemoglobin. But to worry about it not worth it, because the figures do not fall below the permissible limit.

Critical days often accompanied by pain syndrome, which causes acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation. Also, hormonal changes, blood glucose and viscosity.

Blood is forbidden to pass the following tests:

  1. Tumor markers, because these days the female body characterized by sudden hormonal surges that trigger distorted results.
  2. Biochemical, allowing to identify abnormalities in the kidneys, stomach, liver, blood vessels and heart.
  3. Clotting, which in the critical days of declines. reduced number of platelets in the blood.
  4. The general analysis, involving the identification of those indicators which are subject to change.
  5. Analysis of sugar, the concentration of which at monthly can vary, however, this figure must determine when completed.
  6. Allergological tests - monthly significantly affect the results of assays for allergic reactions.
  7. Immunological diagnostics.

On these figures, doctors are prohibited from conducting tests during the critical days, since the probability of erroneous results.

To determine the state of your body need to wait for the end of menstruation. The most significant result will be obtained on the 7th day of the cycle. For more information as to why you can not donate blood during menstruation can be obtained from your doctor.

Features studies at menopause

Blood diagnosis in women who had menopause stage, held on 8-14 day cycle. To ensure that the cessation of menstruation - is not a sign of pathology, your doctor may prescribe tests for biochemistry, hormones and glucose.

How to prepare for the procedure

To the expert made the right conclusions to blood donation requires some preparation:

  1. One day before the procedure is necessary to refuse from fatty, spicy and fried foods.
  2. Before the analysis allowed to use boiled water, it does not change the composition of blood. Carbonated soft drinks and alcohol should be excluded. As to how much you can drink the liquid, no requirements.
  3. Between research and the last meal should take at least 10 hours
  4. Prohibited heavy exercise, because they cause the destruction of the protein and increase in residual nitrogen indicators. Immediately before the lab visit, relax for 10-15 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to avoid stress which leads to hormonal fluctuations.
  6. If a woman takes drugs, it should inform the doctor. The analysis shall not earlier than 10 days after discontinuation of the drug.
  7. Pre can not pass X-rays, physiotherapy and rectal examination. This will affect the accuracy of the biological materials.
  8. Analysis sit in the morning.
  9. 1 hour before the study can not smoke. Tobacco destroys blood cells, disrupt blood flow and provoke anoxia. Therefore, if a smoke before taking the analysis of fingerprint or vein, the physician may be suspected viruses or other diseases.

In the process of delivery of analyzes it is necessary to adhere to these rules, as their violation will result in a distortion of the results.

After the end of menstruation is necessary to wait 3 to 5 days before you donate blood.

Deciphering the general analysis of blood

In the absence of pathologies has the following indicators:

  • leucocytes - 4-9;
  • hemoglobin - 120-140 g / l;
  • erythrocytes - 3,8-4,8 million / 1 ml;
  • hematocrit - 35-45%;
  • color index - 0.8-1;
  • platelets - 180-320;
  • glucose - 3.5-6.5 mM;
  • protein - 60-80 g / l;
  • creatinine - 0.18 mmol / l;
  • bilirubin - 20.5 mmol / l.

All matters relating to this type of diagnosis should ask your doctor. The specialist will explain whether it is possible during monthly blood tests. And under what circumstances and why this type of diagnosis is contraindicated.

Whether the donation is allowed during menstruation

Blood transfusions help save many lives. This procedure is beneficial and directly to the donor. It helps stimulate the immune defense, refreshes the body and is the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. Therefore, a significant amount of the fair sex is concerned, whether it is possible to donate blood during menstruation for donation.

This procedure can take place all persons aged 18 years and having good health. But the woman in the experts to be the donor ban during critical days. There are several reasons. Transfusion increases the fluid deficit, which is a stress factor for the organism. At monthly lost to 60 ml of blood, and another 200 ml be lost during the procedure.

When bleeding decreases hemoglobin concentration, and at the time of blood, this figure will decrease even more. Acceptance of drugs, by which women remove pain syndrome experts consider as a contraindication for participation in donor programs.

Weakness is often felt in the critical days, blood loss increase. This process has a negative effect on blood vessels, reducing their tone. And in the days of menstruation in some women are marked with blood pressure problems.

Donation often causes the following negative consequences:

  1. Menstruation does not come in due time. This deviation arises because of stress and hormonal imbalances.
  2. Condition worsened.
  3. Reduce the amount of emissions. This is a consequence of the reduction process, which, after loss of blood in the body passes.

To prevent damage to your health, women can give blood for the purpose of the donation up to 4 times a year. This should be done on a 10-14 day cycle.

Menstruation is defined as a contraindication for several types of analyzes. But some studies monthly days - this is the most appropriate period. To obtain reliable indicators need to follow the doctor's recommendations. It must be remembered and on the preparatory activities, which also depends on the result.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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