MRI in menstruation

MRI, as the newest method of diagnosis, literally works wonders, revealing serious diseases at the zero stage. But for some, this accuracy raises fears.

Women are especially worried about whether they will not hurt mrt with menstruation, when the body is not in the best shape.

Contents of

  • 1 What is the procedure?
    • 1.1 Relationship between brain examination and menstruation
    • 1.2 Magnetic resonance examination of the spine for menstruation
    • 1.3 Can critical days interfere with the examination of the gallbladder?
    • 1.4 Examination of pelvic organs with menstruation: yes or no?
  • 2 Response of the body to mrt during menstruation

What is the procedure?

MRI with a woman's monthly

MRI is based on the effect of magnetic radiation on the tissue, more precisely, the reaction it causes. The device is able to fix the changes in the picture due to the fact that healthy and sick cells respond to the creation of this field in different ways.

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For a more accurate image, a contrast agent administered into the vein is used.

With this type of examination you can find out about the condition:

  • of the brain;
  • of the Genitals;
  • Spine;
  • Different areas of the abdominal cavity;
  • Vessels.

For him, the patient is placed in the closed apparatus completely or only the head.

Since the method implies a magnetic effect on the body, it is logical to doubt whether it is possible to do mrt with menstruation. Many people know that this hormone-controlled process is subject to external influences. And will the survey be informative on critical days? This largely depends on the field of study.

Relationship between brain examination and menstruation

MRI of the brain during menstruation

For examination of the head region, it is not necessary to immerse the patient completely in the capsule of the device. Only the directly studied part of the body undergoes a magnetic action. A small pelvis, where there is a replacement of the upper level of the uterine mucosa, remains outside the field of influence of radiation.

And yet the question of whether mrt is done with menstruation, when it is necessary to examine the brain, for many women does not dare so simply. The fact is that in its lower part is located the endocrine gland, which participates in the regulation of the cycle, it is the pituitary gland. His incorrect work can disrupt both the menstrual cycle in general, and the process of renewal of the endometrium.

Magnetic radiation is an interference in the functioning of the body, therefore the layman can consider the fear of knocking down the functioning of the pituitary gland to be justified. Doctors respond to them in this way:

  • In 20 years of using mrt, its harm was not detected;
  • The pituitary gland is involved in the production of hormones continuously. If the survey interfered with the process, then it would do this at any stage of the cycle, and not just at its end. And then it turns out that it's impossible to choose the time for manipulation.
With this in mind, medical professionals are sure that the brain can be tolerated at monthly intervals. It will not have a negative impact on the work of the reproductive and endocrine systems.

Magnetic resonance examination of the spine for menstruation

To study this area of ​​the body, the patient must be placed in the capsule of the device completely. The effect of magnetic radiation on the area of ​​the reproductive organs is also not excluded. Therefore, for someone to do mrt during the monthly if necessary examination of the spinal cord, vertebrae, joints, discs seems risky.

In terms of information content, there is nothing to fear in such circumstances. The menstrual period does not affect the quality of the examination and the picture of what is happening in this area. Obstacles for carrying out the spine of the spine with only two men:

  1. Given its duration( up to an hour), being in a capsule in a horizontal position can be uncomfortable. But the problem can easily be solved with a thicker gasket.
  2. Having in mind the increased nervousness characteristic of the menstrual period, the examination may be difficult due to the psychological condition of the woman. To some it can prevent it from being in an enclosed space for 60 minutes.

There are no other difficulties and obstacles for the region of the spine with the monthly ones.

We recommend that you read an article about the X-ray examination during menstruation. You will find out what it is, about the indications for the procedure, its effect on the reproductive organs of a woman, and about the possibility of diagnosing with a delay.

Can critical days interfere with the examination of the gallbladder?

The study of the gallbladder using magnetic resonance tomography also passes with immersion in the device as a whole. Moreover, this organ is located close enough to the reproductive, which in the critical days are experiencing renewal.

Therefore, a woman may have a question whether it is worthwhile to undergo menstruation with menstruation in order to detect gallbladder disease, or better wait for their completion.

The process of menstruation is not able to distort what is happening in the digestive system, despite the noticeable changes in the balance of hormones. Difficulties can arise due to such premenstrual manifestations as flatulence. For some, this particular sign is expressed throughout the entire period of menstruation.

Although it is recommended not to eat 5 hours before the mouth of the gallbladder, it is allowed to take activated charcoal, this is sometimes not enough to eliminate gases in the intestine. In addition, the weakness inherent in menstruation can intensify due to such a long abstinence from food, if there is no possibility of manipulation in the morning. There are no other reasons for postponing the magnetic resonance examination of the gallbladder.

Examination of pelvic organs with menstruation: yes or no?

With the mrt of the pelvic floor with the monthly all is a little more complicated. This survey is aimed at studying those organs that are directly involved in the process, as well as the urinary tract. It is prescribed for:

  • Neoplasms of the ovaries, uterus;
  • Inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • Kistah;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Myomas.

The specialist will always warn you that during menstruation, the examination is not carried out. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Blood flow to the organs. Expansion of the vessels, swelling do not allow to see the full picture of what is happening in the reproductive system.
  2. The study of the endometrium is impossible due to the fact that the former functional layer is already rejected and the new one is not completely formed.
  3. Examination of the vagina and uterus will also not be informative, including, due to secretions.
All this forces the doctors and patients to postpone the magnetic resonance examination of the reproductive and urinary organs on the 7-12 days of the monthly cycle.

Response of the body to mrt when menstruating

When women want to specify the period of manipulation, they are interested in the consequences of mrt if done with menstruation. Many are afraid of violations in this area, which can lead to difficulties with conception or cycle failures.

This kind of harm to magnetic radiation during the time that it is used in medicine, was not found. Gynecologists with a clear conscience allow patients to become pregnant immediately after mrt, since there is no trace of it in the body.

Disturbances of the cycle seen after the diagnosis are linked:

  • With a disease that caused the need for manipulation;
  • With stress due to examination and waiting for results.

We advise you to read an article on the causes of frequent menstruation. You will learn about hormonal failure, the influence of gynecological diseases, the possibility of pregnancy, as well as the consequences of fatigue and stress.

It is not necessary to wait from mrt, made with monthly, negative influence on the reproductive system. Postpone the examination can be only because of the desire to hedge and relieve the body of the additional burden. When menstruating, it is quite high because of pain, psychological stress and silent immunity.

Refusal to conduct mrt during this period should be caused only by medical necessity. And the doctor knows about it better, which will necessarily inform the patient.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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