Bloating before, during menstruation: causes increased belly gases puchit


  1. Possible reasons for the inflated abdomen before menstruation
  2. hormonal surges
  3. Pregnancy
  4. laxation
  5. puffiness
  6. Ovulation
  7. neoplasms
  8. malnutrition
  9. How to get rid of bloating syndrome
  10. Folk remedies for bloating during menstruation

Many of the fair sex do not know the feeling of discomfort, pain, and other changes in state of health during menstruation. But the privilege to avoid such phenomena is not given to everyone. Most women are familiar with PMS - a complex of symptoms that cause discomfort and disturb the operation of all systems of the body of the female. Bloating before menstruation - one of the most common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. And for some women, rumbling, distension, enlarged abdomen and abdominal cramps - usual state before and during menstruation. But why during monthly increases stomach? A detailed answer to this question can be found in this article.

Bloating before menstruation

Possible reasons for the inflated abdomen before menstruation

Before you start fighting against such manifestations of PMS, should investigate the causes of bloating in women. Menstruation is a very difficult, from the point of view of physiology, process. It is accompanied by a serious hormonal surges. Because some discomfort is worth attention and if in any doubt need to see a doctor.

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How many days before menstruation occurs bloating? On this question, too, can not be answered unequivocally. But there are a number of obvious causes of bloating before and during menstruation, removing a woman can greatly facilitate their state:

hormonal surges

During menstruation, and in front of them in the body of every woman starts to be injected progesterone - the hormone responsible for the safe fertilization and subsequent embryo development. Progesterone provides relaxation of the uterus wall. But at the moment of its inner sealing layer, it may also lead to bloating and as a result, discomfort in the stomach. If fertilization does not occur, hormone and decreases the amount of stomach, which increased a couple of days ago, it comes back to normal.


It happens that in a few days, which falls onset of menstruation, a woman is watching spotting, and feels her stomach swelled, hurts, there is a feeling of swelling, nausea. There is heaviness in the chest, swelling, it swells.

If the swollen belly, no monthly, and the delay too long - you need to do a pregnancy test.

Even if the result is negative, and symptoms do not pass, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. When pulling pain in the lower abdomen, with the campaign specialist can not linger. These symptoms may be the cause of many disorders (ectopic pregnancy, tumors).


Bloating during menstruation and before the onset of menstruation can also be caused by the active preparation of the body, including the pelvic organs. During this period, there is often little disruption of the digestive tract, causing swelling of the intestines can occur and excessive flatulence.


The appearance of bloating before menstruation can cause swelling of the body. Swollen fingers, legs, arms. Eyelids may swell and his face. The amount of liquid increases due to an increase in hormone levels. This can make the belly to swell. Output fluid is delayed, increasing body weight. But after the end of menstruation, weight returns to normal, the swelling subside by themselves.


It is a process, during which a woman has the highest chances of getting pregnant. It is not surprising that at such a time the body remains at the peak of activity in hormone production. A sign of these changes can also be bloating.

If this symptom is habitual and does not cause pain - there is no reason for concern. You just need to wait a couple of days. Otherwise (if you have pain, cramps) - should consult a doctor, as ovulation is a small, but all the same trauma.


Sometimes, the formation of gas may be an indication of the presence of any abnormalities. If, in flatulence, there is additional uncharacteristic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, swelling, cramping, pain - you should immediately consult your doctor and do the analysis blood. And do not neglect preventive gynecological examination every six months.


Another cause of flatulence when the ICP is reduced production endorphin hormone several weeks before menses. This hormone is responsible for the mood and the lack of it leads to a deterioration of the overall psychological state, the emergence of apathy, depression. Many women prefer to deal with such manifestations by means of food. Hence, there is an eating disorder, binge eating, constipation, flatulence, fermentation of food remains in the stomach too hard stools.

How to get rid of bloating syndrome

As you could see, the reasons why inflates the abdomen during menstruation, quite a lot. If you are sure you are healthy and not pregnant, but you still puchit, there are some guidelines that can help deal with the situation:

  1. Follow the principles of proper nutrition. We have already mentioned that the swelling may be caused by an elementary overeating and poor quality products. On the menstruation period, and to exclude it all the harmful products consume less fat.
  2. In just a few weeks to a month you need to limit or exclude from the diet of salt, smoked foods, spicy foods. Increased salt intake causes fluid retention, and smoked and spicy can cause irritation of the stomach and intestinal walls, which also negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Limit your intake of raw vegetables and fruits, from which inflates the abdomen (pears, cabbage, apricots, peaches, beans).
  4. In order to avoid a situation where before menstruation inflated belly, you must exclude the consumption of carbonated drinks. Should eat often but in small portions. To wash down the food is not recommended. excess fluid dilutes gastric juice and can cause fermentation of food. Drink stands for 15-20 minutes before or after 20-30 minutes after ingestion.
  5. To avoid bloating of the abdomen can begin receiving evening primrose oil (from the seeds of evening primrose oil). It reduces the symptoms well at the ICP has a slight diuretic effect. It is also used for normalization of the general state at menopause.
  6. Refusal of sugar and caffeine can also be a good help to relieve swelling and remove excessive flatulence. Once a month you can drink vitamins E and C, magnesium, pre-specifying a rate of a physician.
  7. Some women practicing massage the lower back, hips and legs with a mixture of lavender, juniper oil and grape seed oil in the ratio of 3: 3: 5.
  8. Before the start of menstruation can help reduce vzdutost bath with 3 drops of black pepper oil. During menstruation from baths should be abandoned. find out Why not take a bath during menstruation.
  9. Light exercise increases the overall tone of the body and help in the fight against gases. Running, gymnastics or usual morning exercise can help in solving the problem.

Folk remedies for bloating during menstruation

In addition to general recommendations, there are many folk remedies that can help with flatulence during menstruation. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Black tea. Ordinary black tea can help to cope with the syndrome inflated abdomen. All thanks to the tannins that it contains.
  • The infusion of chamomile. To prepare the broth will need 1 tablespoon of flowers per cup of boiling water. The resulting broth to give it brew and take at least 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • Garlic powder. Preparing agent from the dried and crushed cloves of garlic. It is taken twice a day after meals. Store in a tightly closable need glass container.
  • Charcoal. If the stomach is swollen, it is better to use coal of lime or black poplar. In addition to flatulence, perfectly helps with nausea. Take 2-4 teaspoons a day. This tool is easy to make at home. Enough twigs wrap in foil and put in the oven for one hour. To check the availability just click on the ember. Ready coal crumbles when pressed.
  • Dill water. Well known for its properties. To prepare the broth requires insist 2 teaspoons fennel seeds in a beaker of boiling water. The resulting infusion take on a third cup three times a day before meals.
  • Dandelion root. The broth is prepared by infusion half dining grass spoon cold boiled water for 7-8 hours. Take the infusion should be a quarter cup before each meal.
  • Wormwood. This decoction should take 3 tablespoons of half an hour before a meal. Prepare infusion in proportion tablespoon of herbs and a glass of boiling water. You can add a teaspoon of honey.

All these seeds and herbs can be freely buy at the pharmacy. But do not forget that these funds even though the people, but still healing and guidance on the use and dosage of these concoctions should be observed.

Reasons why inflates the abdomen before menstruation, as well as ways to eliminate these unpleasant symptoms are many. But having carefully considered all the information, to deal with them healthy woman is not so difficult.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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