Hurt (pulls) the ovaries before (during, after) monthly: Causes


  1. The causes of sickness before the onset of menses
  2. Phase fertile window
  3. The presence of ovulatory syndrome
  4. stressful situations
  5. Cramps during the critical days
  6. inflammatory processes
  7. Ovarian defeat pathogens
  8. Diseases fallopian channels
  9. cyst formation
  10. Tumor malignancy
  11. Hormonal disorders
  12. The causes of pain by the end of month
  13. endometriosis
  14. Cyst
  15. Apoplexy
  16. oophoritis
  17. salpingitis
  18. adhesions
  19. Remedy pain and prevention measures

With critical days facing each woman. Sometimes the patient is transferred monthly without any discomfort, while others suffer from pain, nausea and dizziness. Sometimes the spasms occur in the second week of the menstrual cycle. When the sore ovaries before menstruation, the situation can not be considered normal. Information about why there is discomfort and how to combat it urgent for each patient.

Sore ovaries before menstruation

The causes of sickness before the onset of menses

By the gynecologist often turn because of discomfort in the ovaries. Prior to the period of menstruation syndrome disturbs more than half of women. Pulling the ovary before menstruation influenced by various factors such as safe and highly undesirable.

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There is aching pain due to:

Phase fertile window

Days of fertility are the most suitable to become pregnant. They are characterized by follicular rupture of membranes and promoting ready to intercourse egg by the fallopian channels. The pain is felt in the ovaries of cracked due to cell wall or body movement of affected vessels. Damage caused minor bleeding into the abdominal cavity and provoke spasms.

Sometimes it hurts right ovary or the one before menstruation, which is located on the left side, the discomfort usually is aching blunt or piercing character.

Symptom during ovulation is not harmful to women's health.

Pain lasting more than 12 hours, hyperthermia indicate pathological processes in the body and should not be left unattended. In acute sudden spasms and pain that shoots, the formation of the epididymis rupture.

The presence of ovulatory syndrome

It is a fairly common reason that hurts the ovary at mid-cycle. Characterized discomfort in one of the bodies and the associated smearing vaginal discharge structure.

The special features of the syndrome include the following observations:

  1. Onset of symptoms occurs at the end of the second week after the ovulation cycle.
  2. The position depends on the location of discomfort release the ovum. For example, when a sore left ovary before menstruation, ovulation has occurred in it.
  3. Malaise weakly expressed, it is of an obtuse or tingling character lasts for 20 minutes or a couple of hours.

Symptoms of the syndrome can be observed up to the first days of menstruation. They are not considered to be hazardous to health but preventive examination by a specialist is recommended.

stressful situations

Quarrels, depression and overload the body during exercise lead to natural causes pain. Imbalance mental and emotional health component has a negative impact on the functioning of the whole organism. There is pain due to stress with light and passes quickly.

Cramps during the critical days

Weak discomfort and cramping in the lower abdomen during the first days of menstruation are the norm. But when the sore ovaries before and during menstruation much is a reason to worry about the health and go for a consultation with the doctor.

Menstruation characterized by excretion of the old and the emergence of a new endometrium. Muscles greatly reduced with the aim to remove the old endometrial layer. So there is discomfort in the abdomen radiating to the appendages. Malaise is quenched by means of antispasmodics.

Sometimes monthly sore right ovary or the left body due to the development of diseases:

inflammatory processes

Internal sex organs are suffering because of colds and transmitted through sexual intercourse diseases, unfinished treatment of infectious pathologies such as in other body systems. diseases symptoms include discomfort in the abdomen, groin and lower back. Provoke inflammation can chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococcal, streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria.

Ovarian defeat pathogens

The infection causes cramping in the organs. For example, due to oophoritis often during menstruation sore left ovary. Bilateral disease causes inflammation in the tissues of both appendages.

Diseases fallopian channels

Characterized by weakly expressed or absent symptoms. The negative consequences of pathologies include inflammation of the ovaries, appendix, urogenital system, adnexitis.

cyst formation

Benign tumor types are more often in the left body. Identify several reasons pathology. Follicular neoplasm is due unopened mature oocyte followed by its filling and solidification of liquids. A cyst is dangerous consequences, including hormonal disruptions, inflammatory disorders and psycho-emotional state. The clinical picture of tumor formation: spasms in the ovaries, especially pronounced during menstruation, during sexual intercourse, or active sports; irregular menses; irregularities in the urogenital system. Sometimes there is nausea and pyrexia. Cysts Treatment involves surgery to connect in order to avoid peritonitis and sterility.

Tumor malignancy

Formation arise from organ epithelial cells. Formation of different symptoms. Sometimes diseases that hurt the ovaries start monthly proceeds from total lethargy, problems with appetite and gratuitous weight loss.

Hormonal disorders

The imbalance is due to the hyperfunction appendages taking hormonal preparations. It is characterized by swelling of body tissues and increases its size. Regula provoke the most severe hypertrophy and therefore cause pain.

I have a stomachache

The causes of pain by the end of month

At the end of menstruation the concentration of hormones, including progesterone, to stabilize. The woman feels a surge of strength and improve general well-being. However, due to abnormalities of the reproductive organs are sore ovaries after menstruation.

Provoke cramps at the end of the critical days is capable of a great number of diseases, including those that cause discomfort during bleeding. Determine their homes impossible. Because, if the authorities in the field of pain during any phase of the menstrual cycle, required an urgent appeal to the expert and thorough examination.

Sometimes disturbances in the cycle and pain occur in pregnant women. In this case it is better to confirm or deny the likelihood of fetal conception. The situation where there is a delay monthly pain and left ovary appendage or right side, and a negative pregnancy test, may occur due to such pathologies:


Characterized by the abnormal growth of endometrial and going beyond the uterine tissue. Education enters the ovaries and continues to grow inside.

After menstruation appendages can grow and press on the uterus - it is also cause cramps after critical days.

The causes of endometriosis include hormonal disruptions. The pathology leads to the woman's inability to conceive or carry a child. Typical symptoms include disruptions in the cycle, delay discharge, in the left ovary after menstruation pain, nausea, gastrointestinal pathology.


cyst formation provokes pains in appendages both during and after menstruation. Symptoms of benign tumors in both situations similar and include nausea, urinary problems, violations of the cycle.


It occurs due to violation of the integrity of blood vessels and bleeding. The clinical picture is characterized by sharp pains in the ovaries as the eighth day of the cycle, and to stop the discharge, problems with orientation in space heat.


It refers to the frequent causes of adnexal structures inflammation and other reproductive organs. It occurs due to virus infection, congestion during sport activities, long-term stress and lowered immune function.

The clinical picture of the disease includes symptoms:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Ovarian pain and aching lower back during menstruation and after it.
  3. Discomfort during intercourse.
  4. Purulent exhaust fluids from the vagina.
  5. Problems with the genitourinary system.

Lack of treatment oophoritis leads to inflammation of the fallopian channels.


It refers to gynecological pathologies. When salpingitis first inflamed fallopian tubes. The disease develops either alone or as a complication oophoritis.

Illness is a cause of delay periods, when pulling the ovary. And symptoms of the disease include associated symptoms:

  1. Lower back starts to hurt.
  2. Itching in the groin.
  3. Specific vaginal discharge.
  4. Problems with urinary organs.
  5. Chills.


Adhesions are compounds in the pelvic area. Characterized by the formation of malaise, a violation of the critical days, pain on the right or left appendages, the inability to conceive a child. Sometimes women suffer from vomiting and pyrexia.

Remedy pain and prevention measures

When the ovaries are drawn the week before menstruation due to ovulatory syndrome, to get rid of ailments or ease it is possible by means of simple methods:

  1. Cool center spasms. This procedure is suitable ice, wrapped in a package. In the legs, it is desirable to put a hot water bottle. It is important to make sure that the ovaries are not strongly overcooled. Suspicion of inflammatory processes of the method is recommended to refrain.
  2. Consume plenty of water. On the day it is desirable to drink 1.5-2 liters.
  3. Use teas containing medicinal plants and soothing. Fit mint and raspberry.
  4. With the permission of Dr. alternately take a bath with hot and cold water. The procedure helps prevent stagnation in the pelvic area. Since the influence of cold and hot not shown, for all diseases of the ovaries, the method requires prior consultation gynecologist.
  5. Severe cramps are eliminated by using pain medication. Tablets start stop pain during twenty minutes to an hour after administration.

Preventive measures are necessary to reduce the risk of delay and pain in the right ovary and the appendage on the left side, continuing throughout the month and include:

  1. Avoiding stress and nervous disorders.
  2. Observance of the day regime and a proper diet.
  3. The presence of a good rest between working life, sleep at least 8 hours every day.
  4. Refusal to lift heavy objects, selection quite easy exercises to prevent an excessive load.
  5. Selection of warm clothing during cold weather.
  6. Avoiding swimming in the cool waters and swimming pools.
  7. Following the rules of hygiene of intimate areas.
  8. Contraceptive use by sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner.
  9. Regular visits to the clinic for the purpose of a planned inspection at the gynecologist.

If the pain does not go long or PMS accompanied by uncharacteristic symptoms, it is impossible to let the disease take its course. An urgent need to seek medical help and undergo a thorough diagnosis to determine the cause of the malady.

When pulling the ovary after a month, during or before the regulation, it is better to visit a gynecologist. Illnesses that provoke discomfort, adversely affect the female reproductive system and can lead to infertility, including due to abnormalities of the corpus luteum formation. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment are very important.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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