Is it possible to bathe in the bath, the sauna during menstruation: expert advice


  1. Doctors say a visit to the sauna during menstruation
  2. When allowed to bathe in a bath
  3. Something to fear after the sauna visit
  4. risk of infection
  5. Risk of bleeding
  6. FYI saunas and baths during menstruation
  7. How long can bathe
  8. Safe days to visit the steam room
  9. The first month and a sauna
  10. Absolute prohibitions for bath

Steam treatments have a positive effect on the entire female body. But what if the bathhouse is planned, but suddenly started menstruating? Cancel the event? Is it possible to bathe in a bath during menstruation? These issues are the subject of many articles, but it is impossible to give a definite answer. It all depends on the characteristics of the female organism. Before you decide - whether or not to go to the steam room - you need to carefully listen to yourself and weigh all the "pros" and "cons."

Bath during menstruation

Doctors say a visit to the sauna during menstruation

We all know what happens in the body during menstruation. Monthly - the special period, during which a woman may feel unwell, feel bad. All the fault of the increased hormones. Often women complain of lower abdominal pain in the lower back and other unpleasant symptoms of menstruation.

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Almost all gynecologists told that room, and monthly - concepts incompatible, so during this time better to refrain from the effects of steam and high temperatures. Those gynecologists argue that after a visit to the steam room is capable of extended time of menstruation, and sometimes even open bleeding. Apart from these, there are also arguments "for" the most powerful of them - under the influence of high temperatures woman can get rid of gynecological diseases, especially inflammatory. According to experts, this is not so.

When allowed to bathe in a bath

Can I go to the bath during menstruation? Do not give up going to the steam room, if the monthly painless. Only in this case can be found benefit from such a pastime. In the bath "leave" the toxins and the body get rid of excess fluid. Hot steam is able to reduce some of the painful spasms.

After visiting the baths will certainly rise and improve mood, fatigue and leave negative emotions. And this is - just what you need during the critical days. And also during bath treatment improves the functioning of the pituitary gland and ovaries, new strength and vigor.

If there are spasms in the abdomen or in the internal genital organs, help a poultice of sand, salt, oats and flaxseed. But it is important not to overdo it - around the need to know when to stop.

Something to fear after the sauna visit

With the positive aspects sorted out. But there is a downside when the bath in the critical days can only hurt. There are several reasons due to which doctors are advised not to visit the steam room during menstruation:

risk of infection

In these places of residence are usually a lot of people, than due to the accumulation of infection. Menstruation and the uterus is revealed like a bleeding wound, which can easily get an infection or a fungus. Many people mistakenly believe that if they use a tampon, it will protect against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, but it is absolutely not true. It is the same soap - it can not sufficiently disinfected.

Risk of bleeding

The heat expands blood vessels, increases blood flow in several times. Even if meager monthly, at any time can open bleeding.

These are the main reasons why gynecologists are not advised to visit the baths during menstruation. But if you still really want to do this, be sure to consult your doctor, ask all the questions, to avoid negative consequences.

FYI saunas and baths during menstruation

If menses is not a barrier for you to visit the steam room, try to at least follow a few simple rules:

  1. Listen to well-being. The first days of menstruation is better to spend at home and do not expose the body to unnecessary stress. Next, you need to pay attention to their condition, and if it does not bother, you can safely go to the steam room.
  2. Take care of personal hygiene. Be sure to stock up on tampons and pads. Choosing clothes, better to give preference to natural fabrics. You need to wash before and after the sauna.
  3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages during the procedure. Otherwise, it is fraught with headaches and heart pains, dehydration. Drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden in the sauna, especially during menstruation. Prefer useful herbal tea or tincture.
  4. Keep the temperature. During menstruation, it is better not to expose your body with increased thermal stress. The optimum value in the sauna steam room and - 80 degrees.
  5. Always avoid sharp contrasts. After the sauna is better to wait a bit, but did not immediately rush to bathe in ice-water swimming pool.

If you feel unwell, immediately leave the bath!

Learn from an article link whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation.

How long can bathe

We have already identified the fact that go to the sauna during menstruation can be (all depends on the individual), but only for a short time. How many minutes you can spend in the bath? The maximum possible steam bath - 25 min. But, if the observed temperature conditions (80 degrees). If we are talking about the steam room or sauna, this time should be reduced by half, and not exceed 10 minutes.

Do not get too long in the sauna. Better to go there more often, but for short periods.

Safe days to visit the steam room

Do not go to the bath in the first three days of the menstrual cycle. During this period a woman loses most of all the blood, and the body is most vulnerable. The best time when you can go to the sauna - the fourth day of menstruation - selection are not as intense, so the risk is practically reduced to zero.

This period will not be called critical. Most of the bans lifted, but abuse the sauna or steam bath even not worth the last day of the cycle. Again, it is not necessary to steam under high temperatures and too long in the sauna. Sparing tactics have a beneficial effect on the body and will not cause harm.

The first month and a sauna

Can I go to the sauna during menstruation, if they went first, and why?

Definitely not, the plans need to urgently change. At the time of menarche (first menstruation) bath is strictly prohibited. At this point begins the first major hormonal changes in the body, and how she would react to it is unknown. In the same way, as it is impossible to predict whether the monthly heavy, painful, and so on. N. So why exacerbate the situation and put yourself in danger?

Absolute prohibitions for bath

We figured out whether it is possible in a bath of menstruation. But "those" days - is not only a ban on visits to the bath. Regardless of whether there is a woman's menstruation or not, in any case can not go to the bath in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • fever;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncology;
  • heart disease and respiratory tract;
  • skin lesions;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, genitourinary and nervous system, especially the kidney;
  • rheumatism;
  • varices.

High temperatures can adversely affect the operation of any organ. Therefore, going to the sauna, you need to know about all of their diseases and of possible contraindications.

So is it possible to go to the baths during menstruation, and in front of them? Strict prohibition does not exist and everything depends on the state of health. If your body to adapt to stress and so easy to tolerate temperature fluctuations, then, in principle, strictly contraindications can not be, a sauna is not dangerous. If the state of health of the poor, bleeding strong and unbearable pain, definitely better to stay home and not risk it.

In the steam room is required to make sure that the way the body reacts to temperature change, at first suspicious feelings better to abandon this venture and spend the remaining time in the lounge. Good health and good time!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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