Can I do shugaring during menstruation: laser hair removal, when it is better to do shugaring bikini before or after menstruation


  1. What is shugaring
  2. Cons shugaring during menstruation
  3. Contraindications for the procedure
  4. Alternative
  5. Tips from the Masters
  6. Waxing intimate areas during menstruation
  7. Laser hair removal and monthly

At the beginning of a monthly cycle of a woman suffering from a certain discomfort. Experts do not exactly decide whether you can do shugaring during menstruation. Therefore, the decision should be taken on their own, considering all the disadvantages of hair removal in the critical days.

Shugaring during menstruation

What is shugaring

Shugaring - a Persian epilation, during which the hair removal by means of a mixture based on caramel paste. The main advantages of the procedure without the epilator:

  • Work with short hairs;
  • no chemical ingredients;
  • a gradual reduction of pain (after 2-3 sessions).

Unlike photoepilation or skin exposure laser shugaring gives permanent effect, but has less contraindications. But before waxing sugar mixture has a distinct advantage - a deeper penetration, including the mouth of the hair follicles. Therefore epilation using caramel allows catch hairs in length from 2-3 mm.

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Many masters recommend to clients to make their shugaring before menstruation or after completion of bleeding. This decision was justified not only reinforced by pain but also other consequences.

Find out in one of our articles, whether it is possible to do build shellac nail during menstruation link.

Cons shugaring during menstruation

During the menstrual flow in a woman's body is a hormonal surge. These changes cause the following:

  1. Pain. During menstruation observed severe irritation of pain receptors. Because of this, any effect on the skin is less well tolerated, and even a possible painful shock. perhaps the use of painkillers during menstruationBut this is not advisable if the procedure can be transferred.
  2. Increased skin sensitivity. Working surface becomes more susceptible. Therefore, increasing the risk of irritation, damage and slow the healing of the skin.
  3. Reinforced sebaceous glands. The epidermis is fatter, it can not be excluded pimples. Master advance degrease the working area, but this may not be enough.
  4. Infection. Fever, poor blood clotting create favorable conditions for bacteria. As a result, it is possible infection and inflammation.

In addition, the reason for the transfer of depilation and other procedures are the following:

  • unstable psycho-emotional state;
  • the risk of edema;
  • bruising;
  • the probability of pigmentation;
  • deterioration of health during and after epilation.

Important! The risk of the above hazards maximal when the first procedure. With each new body gets used to epilation, pain is less due to structural changes in the hair.

At home hair removal using sugar should not be held during the critical days. Because only in the master cabin can avoid negative consequences, as well as to treat skin properly.

This rule also applies to other procedures for the transformation. Follow the link to find out whether it is possible to dye hair during menstruation and a wait for the result of the completion.

Contraindications for the procedure

Asking whether you can do hair removal during menstruation, women forget about the main contraindications. It is better to abandon the procedure for the following problems:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the vein walls in the feet area, bikini;
  • skin diseases;
  • the presence of epidermal damage.

Many of these diseases and disorders are enhanced during the current month. Therefore, the beginning of the loop can not be called best period shugaring.

Speaking about the Salon treatments in the critical days connected with the hair, you can not help but wonder about whether it is possible to increase the eyelashes during menstruation. For information on this topic in the article can be found in the link.


If the expert advised to postpone shugaring, it is suitable for hair removal:

  • razor;
  • cream;
  • electrolysis.

But it is important to consider in advance the protection from irritation and infection. Therefore, after any necessary session inner eliminate aggressive means intimate hygiene, as well as to provide:

  • skin purity;
  • underwear made of natural materials;
  • odorless gasket.

Tips from the Masters

When is it better to do hair removal: after a month or until the occurrence of bleeding? Many masters recommend to clients to postpone their any procedures with the skin before full completion of menstruation. At this time, the procedure will not only less painful. It is also possible to reduce all the negative consequences to a minimum.

The same goes for applying the tattoo. Beat a tattoo during menstruation Not recommended. The reasons for this limitation, find out in one of our articles.

As well as the first week after the bleeding is favorable in that the reduced hair growth rate. Therefore shugaring or other mechanical action on the skin is the least painful and unpleasant.

Waxing intimate areas during menstruation

It should be taken into account when deciding when to do shugaring bikini that before or after the month has a different skin condition. And even if a woman has a high pain threshold, we can not exclude irritation or even loss of consciousness in the critical days.

Therefore, a visit to the salon whenever possible is better to postpone. When the urgent need to remove hair from intimate areas, you must ensure that the master agreement HB procedure. It is foolish to hide from the presence of a specialist spotting.

In the affirmative case the woman should:

  • carefully handle the waxing area before the procedure is still at home;
  • take two pairs of linen (mark before the procedure and after);
  • insert a tampon;
  • pre-anesthetic medication to take.

It is necessary to ask the master to ensure the protection of the skin before and after epilation. The skilled artisan knows, it is not enough just to get rid of the hair, it is more important to treat the epidermis safe antibacterial and soothing agents.

Read the article at the link, whether hair cut during menstruation or better to postpone the transformation.

Laser hair removal and monthly

As many questions arise about whether it can be done during menstruation laser hair removal. The procedure is painless, unlike electrodepilator, but not absolutely safe for the health of the woman.

The risk of irritation of the epidermis is preserved, but the result does not occur immediately. Therefore there are good reasons to postpone the session until full completion of the bleeding.

It should be understood that the negative effects are extremely rare, but it is better to protect the health of that and so is suffering in the days of menstruation.

article content is only advisory in nature. Any individual female body. And if some women can afford to hair removal during the discharge periods, the other better to wait for the completion of menses. This is especially true of women with a low pain threshold and oily skin prone to irritation.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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