Whether uterus increases before menstruation (which occurs with the uterus)


  1. Risks of uterine operation failure
  2. Do uterus increases before menstruation
  3. size of the uterus during ovulation
  4. During the month
  5. Signs of increased uterine

Uterus - a hollow muscular organ unpaired female reproductive system. Its main task - to preserve and childbearing. About her ready for a possible conception and pregnancy, it signals the beginning of the critical days. They begin in adolescence and lasts until the period of menopause.

The size of the uterus before menstruation

Risks of uterine operation failure

As you know, all the women reproductive system, to achieve maturity, operates on a particular menstrual cycle, which is repeated every 21-35 days. Throughout this time the female body, including all organs of the urogenital system, undergoing constant complex physiological and hormonal changes. The norm is to increase the uterus before menstruation, during ovulation and egg at fertilization. In any other case body size change could signal the presence of disease:

The formation of malignant tumors:

  1. Adenocarcinoma - malignant tumor, which is formed from glandular tissue. In older women can manifest itself in the form of bleeding in women of reproductive age - abundant menstruation, weakness, increase in stomach, loss of appetite and weight.
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  2. Sarcoma (leiomyosarcoma) - Malignant neoplasm of the cervix or the uterine body. The average age of patients is 50 years. The most common symptoms are bleeding, abdominal pain abundant whites with a sharp putrid odor. Increased general weakness, appetite is lost.
  3. Other cancer malignancy.

The development of benign tumors:

  1. Fibroids - the most common form of uterine tumors. Is a randomly located nodes. myoma often suffer older women and those who have entered the stage of menopause. This age-dependent disease is manifested by the strong failure in hormone production, which affects older women.
  2. Fibroids and fibroids - a subspecies of fibroids. Characterized by the fact that in the process of its growth growths increase the amount of fibrous tissue. When fibroids woman may experience problems with urination, feeling nagging pain in the lower abdomen, to suffer an increased amount of blood discharge, which many confuse with menstruation.
  3. Polyp - a good-quality education, which is formed due to the proliferation of the epithelial layer. This build-up has grown rapidly and can reach as a minor, barely noticeable size and quite large (up to 6 cm). Increase in the amount of the polyp can to such a state that it will be possible to test the device without ultrasound. Increasingly, they are formed in women with weak immune systems or with metabolic failure.
  4. Cyst - is a cloth bag filled with fluid. Cyst formed on the mucous membrane, and it is always recommended to be removed. This is necessary because the liquid, which is hitting the mucous membrane of bag rupture, can cause inflammation and suppuration (peritonitis).

Endometriosis - endometrial overgrowth inner layer (endometrium), which may threaten infertility, since a change in the uterine layer prevents the egg to gain a foothold on the wall for future development of the fetus.

Sexually transmitted and infectious diseases.

The consequences of such diseases can be very serious. Because you need to know how many days before the monthly increases uterus and what feelings it may be accompanied with a normal course of events.

Every woman, even after menopause, it is important to undergo a pelvic examination at least twice a year.

Especially the older generation of women must be treated carefully to their health, as the average age of the majority of patients suffering from malignant tumors is 50 years old.

Do uterus increases before menstruation

The increased size of the uterus before menstruation is normal. During this period, she is actively preparing for the possibility of conception. If this does not happen, then the cervix is ​​slightly descends into the vagina and rectified for better heat menses. At the touch of the cervix before menstruation It becomes a solid in the absence of pregnancy.

As far as the uterus increases before menstruation? Every woman has these settings are individual and depend on the hormonal background of the organism, whether a woman was pregnant and gave birth there.

Norm indicator is +/- 6.1 mm of average size, which constitute (length, width and anteroposterior uterine dimensions in mm):

  • Women who had no pregnancies: 45 (+/- 3); 46 (+/- 4); 34 (+/- 1).
  • for those who had a pregnancy, but she does not give birth: 53 (+/- 3); 50 (+/- 5); 37 (+/- 1).
  • for parous women: 58 (+/- 3); 54 (+/- 6); 40 (+/- 2).

It is important that the difference in the measurements must be negligible and if there is a significant deviation from the norm - it is an occasion to see a doctor.

But to say exactly how many days before menstruation the uterus increases, for example, the women giving birth is not possible. After all, it depends on the cycle time and a possible increase can speak only on the eve of ovulation, which occurs on the 10-14 day cycle.

size of the uterus during ovulation

Before ovulation, the cervix has a smooth and dense structure. At the time of ovulation passage extends, and its inner epithelial layer softens covered stringy mucus and becomes loose structure. This structure helps the fertilized egg is easier to gain a foothold. Mucous plug that in ordinary days serves as a protective gate, also softened, and the outer mouth - the cervical canal reopened. This is necessary to ensure that the sperm could no obstacles to get into the uterine cavity and produce a fertilized egg. And also around the liquid going to increase tissue nutrition. All these processes and lead to a change in the main reproductive organ size.

During the month

What is happening to the uterus during menstruation and after them? After closure ovulation cycle in the absence of fertilization, the inner epithelial layer begins to gradually flake off and go outside. Internal and external cervical channels are opened to facilitate removal of menstrual clots out. At the same time, hormonal women is gradually returning to normal for the beginning of a new cycle. Accordingly, the size of the uterus, after the end of the month, come in their normal, condition. Because an enlarged uterus after menstruation causes may or failures in its work, which we described at the beginning of this article. Or the advent of the "interesting" position.

Signs of increased uterine

Most often, the changed state of the body show:

  • pulling or aching pain abdomen;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • swelling of the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness or its overcrowding;
  • pain during sex;
  • of bleeding or hemorrhage in the intervals between periods;
  • headaches, dizziness, frequent migraines;
  • reduction of hemoglobin, a sharp increase in weight.

It is important to understand that the slight pain in the lower abdomen on the first day of menstruation - the frequent phenomenon and is subject to the norm. But if a woman is experiencing constant aching pain in the other phase of the cycle, she should seek emergency doctor and undergo a complete gynecological examination with blood donation and biological materials analysis.

Expansion of the uterus before menstruation - is absolutely normal. And it is normal to increase after giving birth. If we are talking about the period after a month, the most common reason for changing the size of a pregnancy or any pathology. Both of these cases are a valid reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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