Yoga during menses can be engaged if: pain in the critical days, asanas, poses


  1. Can I practice yoga during menstruation
  2. What poses should be avoided during menstruation
  3. Exercises to relieve menstrual symptoms
  4. What is the yoga during menstruation days

Yoga as an ideal way to get rid of the physical discomfort and emotional stress a strong lead in the ranking of the most popular fitness trends for many years. Regular practice not only creates an optimal psycho-physical balance, but also relieves stress, pain in joints and muscles. Experienced yogini perfectly cope with painful sensations certain asanas and breathing exercises. But practicing newcomers navigate a little more complicated. Especially when it comes to individual female physiology. That is why the most common yoga instructors is the question of whether the practice in the "special days". Is yoga safe during menstruation?

Yoga during menses

Can I practice yoga during menstruation

Every woman's body is unique and no single answer to the question whether it is possible to practice yoga during menstruation, can not be. But determining the exact costs to reduce the intensity and load during practice. From some asanas because of their active influence on the hematopoietic system of the body should be briefly abandoned, and Here is an exercise to stimulate the strengthening of women's health and leveling emotional background, fit as well as possible better.

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The ability to hear your body in the days of menstruation would be very useful. If copious and painful, from employment should be abandoned. If the state is steady and moderate isolation, do not completely rule out the kundalini practices for fear of harm health, the main thing - to understand what technology can reduce pain and provide relief of unpleasant symptoms.

During the month, you can do yoga, but must avoid certain asanas.

What poses should be avoided during menstruation

Which asanas can not be done during the current month? yoga classes in the critical days should be based on a reasonable approach and special care. It is not necessary to provoke backfire, risking their well-being, so it is important to fully abandon the inverted position, twists and postures, implying a strong deflection and pressure on the abdominal cavity.

If suddenly the familiar and safe positions cause pain and discomfort from them for a while, too, should be discarded.

It is important to remember to breathe: During exercise it should be smooth and quiet.

Female reproductive system - a subtle mechanism that needs a soft approach and therefore at monthly all asanas have to be safe and comfortable. Why? Some poses provoke inhibition of blood flow, which in turn causes stagnation of blood, which can cause gynecological diseases such as fibroids, cysts and endometrial foci pelvic bryushniny.

Prohibited asanas:

  • Sirshasana (posture on the head);
  • Sarvangasana (carried on the shoulders);
  • Adho mukha Vrikshasana (executed on hands);
  • Halasana (or plow pose);
  • Viparita Karani mudra (candles or bent position);
  • Vrishchikasana (scorpion);
  • Pinch Mayurasana (yogic peacock feathers);
  • Bakasana (Asana crane).

Important! We do not recommend complex or learn new postures for yourself, use exercises that require an active voltage abdominal muscles. Such posture provokes amplification of pain and alter the natural course of menses.

It is particularly attentive to the independent practice from books or video during this period. Yoga during menses should be built properly, and the complex of exercises simplified.

Exercises to relieve menstrual symptoms

Particular attention during yoga in the menstrual days paid articular gymnastics, rewarding the pulling exercise, focus attention on the meditation and general relaxation of the body. Due to the smoothness and concentration of recurrent pain is minimized over time, the cycle normalizes, and mood swings and depression will come to naught.

Women practicing yoga on a regular basis, there was an overall improvement and a slight flow of menstrual days. Consequently, the answer to the question, Did the pain during menstruation yoga, is unequivocal: "Yes!".

Poses permitted to perform:

  1. We recommend these yoga poses for painful menstruation, profuse discharge, and back spasms: Utthita Padangushth Hasta asana (stretching one foot forward) or pose Ardha Chandrasana.
  2. To improve blood flow in the pelvic area, relieve nervous tension and pain fit Matsyasana (or butterfly), posture Supta Virasana but using Bolster under back or folded plaid Supta Baddha Konasana.
  3. To normalize the selection as abundant and scarce, improve mood and general condition are advised to regularly do these exercises: Padmasana, sukhasana, Upavishta Konasana, Adho Mukha sukhasana, popular Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana or Sirshasana Janu, as well as the majority of sitting postures and variations leaned forward from them. It should be added that the implementation of these gyms will be a cure for stress and eliminate insomnia, normalizes the emotional background.

It is important to remember that none of the approved exercise should not be done through pain and unnecessary stress.

Hands, legs and back are included in the job without too much discomfort. Neck, abdomen and face remain calm and relaxed.

What is the yoga during menstruation days

Hormonal system of women, her emotional and physical condition of very finely interconnected. in one of the systems fails, a slight imbalance can undermine this necessary balance. Ayurveda says that menstruation - a kind of gift to a woman, helped her from month to month to clear your body and mind, giving the opportunity to fully and harmoniously interact with the world. But sometimes at the cost of the gift are mood swings, depression, and abdominal cramping. Yoga really facilitates these states, helps to cope with the pain and apathy. Use during menses certain positions, relieves spasms and stress.

Regularly practicing, women learn to listen to your body, noticing the slightest change and its signals. So, for example, during menstruation, fatigue and irritability can easily cropped yoga practices, adjusting the day of diet change.

No need to force yourself to deal with physically and emotionally exhausting chores, leave the "comfort zone", this will be time later. If you do not want to attend the general training, you can easily replace them practice under the video on yoga during menstruation.

Meals should not be overly abundant and heavy. Have advised small, frequent meals. Particular attention should be paid to the vegetable components menu, porridge and soups. It should limit meat and dairy products. The "special days" Ayurveda recommends taking a short shower, take a break from taking hot baths and to the extent possible to avoid shampooing.

To return to a full, intense for their level of practice can be the first day after the end of the critical days. During this period, women's reproductive and nervous systems of the body in need of active nutrition and recovery. And as it is impossible by the way will now be inverted postures that help to restore the lost balance.

You should begin with a simplified variation, gradually returning to the usual loads that use and practice regularly.

It must be remembered that yoga for women's body - a kind of medicine. Therefore, as with the use of any medication, yoga prohibited self, it is important to comply with dosage and follow the instructions.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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