Novelty in the field of female hygiene - menstrual panties: advantages, disadvantages and types of products

All women know first hand about all the inconveniences that you have to experience during critical days. Another 20 - 30 years ago, the girls did not even hear about the gaskets, not to mention tampons, cups. And what are menstrual panties? But technology is moving forward: one company has developed special underwear, which may well become an alternative to conventional hygiene products. What are the similar products, their advantages and disadvantages?


  • 1 Why the question is so relevant
  • 2 Menstrual protective panties
  • 3 Menstrual pants Thinx
  • 4 Advantages over gaskets and tampons
  • 5 Is it dangerous to wear

Why is the issue so urgent

? Modern hygiene products that are widely used during critical days have their drawbacks and notprotect at 100% of the leak. Every woman in her life goes through the stage of acquiring the skills of using pads, tampons during puberty. And only after a couple of leaks it becomes clear how and what to use, so as not to be in an awkward position with a blood stain on clothes somewhere in a public place.

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Modern gaskets, no matter how they are equipped with "wings", additional absorbent layers, extended areas and other tricks, can still "give way" either in the area of ​​attachment on the laundry, or behind and in front.

And this even with their regular change. Tampons, despite their great practicality, do not provide an opportunity to control the speed of their impregnation. As a result, even with changing them during every two to three hours, an "accident" may occur. Especially similar problems arise in girls with heavy menstruation.

In addition to the fact that such leaks are embarrassing, sometimes restricting activity, blood stains can leave traces after washing, especially if you do not know all the tricks of their removal.

The next important aspect is the decent cost of all such hygiene products. Of course, it varies considerably, but in some underdeveloped countries, girls can not afford even this.

Science came to the aid of women, and soon special underwear was developed. Menstrual panties include two of their varieties. They are:

  • Protective underwear with a special absorbent surface at the rear. Often it is completed with a pocket in front - for laying gaskets, for example.
  • Special menstrual absorbent pants Thinx , which can become an alternative to gaskets, tampons, bowls and other hygiene products.

We recommend reading the article on hygiene during menstruation. From it you will learn about the need to keep clean these days, the use of funds for the shower, the frequency of changing clothes, using and choosing hygiene products.

Menstrual protective panties

This kind of underwear is simple in tailoring and in appearance differs only by a special insert from the back. In terms of quality, they consist of 95% cotton and 5% special absorbent fiber.

They are easy to describe: ordinary women's panties( not thongs and not shorts), and in the buttocks and perineum nashit special material. These fibers in the fabric in some way resemble cellophane, even rustle slightly, but it does not feel when you wear it. But the fabric is very pleasant to touch, when it comes into contact with the body it feels like ordinary cotton.

These fibers absorb liquid so that the outer layer of the fabric remains completely intact and dry.

The laundry is easily washed at a temperature of 30 degrees, there are no stains or traces of menstrual flow after it.

Protective menstrual panties in no case can replace gaskets or tampons, but they are very useful for protecting against leakage, for example, at night or during physical activity.

You can find a wide selection of both color and size range. Such linen has a convenient design for attaching gaskets. The only drawback, based on their main function, is that there is no such protective layer in front, which means that this zone remains dangerous.

Wearing such clothes is absolutely safe, because 95% of it is made of cotton. Use it can be both daily, and only during critical days.

Look at the video about menstrual shorts:

Menstrual panties Thinx

Menstrual pants Thinx - a special development, a real alternative to gaskets and tampons. This underwear has a small color palette, only black and beige tones. Three types are distinguished by their absorbent characteristics. They are as follows:

  • The shape is reminiscent of a thong. They are designed for very small emissions, approximately 2 to 3 drops or half the volume of an average absorbency swab.
  • Like a chikini with a slightly opened buttocks. These panties can be used with medium discharges, about 3 to 4 drops or one medium tampon.
  • A classic tailoring option for copious monthly. They can absorb the volume of two medium tampons, according to the gradation of "drops" - 5 - 6.

This underwear can be worn alone during monthly periods, and it will also provide a good insurance for using tampons or gaskets. You can wear such panties "in anticipation" of critical days or with prolonged ointment.

From the properties declared by the manufacturer it is possible to allocate the following: they do not cause allergic reactions, possess antibacterial ability. Last important, because blood is an ideal breeding ground for the reproduction of bacteria. When wearing such shorts, the likelihood of an unpleasant smell is minimized.

Menstrual panties Thinx

Menstrual panties Thinx consist of three layers of special tissue that allows air, so women do not have unpleasant sensations when using them. This underwear, unlike the protective, consists entirely of a special material, there are no inserts or anything like that. Protection is ensured not only by the special properties of the fabric, but also by the fact that the panties fit very tightly to the body, resembling something retracting the laundry. Therefore, when buying should pay special attention to the choice of size, otherwise they will not be very comfortable to wear.

The only drawback of linen is that they do not absorb clots, so women, for whom this is characteristic, should be used during active excretions for something else.

Advantages over gaskets and tampons

The cost of such products is about 25 - 35 dollars per unit, but the price quickly justifies itself. One can single out the following indubitable pluses of Thinx panties:

  • When you wear them, you can not use any other hygiene products. An exception is the situation when a large number of clots are released along with menstrual blood.
  • They have antibacterial properties. This allows not only to get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also is the prevention of inflammation of the tissues.
  • Panties pass air, do not create a "greenhouse effect", so when they are used there is no chafing.
  • They are very thin, in appearance they are indistinguishable from normal linen.
  • During critical days, you can safely wear such thongs or chikini, given the absorbency.
  • Unlike gaskets and tampons, these are reusable products. Caring for them is very simple: wash should be at a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees, pressing and drying are normal.
  • You do not need to change your pants every two to three hours. If it allows absorbency, you can wear one within a day.

We recommend reading an article on how to sleep during menstruation. From it you will learn about the choice of pads for sleep, alternative means of protection against leakage, the selection of linens for these days.

Is it dangerous to wear

Antibacterial layer and air permeability provide absolute safety for this product with regular wear. Also, the material does not cause skin and mucous irritation, allergic reactions.

Menstrual panties - this is what will help to avoid leaks during critical days. Protective or Thinx products, they protect not only clothing, bedding, but also give confidence and a sense of complete protection during critical days in any situation. When choosing a purchase, you should pay special attention to the quality of the samples presented, because even this product can find a lot of substandard counterfeits.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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