Menstruation does not end (go longer than usual): Causes


  1. How should pass the menstrual cycle normally
  2. long bleeding danger
  3. Common causes of protracted month
  4. If you are plentiful monthly for over a week
  5. Women age
  6. juvenile period
  7. Monthly go two or three weeks
  8. What if menstruation does not stop talking for a month
  9. medication
  10. Treatment of folk remedies
  11. preventive measures

If a woman does not end with periods, it becomes a cause for concern. Sometimes prolonged bleeding indicates pathology. But prolonged menstruation can also be a feature of the female body.

Menstruation does not end

How should pass the menstrual cycle normally

The menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. From these indicators can be observed deviations in 2-3 days. cycle length can vary depending upon the individual characteristics. It is divided into several stages:

  1. C 1 day in women is a decrease of hormonal activity, resulting in rejection becomes uterine epithelial tissue. This mucous membrane, which is intended for implantation of the egg after fertilization. Otherwise it begins to be rejected.
  2. Within the pituitary follicular phase (formation of rounded form, located on the bottom surface of the brain), stimulates the hormone production. Under the influence of this substance in the ovaries begins the process of developing follicles (ovary components) targeting oocyte maturation.
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  3. During the luteal phase of estrogens reach high activity. So we call a group of female steroid hormones. As a result of this process in the blood increases the content of LH, which is responsible for ovulation.
  4. Posleovulyatornaya phase is characterized by an increase in concentration of the hormone progesterone, prepares the uterine cavity for fastening the egg.
  5. Reduced hormone production occurs in the absence of conception. Uterine epithelium peels off and is in the form of bleeding.

Menstruation should go 3, 4, 5 or 6 to 7 days. Protracted periods may indicate a developing pathology.

long bleeding danger

The duration of menstruation should be strictly controlled, as long bleeding in women reduces the level of iron in the blood and increases the risk of anemia.

This negatively affects the well-being and leads to dizziness, drowsiness, chronic fatigue and irritability. And also can provoke anemia pulmonary or coronary insufficiency and hemorrhagic shock.

If your period lasts longer due, often appearing diseases of the genitourinary system. When significant blood loss may need surgery.

If there is prolonged discharge the woman should see a specialist. If you go long periods, only a doctor can determine the cause of the deviation and assign the necessary treatment. Long-term isolation can be a sign of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or malignancy. How to distinguish a miscarriage of monthly, Read the article here.

Common causes of protracted month

Incessant menstruation in certain cases has reasons which are of physiological nature:

  1. The decrease in body weight.
  2. Overweight.
  3. Stress.
  4. Reinforced exercise.
  5. Changing climatic conditions.
  6. Hereditary factor.
  7. Disruption of the reproductive organs.
  8. Nutritional deficiencies can cause what month does not end there.
  9. Injury.
  10. Intoxication due to intake of a large amount of alcohol, psychotropic drugs or nicotine. Find out why you can not drinking during menstruation.
  11. Termination of pregnancy or childbirth, as derived from the body of the fetus and waste products remaining fragments placenta.
  12. Establishing cycle in women.
  13. The period before menopause. The causes of long-term monthly, after 40 or 45 years may consist in the fact that this is the last menstrual period.

To understand the reason for that month are 8 or 9 days only capable gynecologist. Too prolonged bleeding can also be a consequence of pathological factors:

  1. Dysfunction of hormones.
  2. Bleeding disorder.
  3. Hormonal contraceptives - the reasons for prolonged periods may lie in the fact that women do not fit certain drugs.
  4. Development of adenomyosis.
  5. Neoplasms in the pelvis benign or malignant nature. They owned and fibroids. The development of this tumor is slow. But it may be the reason that the monthly period are more put.
  6. The appearance of the polyp.
  7. Violation of the concentration of substances produced by the thyroid gland.
  8. The use of an intrauterine device.

When the monthly smear and do not end the problem should be reported to your doctor.

If you are plentiful monthly for over a week

Menses lasting longer than 7 days is usually regarded as an aberration. But such separation is not always pathological. They can be considered normal in hereditary factor, the use of hormones, age-related changes after childbirth.

Women age

Some women before menopause raises the question: what to do, I'm 45 years old and go monthly for 10 days?

At this time, due to a decrease in estrogen cycle changes occur. The first manifestations of menopause are often accompanied by lengthy and copious.

This is normal, but to visit the gynecologist still stands. The doctor will help you understand why the periods before menopause are longer than usual and do not stop. After prolonged bleeding in 45 or 47 years and may be indicative of violations.
Especially need to be wary when, after a delay of several months went copious. Then they become scarce, there is a scribble. The cycle becomes irregular and menstruation ceases.

juvenile period

Violation of the cycle in girls due to the instability of hormonal substances. In this situation, parents worried about what to do if a teen monthly go more than 10 days and no end. To address this issue it is necessary to consult with a specialist. If untreated, later a teenager possible polycystic ovaries. At indisposition first signs it is necessary to visit a doctor who will tell you what to do if a teen go monthly for over a week.

Despite the physiological nature of these reasons, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible regardless of the abundant selection.

How last month in adolescent girls? Normal menstruation should not exceed a week. If monthly go more than 7 days, but they are not abundant, it could be endometriosis - a pathological proliferation of the endometrium.

Monthly go two or three weeks

Month duration of twenty days and are due to pathological or physiological reasons. This duration of menstruation is the reason for seeking medical attention. It is necessary that the woman has made the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general inspection;
  • colposcopy;
  • bacteriological diagnosis;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • MRI of the abdomen;
  • blood analysis;
  • strokes.

Based on the survey results, the expert determines the treatment. But what if the periods are longer than 10 days, and the state of health does not allow a woman to visit the clinic? Should seek emergency care. Before the arrival of experts should take a horizontal position. Legs should be located above the body.

To stop uterine bleeding in the lower abdomen for 15 minutes to put a cold compress. It is recommended to drink fluids frequently. If bleeding is very concerned about, it is necessary to take Hemostatic agents for its termination. When receiving vasodilator drugs needed for a woman to stop using them. These tools can increase bleeding.

Menses reaching duration 8, 9 days or more, provokes IUD. To stop the flow of blood, it is necessary to choose another method of contraception.

These effects lead and hormonal failure that often occurs due to childbirth or surgical treatment of gynecological diseases. As well as the reasons that 3 weeks go monthly is to prepare the body to menopause. In the postpartum period cycle is restored on the 3-4th month.

What if menstruation does not stop talking for a month

With such a prolonged bleeding can not self-medicate. Women interested in whether it is possible to go to the gynecologist during menstruation. In the case of prolonged menstrual periods, a doctor's visit is appropriate. At home, you can take medication to stop bleeding. But then it is necessary to apply to the medical institution. If necessary, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Therapy should be prescribed by a doctor, who will explain how to stop menstruation, if they do not come to an end. Pre-diagnostics, allows professionals to determine the cause, provoking the problem.

Reasons prolonged menstruation as determined by standard testing. If a doctor is suspected abnormal development of cells, it assigns a biopsy and cytology. Infections are diagnosed by PCR analysis.


What if the month has been underway for 12, 13, 15 days and what medicines to take, will be defined by the doctor. So they run out, designate:

  1. Vikasol administered intramuscularly for 3-4 days in a row of ten milligrams. If one of the course will be enough, you can go through the re-treatment after four days break.
  2. Duphaston take 10 mg twice a day for five or seven days.
  3. Tranexam - 2 tablets three times a day for 4 days. Prior to the onset of menstruation means to make impossible.
  4. Dicynone - the strongest drug to stop bleeding. It is taken in 3-4 divided doses of 10-15 mg / kg body weight per day in the course of the meal.

Bleeding stopped Jess contraceptive Yasmin, Janine, Marvelon, Trikvilar, Triregol, Femoden Rigevidon drink and 1 tablet per day. If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, tell your doctor. When adverse reactions it is advisable to stop taking the drug.

Cessation of menses in girls contribute to hormonal contraceptives with a low content of estrogen-component (35 ug in 1 tablet), called low-dose. But any drug should be taken only after consultation with a doctor who will determine the required name of the medicine and how much to take it.

What if the month has been underway for 20 days? In this case, it is impossible to refuse medical treatment.

Treatment of folk remedies

When the monthly pass is not 11, 20 days or a month, you can turn to traditional medicine. However, treatment with these agents is slower. And such therapy should be purely ancillary nature.

The use of the popular methods to stop bleeding should be agreed with the gynecologist.

To monthly ceased, the following recipes can be used for these purposes:

  1. birch leaves pour boiling water and leave for 7-8 hours. Drink three times a day for 75 ml.
  2. Second tincture made from knotweed, valerian root, white mistletoe and shepherd's purse. All the ingredients you need to take in equal amounts. Collect poured 500 ml of boiling water and insist 15 minutes, after which 1 liter made up with water and brought to the boil. The tool then strain and drink twice a day. For a single receiving enough to 100 ml.
  3. If the monthly smeared long time nakipyatite 200 ml of water, 30 g of stinging nettle fill and start taking an hour to 3 times a day.
  4. When menstruation lasts long, take 25 g of yarrow, shepherd's purse and root Potentilla erecta, add to this collection, it is called curative, 10 g of oak bark, pour hot water, bring to the boil and take 1 Art. l. 2 times early in the morning before eating. Bleeding should stop.
  5. Pepper tincture water during heavy menstruation It helps to reduce the intensity of emissions and stop the bleeding.

The advantage of the popular recipe is the lack of side effects.

preventive measures

Prevent a breach of the cycle to follow these guidelines. Do not tire yourself strong loads. Enter into the diet products containing iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. These substances beneficial effect on blood circulation. To do this, use:

  • pepper;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus;
  • black currants;
  • Potatoes cooked in their skins;
  • beef, lamb, chicken, turkey,
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • liver;
  • greenery;
  • legumes.

Watch for body weight, because obesity has a negative effect on the cycle. Periods may be designated irregularly. Limit your consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages, which have a negative impact on health. Adhere to these tips, it is desirable, and with the end of discharge.

Women often when a problem occurs, look for solutions on the Internet. Taking a thematic forum or reading an article, you can find standing recommendations. But do not completely trust the comments and information from the site. After all, can give advice people far from medicine. To answer the question of why the monthly go for a month, it can only be a qualified technician.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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