Is it possible to dye your hair during menstruation: opinion hairdressers


  1. Coloring hair during menstruation in terms of gynecology
  2. As hair changes
  3. Consequences of hair dye during menstrual bleeding
  4. spotting
  5. The lack of stability
  6. The deterioration of the quality of hair
  7. change color
  8. other consequences
  9. Whether it is possible during menstruation dye your hair: opinion hairdressers
  10. How to avoid negative consequences
  11. How to get the desired color without chemical staining
  12. red
  13. Chestnut
  14. Light brown
  15. The black
  16. Blonde

In most cases, it is the change in hairstyle or color curls manages to dramatically change the image or lighten the mood by introducing diversity in the gray days. But not always experimenting with hair bring the desired result, and most importantly, safe for the health of the woman. Can I color my hair during menstruation and how fraught with similar chemical effects on the body? Let us examine this question in this article are based on the opinions and experience of practitioners stylists.

Dye your hair during menstruation

Coloring hair during menstruation in terms of gynecology

Hormones woman undergoes changes throughout the menstrual cycle. Depending on the stage of egg maturation, fertilization and the possibility of rejection of the endometrium there are strong fluctuations in the percentage of "female" hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

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Particularly noticeable such motions just before the critical days and the first few days after the onset of menstruation. It is this hormonal surge is the culprit emotional instability, pulling pain in the abdomen and back muscles, deterioration of quality of the skin, nails and hair.

Returning to the question of the possibility of dyeing hair during menstruation, let's, first of all, let us turn to the opinion of experts. Gynecologists recommend to transfer fundamental change in the image associated with a radical change of color on the end of the monthly period. Associated with this opinion metamorphosis affecting the melanocyte stimulating hormone, prevailing in the first few days of regulation.

For some reasons described above eyelash during menstruation also not recommended by doctors. To learn more about the effects of treatments can be in the article here.

As hair changes

Melanin - natural color pigment, preferably in dark colors, the structure present in all human hair cover. Its "saturation" and the percentage relative to other pigmenting hormones and determines the color of the hair, the eyebrows, as well as skin tone and iris. Several distinct types of melanin:

  1. Zumelanin. A variation of the color pigment, which provides a preponderance of the hairline black and dark brown hue.
  2. Pheomelanin. The pigment that gives hair a bright, straw and rich-red shades.

This grading is based on the pigment saturation, and the prevalence of certain chemical elements in the human body.

The action of chemicals that make up the hair dyes, based on the destruction of the natural pigment and replacing it chemicals firmly secured to the structure of the hair by using the storing and complete displacement of natural melanin.

Unstable hormonal fluctuation and percentages main "female" hormones, progesterone and estrogen has a direct impact on the melanocyte-stimulating hormone. That is why gynecologists recommend not to dye hair in the critical days, because the result can be far from expectations. Negative, from the point of view of medicine, will answer the question: "Is it possible to paint the eyebrows during menstruation" in a variety of encounters on the discussion forums.

Consequences of hair dye during menstrual bleeding

Life can make their own adjustments in any activities planned by the individual. It is not excluded that the painting during menstruation - not a fad, but a necessity. What to do in this case? When the cardinal change of color is not included in the plans of the fair sex, gynecologists It recommends a "retouch" the roots, and "update" shade along the entire length after the end monthly. But if the event requires a radical metamorphosis, experts advise to pay attention to the possible consequences:


Chemical pigment under the influence of fluctuations in the level of melanin can be fixed spots.

Many girls who want to update the image, wonder whether it is possible to do highlights during menstruation. From the viewpoint of the chemical processes occurring in the hair structure during the critical days, it is desirable to delay in this procedure. After all, the interaction of melanin and substances that make up the paint very individual and can lead to the consolidation of fragmented color.

A similar effect of the fair sex can achieve as a consequence of the uneven absorption of chemical hair pigment. Experts call this phenomenon leopard color. Many women are confronted with a similar result, had not only painted, but also to get a haircut after a bad result.

The lack of stability

Chemical color pigment and can not be fixed. And it's not as acquired paints, master skills or length of stay in the hair mixture. Natural melanin, has repeatedly been exposed to a third party, on the background of hormonal surge can work out a temporary "immune" to the effects of dyes. Especially often faced with a similar phenomenon girl, constantly practicing a radical change of color. In this case, the harm to the body from the effects will not occur, but will not be able to dye hair during menstruation.

The deterioration of the quality of hair

Chemical action, no matter how gentle paint, it has been conducted, has a negative effect on the hair structure. Many are constantly resorting to the procedure of staining, familiar problems of dryness, brittleness, volume loss and dandruff.

To preserve the aesthetic appeal to many girls have to constantly nourish hair both from the outside, with the help of masks and balms, and inside, taking a set of special vitamins.

Resorting to staining during menstruation, the risk of "burn" already fragile hair increases several times. Many of the fair sex have noted that the systematic change in hair color during menstruation transformed the flowing mop of curls in the wire, and straight into the thick strands of thin tow.

Learn as if you can do haircut during menstruationBy clicking on the link.

change color

Many women prefer the use of colors coloring shampoos. Despite a more gentle effect on the hair, and in this case, to predict the "behavior" of melanin, and therefore the result is not possible. Effect leopard color will be missing, but the resulting hue may be far from the expected. This is especially true hair color natural blond. That is why the simple answer to the question whether it is possible to lighten the hair during menstruation, will not work.

other consequences

The negative impact of dyeing tresses during menstruation is not limited to "color misunderstandings." Monthly themselves are a major stress for the woman's body. There are several reasons for the negative attitude to the doctors stained shag during regulation. These include:

  • the occurrence of acute allergic reactions;
  • appearance of itching and redness in the eye;
  • dizziness;
  • intoxication;
  • the risk of developing or fainting;
  • weakening the capillary walls;
  • migraine.

Many of these effects relate to the salon and tattoo eyebrows. Follow the link to find out whether it is possible to do mikrobleyding during menstruationAnd what warn doctors about the procedure.

Whether it is possible during menstruation dye your hair: opinion hairdressers

Opinion hairdressers diametrically opposed to the recommendations of doctors. Experts in the beauty world believe that painting with the help of modern chemical compounds are not considered harmful to health, and furthermore, to bring negative results in terms of color.

One of the main recommendations of the hairdressers about the impact on the hair in the critical days is the advice "do not load" an abundance of hair treatments. If a woman has decided to color shift, permed or lamination worth to wait.

How to avoid negative consequences

Based on the opinion of the guru of hairdressing and professionals in the medical field there are several rules coloring curls during the critical days to help minimize the possible negative consequences of this beauty practitioners.

  1. It is necessary to avoid drastic color changes during menstruation. For coloring head of hair is recommended to choose colors a few shades lighter or darker than the natural color. Such precautions can help avoid a forced haircut in case of a negative result.
  2. Avoid exposure to aggressive chemical compounds, used in most cases, when repainting or lightening of black color in any other.
  3. When painting in the salon should be notified of the occurrence of a hairdresser month. Expert will select the maximum "sparing" formula of the dye composition.
  4. The procedure is carried out independently at home, must be supplemented by thermal effect. During menstruation, blood flow is concentrated in the pelvic area, which means that natural temperature of the head is reduced by several degrees. This phenomenon may adversely affect the coloring result. Reverse the temperature gradient helps uniform heating of hair dyed with a conventional hair dryer. To prevent dryness and brittleness as a result of this procedure, curls, hair stylists recommend using a special cap or plastic bag.
  5. Before painting during menstruation, experts recommend to pass allergy tests for susceptibility to chemical components. This will help prevent the development of allergic reactions.
  6. Do not use paint a new brand in the process of staining during menstruation. Prefer tested on their own experience to manufacturers.
  7. Washing off the ink composition, use not only being part of balm, but also coloring shampoo identical color. Such exposure will help reduce the risk of "leopard color."
  8. If possible, do not affect the entire length of the strands, and tint only basal area.

How to get the desired color without chemical staining

When painting curls during menstruation better to give preference to organic dyes:


Ginger will help to achieve color henna.

It is necessary to mix a few bags of money, depending on the length of hair, with a few tablespoons of cocoa powder, or strong black tea infuser. Divorced ingredients with water at room temperature, it helps to improve the desired result. The organic mask is applied for a period of from 1 to 5 hours. This mixture is perfect for dyeing dark brown hair.

Owners of light-brown or bleached hair suit different formula: a few bags of henna mixed with 5 tablespoons of ground coffee. The resulting mass of sour cream is kept for 7 hours under a special cap. Colorless henna is recommended to use as a reducing agent for discolored, damaged tresses.

Light tan color with golden tints can be achieved with the help of a decoction of onion peel. Glass dry material is poured 500 ml of water and heated to boiling. The resulting broth is applied uniformly throughout the length and leave for 20-30 minutes. This means at the systematic use improves curl structure, promotes hair growth and getting rid of dandruff.


For color chestnut tart recommend using the peel of walnuts. Recipe for natural dye includes liter olive oil, two tablespoons of alum, and two spoons grated peel. Composition is diluted with 100 ml of water. Maskopodobnuyu resulting mass is brought to readiness in a water bath, "provarivaya" for 10 minutes. Substance is distributed uniformly over the entire length of the hair and leave for 40-60 minutes.

Light brown

This shade can be obtained by using as the dye a decoction of lime inflorescences. To prepare the paint on the average length of hair is necessary to mix 4 tablespoons dried material and 1 cup boiling water. The resulting broth to boil over low heat until the partial evaporation of the liquid.

Tentatively, the following procedure should be left 2/3 of the original volume. Liquid cooled and applied over the entire length of several "calls." This "paint" it is not necessary to wash off. Decoction of linden inflorescence, based on the comments of those who have tried it on themselves, is used for medicinal purposes to eliminate the greasy curls on.

The black

Black curls can be achieved by mixing equal proportions of henna and basma. The resulting substance is kept on the head of hair within an hour. For maximum effect, are advised to wrap up head with a towel or use a hair dryer to warm.


To achieve a lighter shade strands help Daisy. The ink composition is made from 1/5 cup of dried camomile and 400 mL of boiling water. The resulting infusion boiled for 5 minutes and applied to the hair over the entire length and held for 30 minutes.

To achieve maximum effect and improvement of color resistance to wash-off performance in chamomile tincture added a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. The mixture should be applied only on clean, dry strands. This is a great alternative to bleaching.

simple answer to the question whether it is possible to dye your hair during menstruation is not possible. The result of staining is completely dependent on the physiological characteristics of the female organism and the like hormonal fluctuations affect the interaction of melanin and chemical compounds contained in the paint. Experts recommend to wait with this procedure and to postpone it to the end of regulation, but if an urgent need to painting is still there, follow the tips above will help minimize the risk of adverse consequences.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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