What is the monthly (Critical days): why do we need, as a pass


  1. What is menstruating
  2. How are the monthly
  3. follicular phase
  4. Ovulation
  5. Luteal phase or
  6. Menstruation
  7. As monthly affect the body
  8. How to minimize discomfort during menstruation
  9. Why menstruation
  10. What are the warning signs during menstruation

Monthly - is a natural and normal event in the life of a girl. It talks about health and ability to procreate. But what is a monthly, really? What is this process as it goes and why, in general, need so much?

What is the monthly

What is menstruating

Monthly, according to Wikipedia, - this process the endometrium rejection (a functional layer), which entails a slight bleeding.

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Outwardly, they appear as regular monthly bleeding from the vagina. Accompanied by a slight pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, swelling of the breasts, as well as an increased sensitivity of nipples. headache occurs in rare cases, dizziness during menstruation.

Monthly, on rigorous scientific formulation, called menses (from the Latin menstruus - monthly). The name is quite conditional, because the monthly cycle in all its - from the actual calendar month (Separation occur every 29-31 days), to a short (22-28 days) or prolonged (32-35 days) sessions. The people still used two definitions monthly - Regulus, the word "regular", and critical days.

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What is menarche? The first month in girls begin at 11-15 years and called menarche (the term is composed of two Greek words: "month" and "beginning"). This is one of the most important stages of puberty and significant event. Up to what age are monthly? Menses ends in 50-55 years, when the climax comes.

Normal break in the cycle are during pregnancy and lactation. What month to begin or end outside of these time frames, does not mean that the system "that something is wrong." Here, everything is individual matter.

The first day of bleeding - this is the first day of the cycle. Depending on how the process takes place, it is possible to judge the health of the reproductive system, and the whole body. The gynecologist may ask to survey called when the last menstrual period (special photo calendar, which marked such an important date, it will be very useful), how long it lasted and what feelings it accompanied - each parameter has value. find out how much blood lost during menstruation woman and when to go to the hospital for bleeding.

How are the monthly

Monthly - this is only one step in a complex of the menstrual cycle. All of it is dedicated to fertility. And repeated from time to time, as the woman is of childbearing age (11 to 50 years). To understand what occurs during menstruation, it is necessary to understand what is happening during the entire cycle. There are four phases:

follicular phase

This is the first stage, the egg preparation. estrogen - the lowest for the entire cycle. This is a signal for a specific part of the brain - the hypothalamus. He says that it is time to prepare a new egg. Hypophysis hypothalamus transmits a signal, and he starts to produce hormones that, once in the blood, to get the ovaries. Once this occurs, growth begins germ cells and follicles appear. From the largest and most advanced instance, a new egg. Once inside its shell, it continues to develop. Summarily, follicular phase lasts ten to twenty days.


Once the egg is completely ready and becomes too great, it stretches the walls of the ovary and exits, heading the fallopian tube.

Luteal phase or

This period is also called "yellow body phase". At the place where until recently had a new egg, forming the corpus luteum. Under its influence in the body start to arrive estrogen and progesterone. They need to prepare it for pregnancy. the uterine wall, which is attached to the previous egg is loosened, and begin to flake off and be rejected.


The very process of separation of the egg with a layer surface of the uterus is monthly. That is the origin of the blood during menstruation - in spite of all the preparatory processes, which holds the body to the procedure was as fast as possible and of course, literally falling off the wall and just avoid bleeding impossible. follicular phase begins at the end of menstruation and the circle closes, the cycle begins anew.

The blood itself is released in the process of menstruation is not so much. One or two tablespoons - is the norm. The rest mass, which is derived from the vagina of mucus and dead cells of the endometrium.

As monthly affect the body

What happens to the female body during menstruation, before the start and after completion will depend on the general state of health of the woman. Completely healthy body practically does not react to these changes. More precisely, the changes are imperceptible and invisible. Is that on the first day of pain are - at the moment of separation of the unfertilized egg.

If we have any health problems, here and there is the infamous PMS. Back pain and back pain, irritability, dizziness, headaches of uncertain origin. And also possible exacerbation of chronic diseases. Due to the hormonal imbalance may decrease immunity. And that means higher probability of viral diseases and allergy.

And it is also important to remember - everything that happens to the body, one way or another, will affect menstruation. Whether it is an ordinary operation or a complex pathology.

How to minimize discomfort during menstruation

What can not be done during menstruation? If we apply a sufficient amount of time and effort, you can avoid the discomfort these days. Here are a few recommendations that will help in this:

  1. In just a few days before the critical days, you should avoid oily, harmful allergenic food.
  2. You can not take hormonal agents, without consulting a doctor.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the weight training before menstruation, and instead pay attention to stretching and relaxation.
  4. It is important to protect itself from possible stress.
  5. It is to abandon strict diets and starvation.
  6. Harmful sunbathe or go to a tanning salon before menstruation.

Intimate Questions also can not be discounted. As its failure and redundancy can lead to sharp pains, allergies, deformation of the endometrium and other unpleasant consequences.

But the symptoms of PMS such as increased appetite, swelling of the breasts and nipples, mood swings, irritability, easy - quite normal and natural. And they are directly dependent on how the monthly pass at the girl. Bursts of hormones led to such results. Fight with them - it is useless. Better to just keep this in mind and not be carried out in the wake of estrogen and progesterone buying second kilogram of ice cream.

Another important point - the gynecologist for regular checkups, to be held at least once a year. If you experience problems (shifted dramatically cycle delay, acute pain, strange odors or any other symptoms that worry), to the doctor to go as soon as possible.

Why menstruation

And now the main question: what need monthly? Gynecologists and biologists still can not reliably answer this question. It is clear that they are necessary for procreation, as these processes prepare the body for fertilization and carrying a child.

But until now, no one can say - why the egg is a kind of "shelf life." According to some theories, all the fault of self-preservation instinct. In the distant past of mankind, the woman was engaged in heavy physical labor, supercool, regularly endured colds and other diseases... And all this without modern medicine.

To harms minimally affect both the ability to fertilize and to the next generations, the egg had to be updated regularly. This theory has its roots in the earliest works on women's health. Although this hypothesis does not explain why, then go monthly with different intervals (after 24-35 days), even in the same climatic zone residents.

According to another theory - this cycle due to the need for regular updating of the epithelium. Those epithelial tissues, that are in the uterus, blood vessels contain a minimum and thus exfoliated by capturing with an egg that is on their surface. The procedure for updating the endometrial layer is not original. The intestine is completely renewed every two days, and the skin and the uterus - once a month.

Another answer to the question "What are the monthly girls?" Offers fans of evolutionary theory. In terms of evolution, the woman was weaker, but more important member of society. She could not defend themselves, but it depended on the availability of the progeny. Non-obvious (hidden) and part of the process of ovulation forced the males protect the females, providing everything you need. All in order to get their own offspring. Besides all of the above, it follows from this and the ability to have sex, not only in time ready to fertilization (once a year - like cats, dogs, and many other species), and at any time.

What are the warning signs during menstruation

Given where are monthly (the most tender, but a very important system in the body of a woman) even small changes in the timing, consistency discharge or self-perception of women should cause Attention. But there are a number of symptoms that are guaranteed to speak of serious diseases. With these simple methods, such as painkillers and heating pads, can not cope.

  1. Delay, and a pregnancy test - negative. Slight deviations from the cycle occur due to stress, climate change and high loads. Worry about the lack of discharge should start at 5 or even 3 days. This can be as ectopic pregnancy, as well as a sign of infection. Determine exactly only after special studies.
  2. Growing pains. Pain, who had not bothered; acute, tingling cramps; cramps, dull aching pain. They can appear for various reasons, but indicate disturbances in the body.
  3. Strong, heavy discharge, not only in the first or second day, and during menstruation. Possible damage to the walls of the uterus or vagina, much more serious than during a regular period. If there is still a constant sharp pain, dizzy, incoordination - urgently need to see a doctor.
  4. Allocation continues beyond 7-8 days. It looks as if all the blood just does not come out. However, prolonged menstruation can talk about how the damage and rupture inside. And this can happen if there is a pathology of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  5. Multicolored bunches formed in the period between periods. White, yellow, green, pink footprints may arise due to a variety of viruses and sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Any bleeding outside the menstrual period. Cyst, damage, delamination of the epidermis... The reasons may be different, but none of them "will not pass on their own."

Notice abnormalities at an early stage is not easy, and yet timely diagnosis plays a pivotal role in the recovery. That is why it is important to clearly mark the appearance of the symptoms, try to fix in the memory as much as possible the details and be sure to consult a doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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