How much blood lost during menstruation a woman (per day): the rate of blood loss


  1. Where blood is taken during menstruation
  2. How to determine how much blood comes out
  3. The reasons for the small and a large amount of blood discharge
  4. When to seek medical advice

Monthly - this is not just a cyclical process, which speaks about the readiness of women to the birth of children, but also an excellent indicator of the general state of the organism. Feels, duration, color of blood can even diagnose disease. In this article, let's talk about how much blood lost during menstruation a woman and what that means for her health.

How much blood during menstruation

Where blood is taken during menstruation

At its core, menstruation - is a process of separating the unfertilized egg. And this is happening at the same time until a new egg takes its place. Branch accompanied by bleeding. There is only one "but" - not all emissions that occur during the critical days, in fact blood.

How many liters of blood lost during menstruation a woman? Not at all. According to the calculations of physicians, it is a day of blood goes from 30 to 40 milliliters (about two to three tablespoons).

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As for the rest - not blood. Slime, balances the egg, endometrium, who also dies during regulation - all these substances is menses. If you compute liters, it is only in the total value over a long period - for all active reproductive life.

Virtually the entire limit of the monthly norm of blood goes to the first two days. Then the intensity of discharge is on the decline.

How to determine how much blood comes out

To estimate the amount of discharge, you can use hygienic means (gasket). This method is not completely accurate, but the general idea can be folded.

  1. Barely visible selection - a few drops a day - about 5 grams.
  2. Very light - discharge is small, but they are still noticeable. Up to 15 grams.
  3. Lungs - hygiene products (liner, a tampon, etc...) Of the standard absorbency must be changed 3-4 times a day - about 20 grams lost biological fluid.
  4. Normal - suitable means of the average level of absorbency (3-4 drops). They need to be replaced every three to four hours. Up to 30 grams of fluid.
  5. Strong. Tampons and pads with highly absorbent (5 drops) should be changed every 3-4 hours. It is about 30-40 ml of body fluid.
  6. Very strong. Even the most absorbent tampons and pads should be changed after 1-2 hours.

Be sure to pay attention to how much blood during menstruation comes. Too abundant or too scarce allocation (paragraphs 5-6 and 1-2, respectively) - a clear sign of problems in the body. It can be as acute inflammation, as well as a manifestation of chronic diseases.

Important! If you unexpectedly, is the standard of the menstrual cycle, there was the blood - this can be a sign of internal bleeding. Immediately consult a doctor.

The reasons for the small and a large amount of blood discharge

Depending on how many hours of blood lost during menstruation a woman, changing its state of health. With abundant secretions often during menstruation dizzy, There is a reduced pressure, the overall lack of energy and nervous exhaustion. When an abnormally small amount, a high probability of occurrence of unpleasant sensations - cramping, pulling pain, aching lower back.

Despite the fact that it is fundamentally different manifestations, causes them pretty close:

  1. Inflammation of the reproductive system organs and the whole body.
  2. Ovarian tumors or appendages.
  3. Dysfunction of the hormonal system.
  4. Injury or consequences from surgical complications.

And also on the amount of bleeding can affect used contraception. Hormonal drugs interfere with the operation of all systems of the body, and after prolonged use or incorrect use stimulate both increase and decrease emissions. IUDs increase bleeding as the uterus stretch and injury during the rejection of the egg takes place over a larger area.

In addition to pathological cases, referred to earlier, the volume of blood is dependent on the following factors:

  1. The condition of the nervous system of women. Increased anxiety, as well as regular stress can affect not only cyclical, but also on the amount of bleeding.
  2. Weight and physique. The increased volume is more common in women big body. In slender girls, on the contrary - a common problem scanty menses.
  3. Age. While the loop is not formed, the amount of released substance can vary. With age, the problem goes away, and set the standard average volume of menstruation. The same problem occurs when you resume menstruation after childbirth.
  4. Nutrition and diet. Strict diets and fasting, as well as a sharp increase in caloric intake, can make its own changes in the menstrual cycle. Both in smaller and bigger side.
  5. Climate and atmospheric conditions. The natural environment, as a factor that influences the time. If rapid change in climate is likely to not only the cycle of displacement, but also the change in volume.
  6. Heredity. There is a view not only to hereditary diseases, but also the body structure and interior layout bodies.

When to seek medical advice

Many women's problems solved, and it began, thanks to regular inspections by specialists (and it is not only a gynecologist, but also about other doctors). Blood loss during menstruation - is a normal process. He is not able to damage the body or too weak woman. But it is only in the case of the normal flow regulation. If there is any abnormality, with them you need to see a gynecologist.

The average amount of blood - very individual for each woman. When the cycle is more or less stabilized (this happens in two or three years after the onset of critical days), it is necessary to fix the amount. Light fluctuations of blood lost during menstruation - this is normal. But changing the out-of-control, which is not explained by simple reasons (stress, change of climate, diet ...) - "bell" of the problems in the body.

When, during the critical days you feel not only uncomfortable, but a sharp pain, dizziness, nausea, blood the number is significantly larger than usual - well worth a visit a gynecologist. And quickly. This may indicate acute inflammatory processes, which are now active phase. If the reaction is not a violation, it will result in a much greater challenge - up to operations and loss of reproductive function.

If the blood loss that month obtained are minimal, and the diet has not changed, it is also a good reason to visit the hospital. Especially if you are not yet 55 years and the reasons for the beginning of menopause yet. It is not necessary to wait until the problem go away by itself.

Even if nothing unusual happens (you do not suffer from chronic pain or rezey, color is not changed, the volume remained at the same level, ...), but can not help feeling that the monthly go "wrong", does not apply to the gynecologist It hurts. Vigilant in such an important and sensitive issue is not superfluous. We can now define a plurality of difficult and dangerous disease long before the critical point. This was made possible thanks to modern technology and regular gynecological examinations. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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