Red blood during menstruation: what color should be monthly (normal)


  1. What should be the color of menstrual blood
  2. How to assess the allocation
  3. Non-hazardous causes red blood during menstruation
  4. As the shade is formed
  5. signs of
  6. Possible problems
  7. As distinguished from the mother menses bleeding

Menstrual cycle and its characteristics help in time suspected to women's health problem. Discharge of blood during menstruation does not surprise anyone, but a change in the nature of bleeding often alarming. This article will help to understand the issue relates to whether the rate of red blood during menstruation and whether to seek help from a medical institution with such a sign.

Red blood during menstruation

What should be the color of menstrual blood

Answering the question of the color of a healthy woman should be monthly, gynecologist sure to mention the individual characteristics of the organism, age, external factors. Single color for all does not exist, but medical standards, monthly bleeding usually:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • dark red;
  • maroon (not black).

Due to taking certain medications, stress, hormonal changes and minor climate change blood color can be replaced by the following shades:

instagram viewer
  • carrot;
  • Orange;
  • scarlet;
  • pink;

Normally this should not be the color of blood during menstruation maintained for all days of menstruation. If the situation is repeated in the next cycle, the campaign should not be delayed to the gynecologist. But also do not need to tune in to a serious disease, because the female reproductive system can react violently even minor changes.

How to assess the allocation

The appearance of a normal monthly color (darker shades of red) does not guarantee the absolute health of the reproductive system. Therefore, the red marks on the strip does not indicate pathology of the following additional features of menstruation:

  • the expected onset (give or take a few days);
  • duration of three to seven days;
  • no discomfort (severe pain, itching, burning);
  • usual amount of blood (from 50 to 150 ml);
  • the presence of certain the smell of menstrual bloodBut not offensive;
  • bright red highlight marked only at the beginning of the cycle (1-2 days).

The slight ache in the lower abdomen and waist area. But with a strong deterioration of state of health and a sharp decline of forces is better to consult a doctor and get the diagnosis.

Non-hazardous causes red blood during menstruation

Monthly scarlet does not signal pathologies, if caused by the following factors:

  • formation cycle in adolescent girls;
  • approaching menopause;
  • the presence of women gipomenorei;
  • hormonal contraceptive tablets and;
  • the use of an intrauterine device;
  • antibiotics;
  • abuse of B vitamins;
  • myocardial stress or severe shock;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • heavy lifting, strenuous exercise;
  • presence addictions (alcohol, cigarettes).

When the cause of discoloration were the above reasons, the female cycle is able to be adjusted independently.

If in the next month again instead of brown, burgundy, cherry, dark red blood appear red allocation, then it makes sense to get tested and to pass an ultrasound. Fatigue and stress often provoke such states, but serious gynecological disease may be lurking under their symptoms.

As the shade is formed

To better understand what should be the normal color of menstruation and why it accepted the changes, you must understand what does consist the monthly allocation.

Regula - this is not the only one blood. By the end of a woman's cycle in the body decreases estrogen and progesterone levels. This gives a signal to the reproductive system of the approach of the process of rejection of the endometrium layer. In the beginning, there is damage to the spiral arteries. Therefore, even in the normal monthly color is a lighter shade. Further blood should become dark due to the mixing with particles of the endometrium and mucus.

Another reason for the fact that there was red blood during menstruation, is the high content of iron, and it still just does not have time to oxidize in the first days of the cycle. But over time, it has to be darker color.

signs of

Red blood in the middle or the end of the month - it is always an alarming sign. At this point, menses have to change your color. It helps to recognize the problem the next character of the bleeding, and additional symptoms:

  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • unbearable pain;
  • occurrence of itching and burning genitals;
  • increase in volume, a considerable reduction in the amount of menses;
  • the duration of menstruation less than three or more than seven days;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lowering blood pressure.

All this indicates an abnormal condition of the reproductive system and menstrual disorders. And decide on the subsequent treatment costs only a doctor, without resorting to traditional medicine, painkillers and homeopathy.

Possible problems

Depending on the adverse symptoms and the period of occurrence of bright red blood during menstruation culprits of the situation are the following violations:

  • ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy;
  • endometriosis;
  • strong hormonal failure;
  • risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy;
  • the negative effects of the recent abortion;
  • incorrect position of IUD;
  • tumors in the uterus (polyps);
  • infection of the reproductive system;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • abnormalities of the reproductive organs;
  • consequences of surgery;
  • problems with blood;
  • uterine fibroids.

In each case has its own signals, but even a gynecologist can only secretions of bright color to tell what kind of problem occurred in the body of the patient. Therefore, the situation requires a proper examination and subsequent therapy.

As distinguished from the mother menses bleeding

Monthly without clots scarlet strongly reminiscent of uterine bleeding. If a woman has never faced such difficulties, then it will be very difficult to distinguish one from the other. But there are useful criteria to help determine the current status:

  1. Smell. In addition to blood, menstrual out mucus, particles of the endometrium. Because of this separation have their own special scent. Bleeding same goes with absolutely no flavor.
  2. Consistency. Slightly viscous menses have clots. Dangerous if the blood flows and spreads quickly.
  3. Volume. This test is the easiest way to carry out. Enough to take the usual for a pad or tampon. If the means of intimate hygiene gets wet for an hour, it is possible to suspect uterine bleeding.
  4. Failure. If menstruation has gone very early and was a long delay, after which it became much blood from the above characteristics, then the woman or hormonal imbalances, or a bleeding.
  5. Additional symptoms. When unusually abundant hemorrhage woman feels severe fatigue, chills, paleness of the skin, a significant decrease in blood pressure. When such feelings urgent need to go to the hospital.

The appearance of bright red blood during menstruation should not immediately be associated with pathology. If the same situation is observed 3-6 days, without the help of the doctor can not do. Because the material in the article can help women only hold a primary diagnosis without an accurate diagnosis.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 14
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