Why before (during) monthly want a lot of stuff: Zhor appetite


  1. What causes the appetite during menstruation
  2. How the body responds to food before menstruation
  3. As increased appetite during menstruation
  4. Why does not decrease the appetite after a month
  5. Monthly and sweet
  6. What to do with increased appetite

The menstrual cycle brings with it not only update the entire body, and a signal of a healthy reproductive system, but also a lot of inconvenience. All of them, in one way or another connected with the very process of menstruation. But why do I want to eat a lot before menstruation? This issue is considered in more detail.

Appetite before menstruation

What causes the appetite during menstruation

Monthly - is a natural process that involves a plurality of elements. Someone they are easier, someone difficult. And it depends on the state of the organism as a whole, and the individual sensitivity of individual sections. But most of all on the cycle and hormonal changes affect health.

Progesterone and estrogen - are responsible for the cycle and the health of the woman hormones - down to its lowest level in the blood. This is a critical moment. After all, this leads to a change in mood, health, skin condition, and increased appetite. It raises the level of these hormones is closer to the middle of the cycle. Then all the effects of the previous recession and come to naught.

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Increased appetite before menstruation - is the norm for almost all women. This is eloquently variety of research scientists who carried out for many years. They also found that there are several varieties of a particular hunger - before, during and after menstruation.

How the body responds to food before menstruation

Consider zhor before menstruation. Increased appetite for PMS defines a number of reasons:

  • hormonal changes;
  • stressful situations and reactions to it;
  • natural preparation for fertilization.

To understand why the PMS so much want to eat it is worth considering that this is not before menstruation and after ovulation.

Nature has mechanisms that help proper fertilization and careful nurturing. Because of this, the body begins to actively store energy in order to maintain just two. The best time for fertilization - ovulation. And it occurs before menstruation. If fertilization has not occurred, and begun menses, and the desire to eat everything that is in the refrigerator and on the shelves disappear.

When it hormonal imbalance, the effect is delayed longer. And if it is a reaction to stress, then determine the proper duration - is problematic. Reduction depends on how quickly the situation will cease to be perceived stress.

If there is a need for something specific? This may indicate that something concrete is not enough.

Why before the arrival of menstruation like a fish? The body lacks micronutrients, which are full of fish: iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins, omega fatty acids and more. What to do? Eat a piece or a couple. Just do not overdo with fish delicacies - prefer simple dishes. If this does not help, ask your doctor to develop a course for you taking vitamins and minerals.

Why before menstruation sometimes you want something salty? Salt helps to cope with stress, distraction from them. And save us from the fatigue and high stress. During PMS, the body is more prone to the influence of all these factors and requires a solution to the problem. It is not necessary to give in - salt only intensifies hunger and retains water, which is so bad is displayed on the eve of menstruation.

As increased appetite during menstruation

But Jordania during the month - this is not a preparation for procreation. It's just a reaction to stress. Body is used to cope with the difficulties of life with the help of some delicious hazard. And when he becomes one stress - due to the restructuring, the hormone surge, the pain - he had no choice but to resort to the proven and well-known methods.

Appetite increased before and during menstruation because this is the way to deal with stress seems to be the simplest and most logical. But this is fundamentally wrong. And not even because of the fact that the monthly kilos eats very late may spoil the shape. But also because such a way of dealing with stress is not the best option. And to learn to deal with this problem, until it turned into a pathology. And then it could be as lucky, maybe just weight gain and more intensive training, and perhaps strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, joint problems and many other ills that are directly related to obesity.

Another reason why during menstruation suddenly want to eat much, can serve as the hormones produced by the body specifically for egg separation process and the emergence of the new. The body reacts in its own way - trying to make up for the imbalance of hormones using conventional food.

Why does not decrease the appetite after a month

Zhor after menstruation - a special category. And if gluttony before the scheduled monthly entirely justified hormones or preparation for nurturing a child, after which it becomes irrelevant.

So why is there such a shortage? Doctors say that it could affect several options.

If you have a habit of "reward" meal, the body can convert it to the rank of a conditioned reflex. After experiencing stress, it tends to "commend" himself and does so with the help of the only known him a lever - food.

If this habit is not, and famine appears immediately after the critical days, it may be a reason to think about the balance of hormones. This is the only symptom - not a reason to make the diagnosis. But you should pay more attention to all the other manifestations: cycle regularity, swelling of the feet and face before menstruation, Hair loss and so on.

Monthly and sweet

This point should make a separate paragraph of article, if only because he worries more. After all, no diet does not tolerate kilograms of cakes and chocolates, even if a reason for that - a hormonal imbalance.

The question is why during monthly want sweet most of all, there is a full and reasoned in materials Research response - or to blame the lack of sugar in the blood (due to a sharp change in insulin levels), or lack of endorphin.

In the first case, a lack of insulin stimulates the purchase of a regular chocolate bar. But the sharp rise in insulin levels does not lead to the most iridescent effects. So from vkusnyashek should be abandoned. Often guilty of exactly this option. But in fact, endorphin deficiency reduces the level of all functions in the body and its discounted does not.

Happiness hormone our bodies produce their own (except when we are spurring chocolates content). And the most active, this process occurs during ovulation. But after it - is reduced (returns to normal, the average). And so, it is necessary to artificially add the body a little bit of joy. Improve its content and can be less costly ways - to relax, listen to music, read a favorite book, watch a movie or TV series. From endorphin changes also occur, and mood swings. The level - less irritation, decreases the desire to eat something.

Why I want to even monthly sweet? For the same reason that at the time, but then again mixed with stress. If before the body got used to "jam" its chocolates, even during the critical days he will do the same.

What to do with increased appetite

Again, the traditional ice jams before menstruation does not rest and interferes with your diet? There are a couple of secrets that will help pass the time and not to harm the figure.

If you like sweet, do not give up. But you can not overdo it. Instead of a huge cake or a pack of chocolates, you can choose the most favorite sweet, take a small piece of it, and to fully enjoy the taste. Not on the run or sneak. Better yet, try to replace high-calorie sweets with something more useful. Dried fruits, common fruits (except bananas and grapes), carrots, yogurt, berries, nuts, honey. All this is possible even in the diet.

If you just want to, everything and more, adjust your diet. Increase the number of meals, but eat only approved products. Well, when you can add in the diet of fish, chicken breast and cereals. If the diet is too rigid, it is likely that it will have to stop. And the next time wisely to expect the beginning. More than a couple weeks of such a diet should not last. Tie start to 3 or even 8 day cycle. Hunger strikes should be avoided in principle, and overeating - they harm the woman's body, provoke an imbalance of vitamins, hormones, and as a result can prevent getting pregnant, or result in a chronic disease.

Constantly pulls to eat something in particular? Fish or chocolate with nuts? It is necessary to find out exactly what is missing. course of vitamins can cope with this problem, and competent diet - do not remember her ever. So it is important to notice such a trifle.

Quickly get rid of Jora help low-calorie salads, green tea, and even loved by many cooked vegetables. The main task - to reduce the increased appetite and pull himself together before he could eat all the flour and fat in the county. Try to eat more often, and do not forget about the small snack between meals.

Prepare in advance logical - why wait? Once hunger intensified on the eve of critical days, it is necessary to fill the fridge only useful and healthy food - not to be tempted.

People with lowered immunity are at risk top. Recently transferred cold or any other inflammatory process facilitates eventual deterioration level of immunity. This means that increases your chances of getting all the negative effects of PMS to the fullest. Try not to run the illness and after recovery required to compensate for a deficiency of vitamins and works hard to restore immunity.

And so in the next month but wonder to themselves why so monthly increases appetite, try to avoid stress and adhere to strict diets are not, and the regime of proper nutrition. Take your vitamins, they enhance immunity, help fight hormone imbalance and stress.

Now a few more answers to the important questions that arise in girls:

"Increased appetite - it or PMS or pregnancy"

There are more in the first trimester rarely want. But it also happens. If there is some unusual craving for some kind of product or simply hunger significantly higher than normal in this period, it is necessary to look into the drugstore and grab a couple of pregnancy tests.

"Appetite is growing much stronger than usual. Something happened?"

If zhor attacks for a week or a couple of days before menstruation are concerned - state occurs too rapidly, the body requires something unusual or something else seems wrong - is to take a pregnancy test, and then go to the gynecologist. Whatever the result. Even if it is not pregnancy. When the female body is something drastically changed, it is necessary to begin to monitor the process as early as possible.

"It starts with the hunger for the week before, it's okay?"

It does not matter for how many days before menstruation begins Jordania. Here everything is very individual. As the cycle itself. It is likely that ovulation in a particular case takes longer than average level. This and an earlier manifestation of constant hunger. It will help reduce the same methods as the usual - rest, proper food, no stress.

If during your period you really really want to eat much, do not deny yourself. But also do not need to overeat. Eat a large portion of salad or boil good meat with vegetables. But to get involved in fast food - just too much, your favorite jeans will not forgive, no matter how good of the cause. Relaxation and tranquility will help better than any pills and vaccines.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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