Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant essential for the restoration and growth of tissues, which provides normal work of the adrenal gland and gum health. Vitamin C takes an active part in protecting the body from the harmful effects of contaminated environment, infections, prevents the development of cancerous tumors and strengthens the immune system. Has the properties to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, prevents the appearance and development of atherosclerosis. It is also important for the processes of collagen formation, protects against blood coagulation, promotes healing of wounds and takes part in the development of anti-stress hormones. It is necessary for the production of interferon and the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine and phenylanine.

Vitamin C performs two main tasks: providing immune protection and stabilizing the psyche. In addition, it helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids, also removes wrinkles and wrinkles, strengthens and smoothens the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin C is not produced in humans in sufficient quantities, so it is absolutely necessary to receive it systematically.

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The majority of the population receives comparatively large amounts of vitamin C in winter, along with potatoes, as well as fresh and sauerkraut. Despite the fact that in potato in winter there is relatively little vitamin C( about 10 mg), and in sauerkraut less than 20 mg, But this is offset by the consumption of these products in large quantities.

Ascorbic acid is destroyed by high-temperature food processing( cooking, quenching, etc.).Proceeding from this, the products should be cooked in a sealed container, and the vegetables should be placed in already boiling salted water.

In addition to all of the above, vitamin C is the strongest stimulator of muscle anabolism.

It is officially recommended to consume 200-500 mg of vitamin C per day. However, recent studies show that in case of increased physical activity, this dose should be increased, with women up to 5 grams, and men up to 8 grams per day.

In some cases, excessive intake of a vitamin with food can block its own vitamin production.

Vitamin C deficiency causes symptoms such as bleeding and inflammation of the gums, frequent colds, a predisposition to inflammation of the mucous membranes, increased fatigue, weak nerves, poor concentration of attention, depressive conditions, insomnia, early wrinkles, hair loss and worseningview.

In addition, the lack of vitamin C is manifested in increased brittleness and bleeding of blood vessels, as well as a decrease in the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. The low content of ascorbic acid in the blood is quite frequent, especially in winter and spring.

One smoked cigarette takes 30 milligrams of vitamin C from the body, and one flash of strong emotions, such as jealousy, aggression or despair within 20 minutes, is up to 300 milligrams.

Materials used:
Shilov V.N., Mits'yo V.P."Healthy Nutrition"

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