Is it possible to do massage during menstruation: back, anti-cellulite, lpg, vacuum, breast, lymphatic drainage


  1. Benefits of massage during menstruation
  2. The reasons for refusal of the procedure
  3. issues women
  4. What types of massage do prohibited
  5. What procedures are allowed
  6. Soothing acupressure in the critical days
  7. Effective self-massage during menstruation

Women love to go to massage parlors. They order different types of massage, anti-cellulite treatments, making it possible to get rid of the "orange peel" and resulting in the body in good tone. But many women do not know whether it is possible to massage during menstruation. After all, in the critical days of the ongoing restructuring of the hormonal system of the female body, which also affects the mental condition. Many ladies entirely strays daily regime, they feel in those days weak and depressed.

Massage during menstruation

Benefits of massage during menstruation

Visit a massage therapist during menstruation can, but you need to find a qualified professional who understands the procedure features. Only a professional can assess the individual characteristics of the female body and pick the correct procedure.

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Providing a reasonable and professional effects on the body during menstruation, can relieve pain and reduce spasms. Thanks to the massage, you can:

  • reduce irritation and fatigue;
  • significantly relax not only physically, but also psychologically;
  • make prevention extremity edema;
  • help the body to be in good shape.

The reasons for refusal of the procedure

What are some reasons not to do this procedure during menstruation?

  • the possibility of a rather tangible pain in the lower abdominal area;
  • fall in hemoglobin due to too heavy discharge;
  • worsening health, a feeling of weakness in the body, the possibility of fainting;
  • enhanced allocation of too strong a rush of blood to the uterus.

Unfavorable moment for many can be a psychological problem: not all women who came to the masseur in monthly days can completely relax during the session.

issues women

Gynecologists say some of the most frequently asked questions about massage during menstruation.

Is it possible to make a back massage during menstruation?

You need to make a start on the condition of the woman in the days of menstruation. Some client easily transfer session, he brings some strong discomfort and bad feelings.

If there is no certainty that should go to the masseur or not, it is best to first discuss this with your doctor. After the inspection and identify the characteristics of the body, it can give more or less precise answer.

Can I make cellulite massage during menstruation?

Anti-cellulite massage during menstruation is forbidden. It increases the amount of discharge, which may adversely affect the general condition of the woman.

But not all experts believe that massage against cellulite during menstruation - a taboo. Some doctors still allow it, warning that in the critical days of a woman's body swells, so this procedure aimed at combating cellulite, it may be less effective.

Can I make lpg massage during menstruation?

It is impossible in the first days of menstruation, because it strengthens both local blood circulation and blood flow to internal organs. Doing it in the menstrual period, a woman's risk of blood greatly increase the intensity of selection.

Is it possible to do breast massage?

It will be useful for women who experience breast pain before menstruation (such pain are often the PMS syndrome). As with any such sessions during the month, it should be easy, and in any case not amplify pain.

What types of massage do prohibited

  1. Massage the abdomen during menstruation will not bring nothing but pain (An exception is a self-massage).
  2. Making lymphatic drainage massage, a woman does not feel any result (lymphatic drainage displays the excess fluid from the body, allowing you to adjust the figure).
  3. Sessions with the use of cans (increases blood circulation, and accordingly, the volume of precipitates).
  4. Vacuum massage: will not have the desired effect.

What procedures are allowed

  1. Massaging cervical spine (neck area).
  2. Relaxing massaging feet.
  3. Easy kneading arms and legs.
  4. Massage Therapy, helps against headaches.
  5. Massaging the face.
  6. Shiatsu - massage treatments, impacts on specific energy points in the human body. Such an alternative procedure will relieve the pain and relax the muscles slightly.
  7. Massaging specific points on the body (desirably carried out after prior consultation with the doctor).
  8. Massage, which is done with the use of honey (does not affect the stomach, spine and lower back).

Soothing acupressure in the critical days

Even taking into account a large number of restrictions on the procedure at monthly through acupressure can be made less noticeable menstrual pain and cramping. The same technique can make and Shiatsu, assuming accurate massaging points on the median line of the abdomen, in the iliac bones, lumbosacral area, and the inner surface shin. Massaging these points within a short period of time you will notice a significant result.

Even if the girl does not work correctly find the whereabouts of these energy points, easy kneading, for example, the ankle will lead to a small outflow of blood from the uterus, which will reduce level spasms. At this point, the blood vessels are located, are able to concentrate around a large portion of the blood.

It would be better if the first Shiatsu sessions will conduct master. He can give the right advice, tell it does not harm the health. Starts a session it is best for a couple of weeks before the onset of menstruation.

Effective self-massage during menstruation

Sometimes self-massage is more effective than treatment by a specialist. After all, no one so well can not feel your body as its owner.

There are several variants of this procedure:

  1. Performing leisurely circular movements in the uterus area. Movement should be carried out in a clockwise direction. Before starting the procedure, it is desirable to warm his hands.
  2. Mark several tennis balls, and then put them into socks (each ball in a separate sock). Then lie down on your back and place the balls in the lumbar area (on both sides). To get started is a few minutes just lie to them, then begin to slide, performing movements the body back and forth.
  3. Massage the outer thigh, sitting on his knees (this area is necessary and easy to stroke gently pinch).

So is it possible to do massage during menstruation? If you listen to expert advice and their own feelings - a procedure will help to improve health and strengthen health.

Menstrual cycle - an important physiological process, but it does not have to completely stop a woman's life for a few days, he may make it a little changes.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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