The first month in girls: how many years, the signs (menarche)


  1. Prepare the girl to the onset of menstruation
  2. Symptoms first month
  3. At what age does come first critical days
  4. Heredity
  5. Environment
  6. Lifestyle
  7. stress level
  8. Nationality
  9. Supply system
  10. General health
  11. Features of the menstrual cycle in girls
  12. nature of the discharge
  13. early periods
  14. within one month
  15. How to trigger the beginning of the first month
  16. Selection of hygiene products
  17. A visit to the gynecologist

Puberty - a significant milestone in the life of every person. For girls, this period is associated with significant changes in both the physiological and the psychological level. One of the most important indicators of puberty are the first period in girls. You need to know how to prepare your child for this and what you should pay attention.

The first month in girls

Prepare the girl to the onset of menstruation

The first critical days - a lot of stress for a teenage girl. Prepare the child for changes in the body should be started in advance. Mom has to explain to his daughter that is menarche or menstruation, when and why they occur. Today's children can draw knowledge from many sources: the media, textbooks, peers, street. It is not always obtained facts are true and can help to make the right conclusions. Therefore, the mother should be the first from whom the daughter heard about menstruation. When talking to a child should be paid to explain that the critical days - this is normal.

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The girl should be prepared for the fact that the allocation will be every month, there may be abdominal pain, discomfort manifestation. It is possible to introduce a daughter with hygienic means, teach her how to use them. Mom can tell available words about why menstruation. The teenager has to understand that with the onset of menstruation there is a possibility of pregnancy.

To present information should be in batches, as the child grows. Moms can learn online books or videos on how to properly talk about the critical days. The tone of the conversations should be soft, friendly, but not in the form of teachings or instructions. Girl should not be afraid of menstruation.

Go to the link and go online test to understand what will soon begin monthly for the first time.

Symptoms first month

The process of turning girls female occurs gradually. The most significant are the transformation in appearance. Signs of the first month could be the following:

  1. teen's body becomes much more feminine, rounded body, disappears angularity.
  2. Intense the formation of secondary sexual characteristics - mammary glands increases.
  3. There is an increase in the volume of the thighs.
  4. The growth of total body weight.
  5. There are the first hairs pubic and armpit.
  6. Labia vary in color and size.
  7. The level of greasiness of the skin - appear pimples before menstruation.
  8. Hair suffering from dandruff.
  9. From the vagina begins allocation whiter - a whitish liquid.

The above factors appear before the arrival of menarche and foreshadow the appearance of discharge. Physiological changes provoked by the hormonal system. The body prepares to implement fertility. Having a dedicated show readiness to conceive and bear a child. Fluctuations in hormone levels is also reflected in the girl's psycho-emotional state. It may be subject to sentiment jumps, quick change of emotions, fatigue, headaches. These signs menstruatsionnogo cycle will help the girl to be ready for the beginning of the first menstrual period. Mother should carefully pay attention to the ongoing daughter with her changes.

At what age does come first critical days

Gynecologists do not give a precise answer to the question, how many years begin monthly girls. The norm is the age from 12 to 15 years. Start menarche is caused by several factors:


If mothers and grandmothers girls menses began at age 13, the probability of the first menstrual period at this age is very high;


Poor environmental conditions adversely affecting women's health. The presence of harmful factors may result in early or late menstruation in adolescents;


Most of the physical load on the body is able to provoke girls or delay premature onset of menarche;

stress level

The unbalance is the nervous system, the more difficult to know when and how to go monthly;


In eastern and southern peoples menstrual bleeding begins before;

Supply system

Excessive consumption of oily and spicy food has a negative impact on the reproductive system, including at the beginning of the month;

General health

The presence of certain diseases can cause delays in the onset of menstruation.

Most often the first period comes in the cold months (October, November and December), and in the warmer months - on the contrary.

Features of the menstrual cycle in girls

Menstrual cycle of girls and adult women are different. To establish a clear framework for the cycle must be 2 years. Therefore, the first bleeding appear irregularly, there are different intensity. Many girls 12-14 years there PMS syndrome. It is manifested in the strong sense of hunger, chairs of various disorders, headaches, bloating, as well as nervousness and irritability. Girls tend to feel a sense of anxiety.

To make it easier to determine when to begin monthly and time to learn how to act, should make special calendars with them. It may be the girl herself or her mother to mark the beginning and end of menstruation. With the records will be easy to identify possible violations of the cycle and prevent diseases system genitals.

Between 1 and 2 menses may take 40 to 90 days. These figures are the norm and are associated with the restructuring of the body. Average standard cycle time - 21-35 days.

After menarche may wobble cycle time for three years. Note that in the cycle of failure can be triggered by stress, illness and physical activity.

nature of the discharge

The appearance of the first monthly menstruation is largely dependent on the individual characteristics of the girl body. Mama to warn her daughter that shorts may appear a drop of blood. Allocation flow for 3 - 5 days. find out how much blood comes out during menstruation Article link.

The exact date when it will come the critical days, it is impossible to predict. Therefore, the young lady must be prepared to deal with such problems. The first spotting small. The most intense bleeding occurs in the first two days. It turns out the blood from the uterus along with the layers of the endometrium, the mucous membrane elements. There may be the presence of clots in the selection. menarche color also varies from light brown to dark red. Blood may appear in portions.

The presence of an unpleasant smell or color indicates a possible infection. In this case, the need to immediately consult a doctor.

early periods

The emergence menstruatsionnyh bleeding indicates the level of sexual development, when it becomes possible to conceive a child. Girls of eleven or fourteen years already interested attentions flirting boys.

Full physical development is impossible without the onset of critical days. But some allocation girls begin at the age of 6-8 years. You must know exactly what to do, if the first month began before deadline. The reasons for such deviations may be:

  • fatigue, stress, physical exhaustion;
  • poor diet, drinking carbonated beverages;
  • impaired hormonal balance;
  • spasm or dilation of blood vessels;
  • for diseases of reproductive organs and infection;
  • trauma;
  • tumor.

In order to identify the causes of failure, you should consult a doctor. Ignoring the problem can lead to serious health problems.

Difficult to predict the consequences. Scientific articles and studies suggest such negative outcomes:

  • disease in any of the genitals;
  • early menopause;
  • a high probability of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity;
  • the development of breast cancer;
  • hypertension.

It is important to timely first menstruation. It lays the foundation for women's reproductive health.

within one month

Some teenage girls monthly starting at age 16-18 years. Late onset of critical days or amenorrhea usually occurs due to stress, intense physical exercise, expressed in acute lack of weight. After twenty years of absence of discharge is a pathology. The presence of thyroid disease may also cause a delay in the critical days. When menstruation occurs, it may be accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Late menstruation - harbingers of a number of diseases of the reproductive system. For normalization cycle is necessary to adjust the order of the day, stick to the diet and consult a gynecologist for advice.

How to trigger the beginning of the first month

Gynecological age individual. But the delay menstruation for 3-4 years should disturb the girl and her mother. To determine the cause of failure requires examination by a doctor. Only a gynecologist can advise on how to call the girl's first period.

This is allowed if in the last year or two teenager feels the symptoms characteristic premenstrual syndrome: on panties regularly appear transparent allocation, there is crying and irritability. After the analysis of the reasons set, which causes a delay. The appearance of secretions can be triggered by medication method.

The network publishes advice about how to cause the first menstruation in adolescents 11, 12, 13 years in the home. Accelerate the onset of menarche is possible only after consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, the body will suffer irreparable harm.

The best ways to provide for the normalization of metabolism, adherence to diet and days. Parents must provide the child with the absence of stress, the house should be a calm and friendly atmosphere.

Selection of hygiene products

Daughters need to know from his mother how to understand what will soon begin menstruating. Teenagers should be prepared for this event in a week. Before critical days, you can collect a special makeup. Girls can put back panty liners, napkins, tampons, and spare linen.

By choosing gaskets need to take seriously. If a teenager profuse discharge, which are too long, it is better to choose an increased absorbency pads. They should be comfortable, do not rub the skin and do not cause discomfort.

Change hygiene is necessary every 2 - 3 hours. If you do not, use pads provoke bacteria, promote the penetration of infections.

Many schoolgirls have friends who know how to use tampons. Experts do not recommend that teens use tampons. Best replacement - menstrual cup that works twelve hours. This tool has become very popular in the 2017 - 2018 years.

The first time a girl can not see how the start menstruating. Blood can get on clothes. Because it is important to have a removable linen. The child should observe good personal hygiene. The day is recommended to take a shower 2 - 3 times. The girl who went to a hot shower or take a bath, increased the intensity of the discharge. Arose or further risk of losing large amounts of blood appear.

A visit to the gynecologist

For the first time, you can visit a gynecologist, and 14 - 16 and 20 years. In the absence of pathological changes in the body, the visit to the doctor is not required. Teens can on the Internet to find out what the standard monthly girls 11, 12 and 13 years and see the photos. If specific differences do not appear, you can do without professional advice. But there are a number of symptoms that define violations. Visit the doctor should be the case:

  • menses lasts longer than usual, and proceeds with a severe pain in the abdomen;
  • discharge out a large number of clots mo dark color;
  • critical days last more than 7 days;
  • isolation are more often than 1 time per month;
  • menstruation comes late and ends early;
  • secretions in the presence of extraneous odor.

Timely treatment to the doctor will not prevent serious diseases of the reproductive system. So do not be shy to once again go to the hospital.

Predict how many years, girls begin menstruating impossible. When the first signs of puberty, my mother must prepare her daughter. This is a big part of sexual education of the child. The girl - teenager should know the definition of menarche, more consciously abide by the rules of personal hygiene and take care of their health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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