The cervix before menstruation to touch: by day cycle, photo, pregnancy, falls or rises


  1. What is the cervix before menstruation
  2. What feels the cervix during pregnancy
  3. Does the self-test is enabled
  4. Technique of self-examination
  5. examination of the pregnant woman
  6. According to doctors
  7. "Pros" and "cons" self

The cervix before menstruation to touch becomes not the same as the other days of the cycle. In her condition is easy to calculate when it will begin monthly (approximately how many days before they left). Some women even spend for this purpose during PMS or when they want to get pregnant self-diagnosis at home. But to do it without proper preparation, not recommended, and may even be fraught with dangerous consequences.

The cervix before menstruation

What is the cervix before menstruation

AT according to the day cycle cervix each month changes not only his position, but also becomes a different feel. Changes and its structure.

What is the cervix before menstruation? To understand this, you need to understand what processes occur in the female body. After ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle, a woman's body and the uterus is preparing to fertilize an egg. An additional endometrium. There is a gradual change in the form and

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an increase in the uterus before menstruation. Before ovulation, the cervical canal is open to sperm could penetrate unhindered to his goal. When ovulation comes to an end, the channel gradually narrows and the uterus begins his preparation for a possible pregnancy.

If conception has not occurred, the uterus gets rid of the excess endometrial. fundus of the uterus is lowered, neck dries, hardens. In the cervical canal mucus appears, he is filled with secretions from the vagina. The secret to changing its composition and thickens.

Immediately prior to the monthly discharge of blood BL is revealed again, the mucus becomes a liquid consistency. Uterus before menstruation changes its location - its omission occurs.

CMM before menstruation is loose and soft, and descends slightly ajar. During this period, it required particularly careful hygiene, because the infection and bacteria can easily penetrate into the uterus and cause bacterial or inflammatory diseases. And they - a direct path to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes that can cause infertility. Therefore, the uterus during menstruation is most vulnerable, is low.

Excellent all changes demonstrates the cervix by day cycle (see. photo below).

The cervix by day cycle

What feels the cervix during pregnancy

The cervix before menstruation and pregnancy is different. In the latter case, it rises as high as possible, so it is difficult to palpation is carried out (the body can feel perhaps that the fingertip). The uterus is sealed, hardens, and the channel narrows and reminds a flat nozzle. If there is a delay, and these signs are present, it can be assumed pregnancy.

Does the self-test is enabled

Conduct self-examination is possible, especially if a woman feels unwell or have a concern. Learning to accurately determine the status and position of the uterus - is no easy task. But the experience comes with time. If self-examination regularly holds, then after a few cycles, you will be able to accurately diagnose the state of his body, and the reproductive system.

It provides diagnostics subject to certain simple but very important rules. These conditions must be met unconditionally:

  • no inspections during the menstrual cycle, it is fraught with the entry of infection;
  • first of all, remember: do not samoobsledovatsya more than once a day, it is better to do it 3 times a week;
  • manipulation is desirable to conduct at the same time;
  • if there is inflammation, the diagnosis to be delayed.
Cervical density

Technique of self-examination

Before you begin the pelvic examination should be carefully prepared:

  1. Cut nails. Otherwise, there is a probability surface wounds CMM.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly, so as not to carry infection.
  3. Wear sterile medical gloves, they will save the uterus by penetration of pathogens.

The best position for viewing - sitting. To make it more convenient, you can sit on the toilet and bidet. But it is better to squat, or simply pick up the pace and to fix it on the hill. If you prefer lying to feel the CMM, can be carried out self-examination and in such a position. Inserted into the vagina with two fingers (index and middle). Keep track of the movements, they should not be harsh, so as not to cause injury mucosa.

During the examination, under the fingers will find a dense mound, he is a CMM. If you have the relevant experience, we can easily identify - it is solid or, conversely, mild. And also easy to understand the status of the cervical canal - closed or open - this testifies about ovulation or other conditions.

examination of the pregnant woman

Examining yourself during pregnancy, a woman can determine the likelihood of miscarriage in early pregnancy. Thus, in an interesting position CMM is long and dense. If it is shortened (less than 2.5 cm), this becomes a serious cause of early treatment to a specialist inspection passage and even hospitalization.

Prior to the alleged date of delivery such examinations can determine the CMM willingness to labor, this is especially true when starting a third of pregnancy. It becomes shorter, smoother and flows into the mouth of his fingers 1-2. The abdomen may fall. At different gestational CMM looks and palpable in many ways.

According to doctors

Although the self-examination of the vaginal floor and the CMM can be very informative, experts do not recommend that women alone to palpate the cervix. And there are a number of reasons, which are devoted to many new articles. There is always a risk of penetration of infection, which ultimately can lead to infertility. Careless conduct inspection fraught traumatization of the mucosa, which is the path to the development of erosion.

In conjunction with infections such condition can be very risky and can even end in the development of cancer processes.

Gynecologists say that it is impossible to independently assess the quality status of CMM. After all, experts other than palpation, using additional tools - mirrors. Only with their help you can accurately judge the state of the body.

Even the doctor did not give a comment, do not report and does not put an exact diagnosis only on the basis of palpation of cervical screening and the no longer found to be pregnant, because necessarily take into account contextual factors and symptoms, especially the body, carried out US. find out what day of delay pregnancy ultrasound will reveal Article link.

cervical state only gives reason to judge about the imminent onset of menstruation or possible pregnancy. It is an opportunity to pass additional examinations, pass tests, and so on. D.

"Pros" and "cons" self

self-examination of the uterus does not give a complete picture of its condition, and the only help build some assumptions. Perhaps this is the only positive aspect of this procedure. But the negative aspects of a lot more. This and the possibility of infection, trauma, threatening inflammation, complications that lead to infertility.

Photo looks like the cervix before menstruation and during pregnancy can help to analyze the state of the organ. It should only be guided by tactile sensations.

If you have questions, they can always ask your gynecologist. If necessary, a woman can hold an independent examination of the cervix, but this should be done only in extreme situations, and not more than three times a week.

To determine the state of the body, it requires a lot of experience, which means that in the absence of screening is uninformative and does not give any results. Only an experienced doctor is able to recognize changes, to evaluate them and to appoint additional methods of inspection, because the position of the cervix is ​​constantly changing by day cycle, and these features need to be sure take account of.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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