Can I pass urine during menstruation for tests (like take a number of days)


  1. Why study conducted urine
  2. species research
  3. Can I pass urine during menstruation
  4. What is the impact on the monthly figures
  5. How to collect material for analysis during critical days
  6. Preparatory stage
  7. How to collect urine

Urinalysis - one of the main kinds of research that allows the doctor to get an idea about the state of health of the patient. But the female body has certain characteristics. Therefore, in patients who are faced with the need to conduct such a procedure, there are doubts about the fact whether it is possible to pass urine during menstruation.

To pass urine during menstruation

Why study conducted urine

Urine is the product life of the human body, secreted by the kidneys. In its structure contains impurities, the amount of which in a healthy and a sick person is different. Changes in these indicators signal the pathological processes in the body. Focusing on the findings, the doctor is able to detect abnormalities.

Urinalysis reveals how the body is defined elements. It also makes it possible to identify the dysfunction of the genitourinary system, metabolic disorders and other diseases. This procedure is included in the list of studies that are performed during the maintenance inspection.

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Learn from an article link whether it is possible to treat the teeth during menstruation.

species research

Urine is divided into the following types:

  • common analysis is to determine the amount of protein, glucose, and urea;
  • Clinical involves identifying the number of cell substances;
  • Zimnitskiy by - determining kidney condition;
  • nechyporenko for the detection of inflammatory foci. The study investigated the precipitate detected amount of blood cells;
  • Biochemistry allows to trace concentrations of certain elements in the body (sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.);
  • Amburzhe by giving a presentation on the work of the urinary system.

Process full study consists of three stages. First, examination is carried out visually. Specialist studies provided the concentration and color of the material. In the second phase, the chemical research. It involves the study of substances that make up the urine and determining the number of cells.

The final stage is to conduct microscopic analysis. Here we study the bacteria and other substances contained in the urine. Also, the cell type is calculated.

Can I pass urine during menstruation

, You need to understand before you start the procedure, whether it is possible to take the monthly analysis urine. The presence of blood affects the composition of urine. As a result of changing specific parameters. Therefore, if possible, experts advise wait for completion of menstruation and then pass the material.

But often there are cases when you need to conduct a study on an urgent basis. In this situation, you can pass urine. However, the results to be reliable, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. About monthly mandatory should be reported to the doctor.

What is the impact on the monthly figures

When organic material fall blood impurities it acquires certain properties characteristic also for some diseases. Urine changes color, becomes cloudy. In increase in specific weight, which allows you to monitor the filtering ability of the kidneys. In the urine penetrates the mucus. Also acetone concentration increases.

Increasing the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes. This blood cells, which perform important functions in the body. Leukocytes destroy pathogens. A red blood cells are responsible for the oxygen supply of the organism.

Similar rates are observed in the following pathologies:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • inflammation;
  • tumor processes;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • jaundice;
  • fever;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • lupus erythematosus.

When menstruation urinary epithelium amount increases. A similar result can occur if not properly functioning bladder. After monthly urine tests show more accurate results.

How to collect material for analysis during critical days

When there is a need to pass urine during menstruation, it is important to do it correctly. blood components, penetrating into the urine during menstruation, can distort the data. As a result of the conclusions of a medical professional will be erroneous. If necessary, will have to pass the new tests.

Preparatory stage

An important stage in the collection of urine is to prepare. Before you pass urine during the critical days, you need to remove from the diet of certain foods and beverages. On the eve of the procedure is prohibited to use:

  • spinach;
  • spice;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • fruits containing vitamin C;
  • salted and smoked food;
  • alcoholic drinks.

The need to waive these products due to the fact that they affect the color of urine.

Of drugs also can not be accepted, since it will lead to false results. If you avoid receiving these funds can not be, you need to tell the doctor about it.

It is also contraindicated exercise.

For analysis require transparent container of 50 mL, which can be purchased at any Pharmacy. The tank should be disposable to the wide entrance. Material can be collected in a sterile container, which has previously been necessary to wash and dry well.

How to collect urine

If you went monthly and need to pass urine, you need to follow some guidelines. After all, this study can identify or refute a number of diseases. The procedure is performed in the morning. From the last urination before the collection is necessary to wait for 4 hours. Act at the time of analysis is necessary in the following order:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Process warm water temperature genitals. Apply detergent prohibited.
  3. Collect urine into the container. The vagina can not be in contact with the container, which should be placed at some distance from the body. For the procedure you need to get up above the surface of the toilet bowl and collect the middle part of the material. The first and final portions are not suitable for the research.

To increase the likelihood of obtaining reliable results, it is recommended to use a tampon. It is administered in the vagina after the water treatment. The use of a tampon reduces the likelihood that the urine protein may get that distort the results. This statement will provoke a wrong diagnosis.

Shall assays immediately after a maximum of 1.5 hours after the collection. Under the conditions of the refrigerator preservation of biological material may be extended to 2 hours. The organic components contained in urine, will decompose into simpler compounds. Because of their mutual reaction of the urine will vary.

In urgent cases, the urine collection is conducted special medical means without urinating. This is done using a catheter. Results of this study will be reliable, since during the procedure there is no contact between the material and the sexual organs.

For more theoretical help, visit the special website that hosts reviews and comments on this topic.

Sometimes you need to pass urine into menstrual period. But with the right preparation to obtain reliable data, if coming month, perhaps. To do this, follow these recommendations. The day before the procedure, a woman must give up exercise, and use of drugs only healthy food. In the opposite case, the data will be distorted, leading to false conclusions. When possible, tests during menstruation should not do.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 82
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